27 resultados para 2501 Ciencias de la atmósfera

em Acceda, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España


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[ES] El problema de la corrosión en Canarias es un tema muy importante que no ha sido abordado hasta la actualidad. Dada la naturaleza de los ensayos necesarios para caracterizar el nivel de corrosividad de una atmósfera, ensayos muy costosos tanto en tiempo como en materiales, se pone énfasis en determinar la velocidad de corrosión mediante técnicas electroquímicas. En el presente artículo se desarrollan dichas técnicas, determinando el efecto relativo de los contaminantes en la velocidad de corrosión y caracterizando los productos de corrosión formados, concluyendo que el SO2 ejerce un efecto más acusado que los iones cloruros en la velocidad de corrosión del acero al carbono. La técnica de Espectroscopia de Impedancia electroquímica (EIE) se presenta como una herramienta válida para caracterizar la capa de productos de corrosión formados sobre el acero al carbono.


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[ES] Las entradas de aerosoles procedentes del Continente Africano tienen un importante efecto en el clima y biogeoquímica marina de la Región Canaria. Por tal motivo, se estudiaron los factores que influyen en las concentraciones de partículas en el aire (PTS), la composición química de estas partículas y los flujos de deposición de los metales solubles (Al, Fe, Mn, Co, Ti y Cu). Para ello se tomaron muestras en tres estaciones de la Isla de Gran Canaria (Taliarte al nivel del mar, Tafira at 269 m altitud and Pico de la Gorra 1930 m altitud) desde el 2002. Utilizando las medidas de deposición seca y húmeda se puede estimar una deposición total anual para la Cuenca de Canarias de 1,36 millones de t año-1. Conociendo por tanto los valores de la composición química y la solubilidad de los elementos, podemos estimar los flujos de deposición de estos elementos solubles.


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[EN]Este estudio muestra una simulación 3D de la calidad del aire en la isla de Gran Canaria. Se simula el transporte difusión y reacción de los gases emitidos en dos centrales térmicas de la isla. Se presenta una estrategia de modelización y simulación mediante elementos finitos. Los resultados se comparan con datos experimentales. Se usa el método del Meccano para mallar la isla de Gran Canaria, a partir de una triangulación de la topografia de la isla. A continuación, con los datos de las estaciones de viento, se calcula un campo de viento para la zona de estudio…


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[EN]In previous works, many authors have widely used mass consistent models for wind field simulation by the finite element method. On one hand, we have developed a 3-D mass consistent model by using tetrahedral meshes which are simultaneously adapted to complex orography and to terrain roughness length. In addition, we have included a local refinement strategy around several measurement or control points, significant contours, as for example shorelines, or numerical solution singularities. On the other hand, we have developed a 2.5-D model for simulating the wind velocity in a 3-D domain in terms of the terrain elevation, the surface temperature and the meteorological wind, which is consider as an averaged wind on vertical boundaries...


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[EN]A three-dimensional finite element model for the pollutant dispersion is presented. In these environmental processes over a complex terrain, a mesh generator capable of adapting itself to the topographic characteristics is essential. The first stage of the model consists on the construction of an adaptive tetrahedral mesh of a rectangular region bounded in its lower part by the terrain and in its upper part by a horizontal plane. Once the mesh is constructed, an adaptive local refinement of tetrahedra is used in order to capture the plume rise. Wind measurements are used to compute an interpolated wind field, that is modified by using a mass-consistent model and perturbing its vertical component to introduce the plume rise effect...


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[EN]A three-dimensional air pollution model for the short-term simulation of emission, transport and reaction of pollutants is presented. In the finite element simulation of these environmental processes over a complex terrain, a mesh generator capable of adapting itself to the topographic characteristics is essential, A local refinement of tetrahedra is used in order to capture the plume rise. Then a wind field is computed by using a mass-consistent model and perturbing its vertical component to introduce the plume rise effect. Finally, an Eulerian convection-diffusionreaction model is used to simulate the pollutant dispersion…


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[EN]In this paper we propose a finite element method approach for modelling the air quality in a local scale over complex terrain. The area of interest is up to tens of kilometres and it includes pollutant sources. The proposed methodology involves the generation of an adaptive tetrahedral mesh, the computation of an ambient wind field, the inclusion of the plume rise effect in the wind field, and the simulation of transport and reaction of pollutants. The methodology is used to simulate a fictitious pollution episode in La Palma island (Canary Island, Spain)…


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Congresos y conferencias


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[EN]This work presents the calibration and validation of an air quality finite element model applied to emissions from a thermal power plant located in Gran Canaria. The calibration is performed using genetic algorithms. To calibrate and validate the model, the authors use empirical measures of pollutants concentrations from 4 stations located nearby the power plant; an hourly record per station during 3 days is available. Measures from 3 stations will be used to calibrate, while validation will use measures from the remaining station…


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[EN]This work presents the calibration and validation of an air quality finite element model applied to the surroundings of Jinamar electric power plant in Gran Canaria island (Spain). The model involves the generation of an adaptive tetrahedral mesh, the computation of an ambient wind field, the inclusion of the plume rise effect in the wind field, and the simulation of transport and reaction of pollutants. The main advantage of the model is the treatment of complex terrains that introduces an alternative to the standard implementation of current models. In addition, it improves the computational cost through the use of unstructured meshes...


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[EN]This paper shows a finite element method for pollutant transport with several pollutant sources. An Eulerian convection–diffusion–reaction model to simulate the pollutant dispersion is used. The discretization of the different sources allows to impose the emissions as boundary conditions. The Eulerian description can deal with the coupling of several plumes. An adaptive stabilized finite element formulation, specifically Least-Squares, with a Crank-Nicolson temporal integration is proposed to solve the problem. An splitting scheme has been used to treat separately the transport and the reaction. A mass-consistent model has been used to compute the wind field of the problem…


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[EN] Aeolian dust plays an important role in climate and ocean processes. Particularly, Saharan dust deposition is of importance in the Canary Current due to its content of iron minerals, which are fertilizers of the ocean. In this work, dust particles are characterized mainly by granulometry, morphometry and mineralogy, using image processing and scanning northern Mauritania and the Western Sahara. The concentration of terrigenous material was measured in three environments: the atmosphere (300 m above sea level), the mixed layer at 10 m depth, and 150 m depth. Samples were collected before and during the dust events, thus allowing the effect of Saharan dust inputs in the water column to be assessed.


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Nemesio Pérez Rodríguez es Coordinador Científico del Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias -INVOLCAN-