14 resultados para Gastropod Haliotis

em Acceda, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España


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Master Universitario Internacional en Acuicultura


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[EN]Three chemical methods for induction of relaxation in H. tuberculata coccinea (50-80mm shell length) were tested: sodium pentobarbital (60mg/l), 2-phenoxyethanol (2ml/l) and clove oil at three concentrations (0.02, 0.05 and 0,5ml/l). The time taken for animals to release from aquaria walls and recover from the anaesthetics was recorded. No mortality was observed after one week from experiment. All anaesthetics made animals release from container walls within 10-30 min, but they were ineffective as muscle relaxants, leaving the foot hard and contracted. The most effective concentration tested for clove oil was 0,5ml/l at 22ºC.


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Programa de Doctorado: Acuicultura: producción controlada de animales acuáticos


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[EN] Diatom cell quantity and their biochemical composition vary among species and are greatly affected by harvest stage or culture conditions. Biometric parameters, growth, attachment capacity and variations in biochemical composition of four species of benthic diatoms (Amphora sp., Navicula incerta, Nitzschia sp. and Proschkinia sp.) were studied. For biochemical analysis the diatoms were harvested at different stages, in log and stationary phase of growth. The culture conditions were identical for all the experiments, benthic diatoms were cultured during 7 days in F/2 medium at 28.5 ± 1.4 ºC, at different original inoculating densities (50000, 100000, and 250000 cell mL-1), under continuous light of 5403 ± 649 Lux provided by cool white fluorescent lighting. The cultures were neither aerated nor agitated. These results show that the specific density of 10000 cell mL-1 was the best for weekly production: Proschkinia sp. reached the highest cell density of 5.81 x 106 cells mL-1 and Amphora sp. had the highest cell attachment capacity with 12000 cell mm-2, in stationary phase of growth. Protein and lipid content were higher in log phase than in stationary phase for the four diatoms. Amphora sp. in log phase of growth had the highest lipid content of 9.74% dry weight (DW). Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content ranged from 23.25% to 38.62% of the total fatty acids (TFA), and the four diatoms tested were richer in n-3 PUFA than in n-6 PUFA. All the diatoms had significant quantities of 20:5n-3 (EPA) ranging between 12.69% and 17.68% of TFA. Benthic diatoms play an important and critical role in abalone culture as they are the principal food source of abalone post-larvae. Therefore, it is necessary to improve diatom quantity and quality to optimize post-larval nutrition and the consistency of production, resulting in an increase in growth and survival of abalones.


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[EN] First description of the complete embryo and larval development of the Canarian abalone (Haliotis tuberculata coccinea Reeve.) was conducted along 39 stages from fertilization to the appearance of the third tubule on the cephalic tentacles and illustrated in a microphotographic sequence. Eggs obtained by induced spawning with hydrogen peroxide from the GIA captive broodstock were stocked at a density of 10 eggs/mL and kept at 23 0.5 BC for 62 h until the formation of the third tubule. Live eggs and larvae were continuously observed on a 24 h basis at a 3400 magnification under transmitted light. At each stages, specific morphological features, illustrated by microscopic photographs, were described, as well as the time required for their apparition. Fertilized eggs diameter was 205 8 mm (mean SD), whereas length and width of larvae ready to undergo metamorphosis were 216.6 5.3 mmand 172 8.8 mm, respectively. Knowledge on the larval morphological development acquired through this study will contribute to the improvement of larval rearing techniques for this abalone species.


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Programa de doctorado: Acuicultura: producción controlda de animales acuáticos


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Programa de doctorado: Acuicultura


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[EN] The last 5 Myr  are characterized by cliamatic variations globally and are reflected in ancient fossiliferous marine deposits visible in the Canary Islands. The fossils contained are identificated as paleoecological and paleoclimatic indicators. The Mio-Pliocene Transit is represented by the coral Siderastrea micoenica Osasco, 1897; the gastropods Rothpletzia rudista Simonelli, 1890; Ancilla glandiformis (Lamarck, 1822); Strombus coronatus Defrance, 1827 and Nerita emiliana Mayer, 1872 and the bivalve Gryphaea virleti Deshayes, 1832 as most characteristic fossils  and typical of a very warm climate and littoral zone. Associated  lava flows  have been dated radiometrically  and provides a range between  8.9 and about 4.2 Kyr. In the mid-Pleistocene, about 400,000 years ago, the called Marine Isotope Stage 11, a strong global warming that caused a sea level rise happens. Remains of the MIS 11  are preserved on the coast of Arucas (Gran Canaria), and associated with a tsunami in Piedra Alta (Lanzarote). These fossilifeorus  deposits contains the bivalve Saccostrea cucullata (Born, 1780), the gastropod Purpurellus gambiensis (Reeve, 1845) and the corals Madracis pharensis (Heller, 1868) and Dendrophyllia cornigera (Lamarck, 1816). Both sites have been dated by K-Ar on pillow lavas (approximately 420,000 years) and by Uranium Series on corals (about 481,000 years) respectively. The upper Pleistocene starts with another strong global warming known as the last interglacial or marine isotope  stage (MIS) 5.5, about 125,000 years ago, which also left marine  fossil deposits exposed in parallel to current in Igueste of San Andrés (Tenerife),  El Altillo, the  city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria  and Maspalomas (Gran Canaria),  Matas Blancas, the Playitas and Morrojable (Fuerteventura ) and in Playa Blanca and Punta Penedo (Lanzarote ). The fossil coral Siderastrea radians (Pallas , 1766 ) currently living in the Cape Verde Islands , the Gulf of Guinea and the Caribbean has allowed Uranium series dating. The gastropods Strombus bubonius Lamarck, 1822 and Harpa doris (Röding , 1798 ) currently living in the Gulf of Guinea. Current biogeography using synoptic data obtained through satellites provided by the ISS Canary Seas provides data of Ocean Surface Temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll a (Chlor a) . This has allowed the estimation of these sea conditions during interglacials compared to today .


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Máster Oficial en Cultivos Marinos. Trabajo presentado como requisito parcial para la obtención del Título de Máster Oficial en Cultivos Marinos, otorgado por la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), el Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas (ICCM), y el Centro Internacional de Altos Estudios Agronómicos Mediterráneos de Zaragoza (CIHEAM)


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[EN] The presence of Harpa doris Röding, 1798 in marine deposits of the last interglacial period, ~. 130-120. ka (marine isotope stage or MIS 5.5) in the Canary Islands (Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura) enabled us to compare this occurrence with its present habitat in the Gulf of Guinea and the Cape Verde Islands, well to the south. This comparison leads to the conclusion that sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the waters around the Canary Islands during the last interglacial period were at least 3.3. °C higher than today. H. doris is found in association with the large gastropod Persististrombus latus (Gmelin, 1791) as well as the coral Siderastrea radians (Pallas, 1766).