4 resultados para 290301 Robotics and Mechatronics

em Acceda, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España


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[ES] La Planificación de Rutas o Caminos es un disciplina de Robótica que trata la búsqueda de caminos factibles u óptimos. Para la mayoría de vehículos y entornos, no es un problema trivial y por tanto nos encontramos con un gran diversidad de algoritmos para resolverlo, no sólo en Robótica e Inteligencia Artificial, sino también como parte de la literatura de Optimización, con Métodos Numéricos y Algoritmos Bio-inspirados, como Algoritmos Genéticos y el Algoritmo de la Colonia de Hormigas. El caso particular de escenarios de costes variables es considerablemente difícil de abordar porque el entorno en el que se mueve el vehículo cambia con el tiempo. El presente trabajo de tesis estudia este problema y propone varias soluciones prácticas para aplicaciones de Robótica Submarina.


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[ES]El Instituto Universitario de Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería y en especial la División de Robótica y Oceanografía Computacional está desarrollando un velero autónomo de superficie que requiere de un sistema para la detección y evasión de obstáculos. Dicho sistema se ha desarrollado sobre una Raspberry Pi con un servicio para la captura de imágenes, así como un servidor web que permita la modificación de la configuración de la cámara. Una vez completada dicha infraestructura se tomaron las fotografías que conformarán el conjunto de entrenamiento para el sistema de visión por computador y se desarrollará este último. Los resultados se han integrado con el sistema del control modificando el rumbo cuando se detecte un obstáculo.


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[EN] Programming software for controlling robotic systems in order to built working systems that perform adequately according to their design requirements remains being a task that requires an important development effort. Currently, there are no clear programming paradigms for programming robotic systems, and the programming techniques which are of common use today are not adequate to deal with the complexity associated with these systems. The work presented in this document describes a programming tool, concretely a framework, that must be considered as a first step to devise a tool for dealing with the complexity present in robotics systems. In this framework the software that controls a system is viewed as a dynamic network of units of execution inter-connected by means of data paths. Each one of these units of execution, called a component, is a port automaton which provides a given functionality, hidden behind an external interface specifying clearly which data it needs and which data it produces. Components, once defined and built, may be instantiated, integrated and used as many times as needed in other systems. The framework provides the infrastructure necessary to support this concept for components and the inter communication between them by means of data paths (port connections) which can be established and de-established dynamically. Moreover, and considering that the more robust components that conform a system are, the more robust the system is, the framework provides the necessary infrastructure to control and monitor the components than integrate a system at any given instant of time.


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[EN]Nowadays companies demand graduates able to work in multidisciplinary and collaborative projects. Hence, new educational methods are needed in order to support a more advanced society, and progress towards a higher quality of life and sustainability. The University of the Basque Country belongs to the European Higher Education Area, which was created as a result of the Bologna process to ensure the connection and quality of European national educational systems. In this framework, this paper proposes an innovative teaching methodology developed for the "Robotics" subject course that belongs to the syllabus of the B.Sc. degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering. We present an innovative methodology for Robotics learning based on collaborative projects, aimed at responding to the demands of a multidisciplinary and multilingual society.