8 resultados para Geo-transformare

em Acceda, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España


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[EN] Breast cancer patients show a wide variation in normal tissue reactions after radiotherapy. The individual sensitivity to x-rays limits the efficiency of the therapy. Prediction of individual sensitivity to radiotherapy could help to select the radiation protocol and to improve treatment results. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between gene expression profiles of ex vivo un-irradiated and irradiated lymphocytes and the development of toxicity due to high-dose hyperfractionated radiotherapy in patients with locally advanced breast cancer. Raw data from microarray experiments were uploaded to the Gene Expression Omnibus Database http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/ (GEO accession GSE15341). We obtained a small group of 81 genes significantly regulated by radiotherapy, lumped in 50 relevant pathways. Using ANOVA and t-test statistical tools we found 20 and 26 constitutive genes (0 Gy) that segregate patients with and without acute and late toxicity, respectively. Non-supervised hierarchical clustering was used for the visualization of results. Six and 9 pathways were significantly regulated respectively. Concerning to irradiated lymphocytes (2 Gy), we founded 29 genes that separate patients with acute toxicity and without it. Those genes were gathered in 4 significant pathways. We could not identify a set of genes that segregates patients with and without late toxicity. In conclusion, we have found an association between the constitutive gene expression profile of peripheral blood lymphocytes and the development of acute and late toxicity in consecutive, unselected patients. These observations suggest the possibility of predicting normal tissue response to irradiation in high-dose non-conventional radiation therapy regimens. Prospective studies with higher number of patients are needed to validate these preliminary results.


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[ES] El vulcanismo holoceno en Gran Canaria comprende una serie de conos estrombolianos y calderas freatomagmáticas aparentemente alineados en dirección NO-SE, desde los que surgen coladas de lavas que son inmediatamente canalizadas a fondo de barranco, siendo esta característica geomorfológica el hecho diferencial que permite separar al vulcanismo holoceno de todo el vulcanismo precedente (>20 ka). El recorrido de las lavas oscila de 1 a 10 km, y solo en las erupciones de menor envergadura se originaron lavas de corto recorrido incapaces de inundar los cauces de los barrancos.


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[ES] El complejo volcánico formado por el Teide y los rifts NO y NE de Tenerife se ha formado, al igual que Tenerife y las restantes islas del Archipiélago Canario, por unas condiciones geodinámicas específicas que han propiciado procesos capaces de generar el volcanismo sostenido y voluminoso necesario para su construcción. Estas islas existen y son como son por la particular dinámica de su génesis y desarrollo, relacionado con un punto caliente activo al menos durante los últimos 60-70 millones de años (para una discusión más detallada del conjunto del Archipiélago Canario ver el capítulo de introducción en este mismo volumen).


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[EN] The main types of submarine geological emissions are classified as cold seeps (hydrocarbons and brines) and hot vents. These processes result in the emission of geological fluids: brine, gases (mainly hydro-carbons), sediments and rocks. Submarine emissions are associated with an intensive geological, geo-chemical, thermal and biological activity (Judd and Hovland, 2007), and constitute a key process in the dynamics of the global cycles of the planet Earth.