60 resultados para Trindade and Martin Vaz Islands
em Acceda, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España
[EN] Marine turtles commonly carry diverse forms of epizoa on their shells. The occurrence of a particular species may ultimately help to clarify certain questions about sea turtle natural life history. This paper gives a detailed and comparative list of epizoic species found on two populations of macaronesian loggerheads: pelagic and juveniles living around the Canary Islands and mature females nesting in Boavista Island, Cabo Verde. For the epizoic flora, the most important genera founded is Polysiphonia (Rhodophiceae); P. carettia for the pelagics and Polysiphonia sp. for the nesting animals.
[EN]We present the first U-series ages of corals from emergent marine deposits on the Canary Islands. Deposits at +. 20. m are 481 ± 39 ka, possibly correlative to marine isotope stage (or MIS) 11, while those at +. 12 and +. 8. m are 120.5 ± 0.8. ka and 130.2 ± 0.8. ka, respectively, correlative to MIS 5.5. The age, elevations, and uplift rates derived from MIS 5.5 deposits on the Canary Islands allow calculations of hypothetical palaeo-sea levels during the MIS 11 high sea stand. Estimates indicate that the MIS 11 high sea stand likely was at least +. 9. m (relative to present sea level) and could have been as high as +. 24. m.
[EN] The Republic of Cape Verde is situated about 500 km off the coast of Senegal, West Africa. The islands of Sal, Boa Vista and Maio constitute the Eastern group and harbour the most important nesting beaches for loggerhead turtles in the Archipelago. During 1998-2004 nesting seasons, fieldwork has been focused on the eastern beaches of Boa Vista and, occasionally, in other beaches of Boa Vista and in the islands of Maio, Sal and Santa Luzia. The main study area includes a total extension of 3.1 km of suitable nesting beaches. All through these years, a tagging program has been carried out, alongside recording of biological data and monitoring of nests.
[EN] Five palaeosols, intercalated within the Quaternary dune beds of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote (Canary Islands), off the Moroccan coast, mark wetter climatic episodes. In all of them, billions of calcified insect ootheca testify to past occurrences of Acridian plagues, such as those reaching the western Sahara following heavy rainfall events over the Sahel.
[EN] On 8-10 April 2007, several episodes of intense sea-breeze fronts were registered at the islands of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote (Canary Islands). The sea-breeze circulation was primary driven by daytime heating contrasts between land and the Atlantic Ocean during a period of weak trade winds. Numerical simulations of these events were carried out using the 3.1.1 version of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF-ARW) Model. Three different domains with 6.6-km, 2.2-km and 0.7-km horizontal grid spacing and two sets with 51 and 70 vertical sigma levels were defined. The simulation was performed using two-way interactive nesting between the first and the second domain, using different land surface model parameterizations (Thermal diffusion, Noah LSM and RUC) for comparison. Initial conditions were provided by the NCAR Dataset analysis from April 2007, which were improved using surface and upper-air observations. The poster is focused on the 10 April episode.
[ES]La riqueza genética que nos ofrecen las poblaciones naturales de la flora en Canarias puede estar bajo riesgo. Con esto en mente, se desarrollaron marcadores moleculares (SSR) específicos para el análisis genético de Silene nocteolens, una planta herbácea que solo crece en el Teide; y Sorbus aria, 50 árboles que en Canarias están restringidos a Tenerife y La Palma. En S. nocteolens se encontró una gran variabilidad genética, poca diferenciación genética entre sus dos poblaciones y un bajo porcentaje autofecundación. En S. aria se reporta un carácter triploide, menor variabilidad genética en las muestras canarias que en las peninsulares y una diferenciación genética considerablemente alta.
Máster Oficial en Gestión Costera
[ES]Este artículo aborda la noción de frontera en las sociedades marítimas de la Baja Andalucía y Canarias en el tránsito del siglo XV al XVI, caracterizándola a partir de tres grandes líneas de relación. La primera gira en torno a su conformación espacial; la segunda en las relaciones económicas que se desarrollan en su seno; la tercera en la configuración de las sociedades que habitaron esos espacios, prestando a su vez atención a las culturas transfronterizas conformadas en esas sociedades. Todo ello con el objetivo de definir semejanzas y diferencias entre ambos contextos, y entre la frontera marítima y la terrestre. [EN] This article deals with the notion of boundary in maritime societies along Atlantic Andalusia and the Canary Islands at the turn of the 16th century, which is defined by three main axes of relationship. The first one focuses on its spatial distribution; the second one, the economic relations developed within it; and the third one, in the shaping of their societies, taking into account cross-border cultures shaped within them. All of this aimed at defining similarities and differences between both contexts, and also between sea and land borders.