em Acceda, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España


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[EN] Size-abundance spectra (SAS) were analyzed in different phytoplankton assemblages of the Alborán Sea collected in areas with contrasting hydrological features (upwelling areas and anticyclonic gyre). Abundance of micro-plankton cells decreased following the hydrological gradient from the most productive stations towards offshore stations. This size-fraction of phytoplankton was dominated by diatoms. Pico-plankton followed an opposite gradient. Concordantly, the slope of the SAS trended to decrease from coastal areas (upwelling) towards the anticyclonic gyre. However, phytoplankton assemblages featuring similar SAS values presented a quite different taxonomical composition of their diatom communities. According to the previous available information about the taxonomical composition of the phytoplankton communities in the Alborán Sea, these differences in diatom composition are indicative of differences in productivity of the phytoplankton. Consequently, the utility of phytoplankton SAS as an indicator of changes in the phytoplankton communities of the Alborán Sea is discussed.


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[EN] We describe the coupling between upper ocean layer variability and size-fractionated phytoplankton distribution in the non-nutrient-limited Bransfield Strait region (BS) of Antarctica. For this purpose we use hydrographic and size-fractionated chlorophyll a data from a transect that crossed 2 fronts and an eddy, together with data from 3 stations located in a deeply mixed region, the Antarctic Sound (AS). In the BS transect, small phytoplankton (<20 μm equivalent spherical diameter [ESD]) accounted for 80% of total chl a and their distribution appeared to be linked to cross-frontal variability. On the deepening upper mixed layer (UML) sides of both fronts we observed a deep subducting column-like structure of small phytoplankton biomass. On the shoaling UML sides of both fronts, where there were signs of restratification, we observed a local shallow maximum of small phytoplankton biomass. We propose that this observed phytoplankton distribution may be a response to the development of frontal vertical circulation cells. In the deep, turbulent environment of the AS, larger phytoplankton (>20 μm ESD) accounted for 80% of total chl a. The proportion of large phytoplankton increases as the depth of the upper mixed layer (ZUML), and the corresponding rate of vertical mixing, increases. We hypothesize that this change in phytoplankton composition with varying ZUML is related to the competition for light, and results from modification of the light regime caused by vertical mixing.


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Programa de doctorado: Oceanografía (Bienio 2006-2008). Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Departamento de Biología y Institut de Ciéncies del Mar.


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Programa de doctorado de Oceanografía ; 2006-2008