73 resultados para 3303 ingeniería y tecnología químicas

em Acceda, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España


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[EN]This paper presents the experimental measurements of isobaric vapor−liquid equilibria (iso-p VLE) and excess volumes (vE) at several temperatures in the interval (288.15 to 328.15) K for six binary systems composed of two alkyl (methyl, ethyl) propanoates and three odd carbon alkanes (C5 to C9). The mixing processes were expansive, vE > 0, with (δvE/δT)p > 0, and endothermic. The installation used to measure the iso-p VLE was improved by controlling three of the variables involved in the experimentation with a PC.


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[ES] Este estudio de caso analiza las políticas de vivienda obrera promovidas por la SNIACE desde una perspectiva amplia y alejada de señalar, únicamente, su interés como un mero conjunto de entes arquitectónicos. Además, atiende a la relevancia que, en este ámbito, tiene una fuente primaria como es la revista editada por la propia empresa entre 1955 y 1978, informadora y aglutinadora principal de todos los acontecimientos que implicaban a los trabajadores. Los resultados y conclusiones llevan a comprender aspectos tales que el espacio y el ambiente en los que se desarrollaba la vida de los productores y se desenvolvían las relaciones de sociabilidad fuera de la fábrica y, en correspondencia, hasta qué punto se trasladaba la jerarquía del taller a las viviendas, entre otras cuestiones. [EN] This case study examines workers’ housing policies promoted by the SNIACE from a wide perspective that differs from their only interest as a simple set of architectural entity. In addition, it addresses the relevance that, in this area, has a primary source like the magazine published by this company between 1955 and 1978, which reportedall events involving workers. The findings and conclusions lead us to understand, for example, issues such as the space and environment in which the lives of producers and social relations outside the factory were developed, and correspondingly, how the hierarchy in the workshop was adapted to housing.


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[EN]Here we present experimental data of different properties for a set of binary mixtures composed of water or alkanols (methanol to butanol) with an ionic liquid (IL), butylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate [bpy][BF4]. Solubility data (xIL,T) are presented for each of the mixtures, including water, which is found to have a small interval of compositions in IL, xIL, with immiscibility. In each case, the upper critical solubility temperature (UCST) is determined and a correlation was observed between the UCST and the nature of the compounds in the mixtures. Miscibility curves establish the composition and temperature intervals where thermodynamic properties of the mixtures, such as enthalpies Hm E and volumes Vm E, can be determined.


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[EN]Experimental solubility data are presented for a set of binary systems composed of ionic liquids (IL) derived from pyridium, with the tetrafluoroborate anion, and normal alcohols ranging from ethanol to decanol, in the temperature interval of 275 420 K, at atmospheric pressure. For each case, the miscibility curve and the upper critical solubility temperature (UCST) values are presented. The effects of the ILs on the behavior of solutions with alkanols are analyzed, paying special attention to the pyridine derivatives, and considering a series of structural characteristics of the compounds involved.


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[EN]Excess thermodynamic properties VE m and HE m, have been measured for the ternary mixture dodecane + ethyl pentanoate + ethyl ethanoate and for the corresponding binaries dodecane + ethyl pentanoate, dodecane + ethyl ethanoate, ethyl pentanoate + ethyl ethanoate at 298.15 K. All mixtures show endothermic and expansive effects. Experimental results are correlated with a suitable equation whose final form for the excess ternary quantity ME contains the particular contributions of the three binaries (i–j) and a last term corresponding to the ternary, all of them obtained considering fourth-order interactions.


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[EN]In this work, the measurements of the isobaric vapor−liquid equilibrium (VLE) data at 101.32 kPa and the excess molar volumes (vE), obtained at 10 K intervals of temperature in the range (288.15 to 328.15) K, for four binary systems comprised of methyl or ethyl butanoate with two alkanes (heptane and nonane) are presented.


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[EN]A thermodynamic study is carried out on binary systems composed of propyl ethanoate with six alkanes, from pentane to decane. Vapor pressures of the ester and the isobaric vapor−liquid equilibria of these six mixtures were measured at 101.32 kPa in a small-capacity ebulliometer and also the mixing properties yE = vE,hE over a range of temperatures and at atmospheric pressure. Adequate correlations are drawn for the surfaces yE = yE(x,T) with an interpretation on the behavior of the mixtures and also using cp E data from literature.


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[EN] This work makes a theoretical–experimental contribution to the study of ester and alkane solutions. Experimental data of isobaric vapor–liquid equilibria (VLE) are presented at 101.3 kPa for binary systems of methyl ethanoate with six alkanes (from C5 to C10), and of volumes and mixing enthalpies, vE and hE.


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[EN]This work presents the measurements made to define the temperature−composition curves for a set of binary systems composed of several pyridinium-based ionic liquids (ILs) [bpy][BF4] and [bYmpy][BF4] (Y = 2,3,4) with mono- and dihaloalkanes (Cl and Br) in the temperature interval [280−473] K and at atmospheric pressure. With the exception of the short chain dichloroalkanes (1,1- and 1,2-), all the compounds present some degree of immiscibility with the ionic liquids selected.


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[EN]This work presents experimental mixing properties, hEand vE, at several temperatures and the iso-baric vapor–liquid equilibria (iso-p VLE) at 101.32 kPa for four binaries containing pentane and four alkyl(methyl to butyl) methanoates. Particular conditions are established to work with these solutions withhighly volatile compounds, especially for the case of methyl methanoate + pentane system, for whicha continuous feeding device is designed and constructed for measuring the densities.


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[EN]This work studies the binaries of 1-butyl-X-methylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate [bXmpy][BF4] (X = 2, 3, and 4) with four 1,ω-dichloroalkanes, ω = 1−4, using the results obtained for the mixing properties hE and v E at two temperatures. The three isomers of the ionic liquid (IL) are weakly miscible with the 1,ω-dichloroalkanes when ω ≥ 5 and moderately soluble for ω = 4. The vE s of all the binaries present contractive effects, v E < 0, which are more pronounced with increasing temperature; the variation in vE with ω is positive, although this changes after ω = 4 due to problems of immiscibility


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[EN]This work studies the volumetric (VE m) and energetic (HE m) properties resulting from the mixing processes of binary systems and the corresponding ternary of two methyl esters (methanoate and pentanoate) with methanol. The three binaries produce net endothermic mixing effects, with important energetic interactions, with maximum values of HE m ffi 400 J mol 1 , for the (ester + ester) system. This produces expansive effects VE m > 0, but the binaries of the (methyl esters + methanol) give rise to contractions VE m < 0, due to the formation of molecular aggregates.