16 resultados para Química física inorgànica
em Acceda, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España
[EN] Bioindicators have been used in urban and industrial areas to control the atmospheric pollution because it constitutes one of the most important environmental problems of human health. In this sense, mosses are able to reflect the chemical composition of surrounding atmosphere that together with the easy production techniques becomes mosses as one of the potential bioindicators in Europe. This study is part of the Mossclone project (FP-7) and quantifies the adsorption of heavy metals on 4 typical moss species in order to propose one of them to be used for environmental monitoring in the moss bag technique.
La cinética de oxidación de Cu(I) con oxígeno, a concentración nanomolar, se ha estudiado en función de la concentración de cobre (I), pH, concentración de bicarbonato y de la temperatura, al objeto de obtener las ecuaciones de dependencia de la constante de velocidad con cada variable, en NaCl (0.7M) con bicarbonato (2mM) y en agua de mar. Los estudios a escala nanomolar se han comparado con los estudios realizados por otros autores a escala micromolar. El tiempo de vida medio a nivel nanomolar es superior en ambos medios, lo que justifica la presencia de concentraciones medibles de Cu(I) en aguas superficiales. La constante de velocidad de segundo orden (k) es independiente de la concentración de Cu(I), en el rango de 20 a 200 nM, con lo que los resultados permiten una visión más realista de lo que ocurre en el océano. En los estudios del efecto del pH en la cinética de oxidación se obtienen rectas próximas para disolución de NaCl (0.7M) con bicarbonato (2mM) y en agua de mar, por lo que las interacciones específicas pueden despreciarse o quedar compensadas entre sí. La ecuación obtenida para cada caso es: Logk(NaCl) = −2.453(±0.341) + 0.611(±0.044)pH (para NaCl) Logk(sw) = −1.484(±0.266) + 0.489(±0.034) pH (para agua de mar) La concentración de bicarbonato produce un aumento en la constante de segundo orden (k) hasta 5mM, comportándose de acuerdo con la ecuación siguiente: [ ] [ ]2 3 2 3 3 2 2 ( ) 1.54 10 ( 3.518 10 ) 3.963( 58.17 10 ) 0.212( 3.242 10 ) 3 NaHCO Logk NaHCO NaHCO − − − ⋅ ± ⋅ = − ± ⋅ + ± ⋅ − El aumento de la temperatura produce un aumento en la constante de velocidad relacionándose este efecto con la entalpía y entropía de activación del proceso. Oxidación de Cu(I) en agua de mar 8 El trabajo realizado supone un mejor conocimiento de los procesos que controlan la cinética de oxidación del Cu(I) en medios naturales y servirán de base para futuros experimentos.
The oxidation and reduction of copper in air-saturated seawater and NaCl solutions has been measured as a function of pH (7.17-8.49), temperature (5-35ºC) and ionic strength (0.1-0.7 M). The oxidation rate was fitted to an equation for sodium chloride and seawater valid at different pH and media conditions: k . . pH- . /T- . I . I k . . pH- . /T- . I . I (sw) (NaCl) log 5 036 0 514 1764 915 1101 0 233 log 5 221 0 609 1915 433 1818 0 408 = + + = + + The reduction of Cu(II) was studied in both media for different initial concentration of copper(II). When the initial Cu(II) concentration was 200 nM, the copper(I) produced was 20% and 9% for NaCl and seawater, respectively. Considering the copper(I) reduced from Cu(II), the speciation and the contribution of these species to the kinetic process was studied. The Cu(I) speciation is dominated by the CuCl2 - species. On the other hand, the neutral chloride CuCl species dominates the Cu(I) oxidation in the range 0.1 M to 0.7 M chloride concentrations.
Programa de doctorado en Oceanografía. Trabajo presentado para la obtención del Diploma de Estudios Avanzados.
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[EN] New TiO2 catalysts have been synthesised by means of a sol–gel method in which aggregates have been selected before thermal treatment. Sieving and calcination temperature have been proved to be key factors in obtaining catalysts with greater photoactivity than that of Degussa P-25. These new catalysts have been characterized by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), BET surface area, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), UV–vis spectroscopy, Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The different parameters studied were compared to those obtained from two commercial catalysts (Degussa P-25 and Hombikat-UV100). The photocatalytic efficiency of the new catalysts was evaluated by the degradation of various phenolic compounds using UV light (maximum around 365 nm, 9mW). The catalyst sieved and calcinated at 1023 K, ECT-1023t, showed phenol degradation rates 2.7 times higher than those of Degussa P-25. Also in the degradation of different phenolic compounds, this catalyst showed a higher activity than that of the commercial one. The high photoactivity of this new catalyst has been attributed to the different distribution of surface defects (determined from FTIR studies) and its increased capacity to yield H2O2
Programa de doctorado: Ingeniería ambiental y desalinización
Máster Universitario en Oceanografía
[ES]Póster presentado en 3rd European Conference on Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes.
El contenido del póster corresponde a parte del trabajo de tesis doctoral de la Dra. Cristina Rodríguez López.
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