66 resultados para Cinturão Verde
[ES] On 31 August 2003, at 11:40 local time, c. 5 nm southwest of São Nicolau 16º33.1N, 024º27.7W), Cape Verde Islands, GT and PLS observed c.20 Fraser’s Dolphins Lagenodelphis hosei Fraser, 1956 (Fig.1). The sighting was made under excellent weather conditions (sea state Beaufort 2 with sun) from the 39.6 m diesel engine powered oceanographic research vessel Taliarte during a two week cetacean survey conducted as part of the Hydrocarpo project. The animals were c. 2.5 m in length, with a short beak, robust ody, small dorsal and pectoral fins and showed the characteristic longitudinal striping (cf. efferson et al.1993, Carwardine 1995).
[ES] To actively protect sea turtles on their nesting beaches, it is essential to obtain knowledge about trends in abundance. The way sea turtles live makes it extremely difficult to identify how many individuals there are in a population at any point in time. Due to practical problems, given their entirely marine life with limited visibility and great oceanic dispersal, counting males or juveniles is currently quite difficult and imprecise. Counting females and nests on beaches during the nesting season is the best feasible but still imperfect method, since only an unknown portion of adult females nest every season. It is impossible to know the real number of females in the population by merely counting females and nests in a given year.
[EN] The sea is one of the major natural resources of the Cape Verde Islands, a small archipelago located 500 kilometers off the coast of Senegal (West Africa). This country consists of ten main islands and several islets, and possesses an Exclusive Economical Zone (EEZ) of about 734 square kilometers and a coastal perimeter of nearly 2000 kilometers. The marine shelf, whose limit is the 200 m isobath, is particularly extensive on the island of Boa Vista (Figure 1). lt is likely that most of the loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) that breed in this archipelago are concentrated on this island (López-Jurado et al., 1999).
[ES] El archipiélago de las Desertas está compuesto por tres pequeñas islas de origen volcánico pertenecientes a la República de Cabo Verde (Santa Luzia [35 km2]; Branco [3 km2]; Razo [7 krrt ]) (figura 1 ). Las tres islas están expuestas a un reg1men de precipitaciones monzónicas extremadamente escasas (< 100 mm anuales), a temperaturas suaves y a vientos, generalmente del noreste (alisios) que soplan más de 275 días al año (CASTINHEIRA & CARDOSO, 1994). Las desfavorables condiciones climáticas a las que se hallan sometidas junto a los casi inexistentes recursos hídricos han determinado que las tres estén deshabitadas.
[ES] Se describe una nueva especie de tortuga terrestre fósil para la isla de Sal en función de cuatro restos óseos: un fémur, dos huesos del caparazón y un cráneo incluido en una matriz caliza. La nueva especie, relativamente próxima a la actual Geochelone sulcata del Sahel, se caracteriza por presentar un tamaño más pequeño que ésta (longitud del caparazón próxima a los 400 mm) y por ser mucho menos robusta.
[ES] Boavista, o Bubista como prefieren escribir sus habitantes, es la isla más oriental del archipiélago volcánico de Cabo Verde con 620 km2 de superficie. Su antiguo origen se ve reflejado en una geografía extremadamente erosionada y plana, en la que no se sobrepasan los 390 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Soporta un clima extremadamente árido (precipitaciones: 91 mm media anual), con temperaturas suaves (Tmax = 26.7ºC; Tmin = 21.4ºC) y con la presencia casi constante de los vientos del nordeste (Alisios) (KASPER, 1987). La vegetación es esteparia, rala y generalmente 10 desprovista de estrato arbóreo, con la salvedad de algunas áreas localizadas (CASTANHEIRA & CARDOSO, 1988).