5 resultados para Almanacs, year-books, etc., Spanish.

em Acceda, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España


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[ES]El presente artículo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal evaluar cómo el uso de los textos musicales –canciones, como popularmente se conocen– influye en el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera. Una investigación llevada a cabo con estudiantes de una clase de 2º de ESO nos ha servido para confirmar las hipótesis que en un principio teníamos en lo concerniente a la adquisición de las ocho competencias básicas mediante tareas en las clases de lengua inglesa. Así, el diseño de rúbricas con unos criterios e instrumentos de evaluación específicos nos ha permitido evaluar el grado de adquisición de competencias básicas concretas. [EN]This paper focuses on the impact that the use of music texts –commonly referred to with the term ‘songs’– has on students in teaching English as a foreign language. Through a survey carried out with students of a 2nd year class of Spanish Secondary Education, our initial assumptions in terms of acquisition of key competences in English learning were validated. in acquiring specific key competences by using tasks, rubrics –consisting of detailed assessment criteria and tools– were designed and implemented as the assessment method in order for students to successfully attain specific learning objectives.


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This paper1 outlines the activity as a mathematician, historian, and compromised person of the Spanish mathematician Norberto Cuesta Dutari (1907-1989) and its relationship with the social and political situation in Spain under General Franco’s regime between 1939 and 1977 and the first years of the democratic restoration. It is shown that he was able to achieve a good mathematical production, though he never was close to the establishment and therefore could not profit from a number of opportunities for personal and institutional promotion. This article is the result of an elaboration of information directly gathered from its main protagonist, a number of secondary sources, and the primary sources: his papers and books, from which a hopefully complete list can be found in Appendix I


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[ES] En el área de Ciencias Sociales en la actualidad, dada la situación novedosa y compleja de la evaluación de la asignatura Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG), se precisa de nuevos modelos que orienten a los diferentes agentes que tendrán que desarrollar la evaluación: tutores, miembros del tribunal, etc. El objetivo en este artículo es presentar una propuesta de evaluación alternativa que oriente a los tutores en la valoración de las competencias transversales de los TFG de las titulaciones de Educación Infantil y Primaria a través de la rúbrica. Presentamos el proceso de diseño que hemos seguido en dos rúbricas para establecer su calidad. Las orientaciones que ofrecemos han surgido de una revisión de la literatura existente y de un trabajo de campo. [EN] The Final Year Project, a new compulsory subject linked to Social Sciences, has been recently introduced in the Spanish University Degrees. Given its novelty and the difficulties its assessment entails, those agents, involved in evaluating the students’ perform ance on this subject (e.g. supervisors, members of the assessment committee), need a fresh set of guidelines to assist their work. In order to meet this need in the Degrees of Preschool and Primary Education, our objective in this paper is to propose an alternative assessment model to help supervisors judge the TFGs by means of a rubric, and we offer two examples of this instrument. These assessment tools have been adapted for the TFGs where students specifically carry out a bibliographic review. The guidelines that we suggest here are the result of both the revision of existing research and fieldwork.


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[ES] En el área de Ciencias Sociales en la actualidad, dada la situación novedosa y compleja de la evaluación de la asignatura Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG), se precisa de nuevos modelos que orienten a los diferentes agentes que tendrán que desarrollar la evaluación: tutores, miembros del tribunal, etc. El objetivo en este artículo es presentar una propuesta de evaluación alternativa que oriente a los tutores en la valoración de las competencias transversales de los TFG de las titulaciones de Educación Infantil y Primaria a través de la rúbrica. Presentamos el proceso de diseño que hemos seguido en dos rúbricas para establecer su calidad. Las orientaciones que ofrecemos han surgido de una revisión de la literatura existente y de un trabajo de campo. [EN] The Final Year Project, a new compulsory subject linked to Social Sciences, has been recently introduced in the Spanish University Degrees. Given its novelty and the difficulties its assessment entails, those agents, involved in evaluating the students’ performa ce on this subject (e.g. supervisors, members of the assessment committee), need a fresh set of guidelines to assist their work. In order to meet this need in the Degrees of Preschool and Primary Education, our objective in this paper is to propose an alternative assessment model to help supervisors judge the TFGs by means of a rubric, and we offer two examples of this instrument. These assessment tools have been adapted for the TFGs where students specifically carry out a bibliographic review. The guidelines that we suggest here are the result of both the revision of existing research and fieldwork.