78 resultados para Viajes por mar
Se presenta un producto de satélite optimizado para estudios de mesoescala, obtenido como una mejora de la imagen media. El producto optimizado como media que es, no ofrece una visión instantánea del medio, pero sin embargo es adecuado para el estudio en mesoescala de áreas marinas sometidas a condiciones de nubosidad persistente, ya que proporciona una visión continuada en el espacio y en el tiempo. Ambas características le confieren una gran utilidad en la observación y seguimiento de las estructuras oceanográficas. El ritmo de la variación en el tiempo para fenómenos marinos es del orden de varios días, por lo que el proceso estadístico no merma de forma significativa ninguna característica física sino que por el contrario aumenta la posibilidad de observarlas ya que es capaz de secuestrar las señales que más se conservan y elimina las que provocan ruido en la información. Se presentan también los resultados de la validación de este producto. ABSTRACT obtained as an improvement of average image is presented. The average optimal product does not provide an instantaneous view of the area; however it is adequated to study at mesoescale level marine areas under cloudy conditions. It gives a continous vision in time and in space. Both characteristics confer it a great use for observation and monitoring of oceanographic structures. The rate of time variation in the ocean of marine phenomena is in the order of several days so the statistical process does not significantly affect any physical charactheristic. On the contrary, it improve the possibility to catch the permanent signal and remove noisy signals. Validation results are also presented for the proposed product.
Se presentan algunos de los resultados preliminares de las observaciones realizadas desde 1985 a 1995 entre las Islas Canarias y Cabo Blanco (28-21ºN), desde un barco de oportunidad que ha operado en éste area regularmente durante 25 días al mes. Se presenta la comparación de la distribución de la flota con los principales indicadores de afloramiento
[EN]The importance of a suitable feeding in reproduction and spawning quality of teleost fish has been recognized as one of the major ?bottlenecks? in new aquaculture species like seahorses. Mysidacea species has been described as one of the main food for temperate seahorse species (Hippocampus hippocampus and H. guttulatus) in the wild. On the other hand, Artemia has been employed usually as marine food for rearing fish, including seahorses. The aim of this work is to study the effect of two different live preys (Artemia vs Mysis) in spawning quality of H. hippocampus broodstock. The animals were fed two times per day, six times per week. Spawning episodes and larvae quality was recorded. Seahorse fed on mysis showed significantly better results (p<0.05) than Artemia treatment, regarding spawning events, number of offspring?s and size. This fact showed the high potential of mysis as live prey for seahorses or other ornamental species.
[EN]The effect of dietary inclusion of sea urchin meal (Diadema antillarum) on growth and feed utilization was investigated in a growth trial with red porgy (Pagus pagrus) of 208g initial body weight, during 6 month feeding period. High quality fish meal and fish oil diet was used as a control (Diet C); urchin meal was included at 8% and 16% dietary levels (EM8 and EM16). Compared to the control diet higher values for absolute and relative final weight and SGR were obtained either for fish fed EM8 and EM16 diets; for the latter diets values for FCR and final HSI were significantly smaller respect to those for the control diets. No differences were found among diets for the total feed intake, VSI and K factor. Obtained results indicate the suitability of the sea urchin meal as alternative ingredient in diets for the red porgy, improving fish growth and feed utilization. More studies are being done at the moment in red porgy and other fish species in order to better determine the optimum dietary levels taking into account other important culture and quality parameters.
Anaesthetic and Recovery Protocol for morfometric study of Atlantic seahorse, Hippocampus hippocampus (Linnaeus, 1758), juveniles. Some morphometric studies in marine organism need anaesthetics in order to avoid animal?s sacrifice and allow its recovery. In this study different natural clove essential concentrations has been tested in Atlantic seahorses, Hippocampus hippocampus (Linnaeus, 1758) aged 13 (trunk length 7,48 ± 1,14 mm) and 22 days (trunk length 9,09 ± 1,62 mm). An inversed relation was observed between anaesthetic concentration and effective time. The concentration allowing measures was 25 ppm. This procedure allowed 100% survival rate.
[EN]Effects of first feeding on survival and growth of Atlantic seahorse juveniles, Hippocampus hippocampus, (Linnaeus, 1758). In this study, two experimental protocols were tested: a first treatment (RA), in which larvae were fed exclusively on rotifers until day 5, and then on Artemia, and a second treatment (A) where larvae were only fed on Artemia. We attempted to improve survival and growth by comparing different diets in the first days of life. The results showed excellent survival (60% average) and growth in juveniles exclusively fed with Artemia, with better values than those obtained by other authors for this species. In comparison, high mortality and poor growth were observed on the first days in larvae fed rotifers.
Máster en Medio Ambiente Litoral y Marino
[ES]Los polifenoles se caracterizan por su capacidad antioxidante. En este trabajo se ha desarrollado un método para determinar el perfil fenólico de extractos de diatomea de la especie Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Dicho método combina la preconcentración mediante SPE y HPLC para la identificación y cuantificación de los polifenoles. El estudio de extractos de ésta diatomea cultivada en agua de mar enriquecida con cobre evidencia una acumulación de compuestos fenólicos inducida por las altas concentraciones del metal. Si comparamos las concentraciones de polifenoles con las obtenidas para un blanco, éstas aumentan cuando aumenta la concentración de cobre.
[ES]Mesa redonda en la que se exponen desde distintos ángulos estudios que analizan la cuestión relativa al petróleo y la viabilidad de prospección y explotación en aguas cercanas a Canarias, tanto como recurso, como contaminante, como vertido en superficie y profundidad, el papel de las corrientes, abriéndose un deabte sobre las implicaciones sociales y políticas.