5 resultados para Reptiles, Fossil
em Acceda, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España
[EN] Numerous specimens of fossil brachiopods have been found in the different fossiliferous outcrops of the Canary Islands. These fossils have been found in the deposits of Mio-Pliocene age of the eastern Canary Islands, described and illustrated in the work of Meco et ali. 2005 and in the outcrops interpreted as a tsunami deposits in Piedra Alta, Lanzarote, belonging to the Marine Isotope Stage 11 dated to circa 330 ka. 4 species of fossil brachiopods have been identificated: Terebratula sinuous Brocchi 1814, Lacazella mediterranea Risso 1826 Terebratulina caputserpentis (Zbyszewski, 1957) and Thecidium cf . digitatum (Sowerby 1823). These fossils provides stratigraphic and paleoclimatic taxonomic information. Furthermore, in order to compare the fossil brachiopods with present in the Canary Island, a reference collection is defined with specimens obtained from marine sediment surveys at Gran Canaria, La Palma and El Hierro, identifying 3 species: Argyrotheca barrettiatia (Davidson, 1866), Megerlia truncata (Linaeus 1767 ) and Pajaudina atlantica (Logan 1988).
[EN] The emergent marine deposits of the Mediterranean basin have been recognized as an important record of Quaternary sea level history for more than a century. Previous workers identified what have been interpreted to be two separate high stands of sea in the late Quaternary, namely the "Eutyrrhenian" (thought to be ~ 120 ka) and the "Neotyrrhenian" (thought to be either ~ 100 ka or ~ 80 ka). On Mallorca, Spain, both of these named deposits lie close to present sea level, implying paleo-sea levels slightly above present during both marine isotope stages (MIS) 5.5/5e and either 5.3/5c or 5.1/5a. If these interpretations are correct, they conflict, at least in part, with sea level records from far-field localities.
[ES] No es una novedad que muchas especies ocupen áreas de las que no se las considera originarias y que, en un porcentaje elevadísimo de los casos, la mano del hombre se encuentre directamente detrás de esos movimientos de animales y plantas. Pero la gravedad del problema se ha incrementado hasta tal punto que en la actualidad se la considera uno de los principales azotes medioambientales y la segunda causa probada de pérdida de biodiversidad a nivel global (Lowe et al., 2000; IUCN, 2010). Muchas de las que han sido calificadas como las peores especies invasoras han acompañado al hombre en sus correrías desde los albores de la historia, aclimatándose a las condiciones del nuevo territorio y provocando la extinción de numerosas especies nativas e incluso modificando el paisaje (Lowe et al., 2000).
[EN] The Canary lsland lizards constitute a monophyletic group which separated from the rest of the family shortly after the first islands of the archipelago emerged. Five living and at least one recently extinct species belong to the genus Gallotia. In addition, two of the living species, Gallotia simonyi and Gallotia stehlini have become extinct on Gomera and Tenerife, respectively. Juveniles of all species present tricuspid teeth. This character is preserved in the adults with changes to one degree or another in G. galloti, G. caesaris, G. simonyi and G. goliath. In G. atlantica there are only two cuspids and G. stehlini has 4 or more.
[ES] Boavista, o Bubista como prefieren escribir sus habitantes, es la isla más oriental del archipiélago volcánico de Cabo Verde con 620 km2 de superficie. Su antiguo origen se ve reflejado en una geografía extremadamente erosionada y plana, en la que no se sobrepasan los 390 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Soporta un clima extremadamente árido (precipitaciones: 91 mm media anual), con temperaturas suaves (Tmax = 26.7ºC; Tmin = 21.4ºC) y con la presencia casi constante de los vientos del nordeste (Alisios) (KASPER, 1987). La vegetación es esteparia, rala y generalmente 10 desprovista de estrato arbóreo, con la salvedad de algunas áreas localizadas (CASTANHEIRA & CARDOSO, 1988).