88 resultados para Benítez Rojo
Premios de Narrativa Corta Hnos. Millares Cubas, 2007 , Colección: Verbovivo ; 4
Premios de Narrativa Corta Hnos. Millares Cubas, 2006 , Colección: Verbovivo ; 2
The incorporation of new marine species in aquaculture is esencial to development of this activity. The recent advances on the establishment oftechniques to produce red porgy (Pagrus pagrus), allow to consider it as a strong potencialto aquaculture, being predictable its implement in the Canary Archipel. Neverthe!ess, so far it is not posible to produce it comercially, due to difficulties in assuring a continual supply of larvae and fry. Knowing this, it is crucialto continue studying the production techniques oflarvae and the feeding system during this periodo For this, the aim of tbe work is to optimize production
Asignatura. Etología de los recursos pesqueros (Licenciatura Ciencias del mar)
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Acto de presentación del portal JABLE, Archivo de prensa digital, que tuvo lugar el miércoles, día 15 de junio de 2011 a las 20:00 h. en el Salón Dorado del Gabinete Literario. El acto es presidido por D. Juan José Benítez de Lugo y Massieu, Presidente del Gabinete Literario, y cuenta con la presencia de D. José Regidor García, Rector de la ULPGC, Dña Milagros Luis Brito, Consejera de Educación del Gobierno de Canarias, Dña María del Carmen Martín Marichal, Directora de la Biblioteca Universitaria y D. Juan José Laforet, Cronista Oficial de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Tras la presentación del portal a cargo de la Directora de la Biblioteca Universitaria, D. Juan José Laforet, en su calidad de Doctor en Periodismo y Cronista Oficial, hace una disertación sobre la historia del periodismo en Canarias, haciendo especial mención al primer periódico impreso en Gran Canaria, el Correo político y militar de la ciudad de Córdoba, de 1809.
[EN]Most marine fish larvae require high amounts of n-3 HUFA (highly unsaturated fatty acids) such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (Watanabe, 1982; Izquierdo, 1996). Fish larvae tissue lipids are also very high in n-3 HUFA, what implies a higher risk of peroxidation (Sargent et al. 1999) and cellular damage (Kanazawa, 1991), requiring then antioxidants to protect them intra- and extra-cellularly from free radical compounds. Vitamin E (Vit E) functions as a chain breaking antioxidant, reacting with the lipid peroxide radical produced and preventing the further reaction with a new PUFA. Hence their requirements are related with the dietary and tissue PUFA contents. The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of dietary Vit E on gilthead sea bream and sea bass survival, growth and stress, at different n-3 HUFA levels.
Octopus vulgaris on-growing in floating cages is a promising activity implemented in Spain at industrial level, with productions of 16-32 tons/year from 1998. Nevertheless, some aspects of the culture system need to be evaluated to warrantee its profitability. In the present work absolute growth rate (AGR, g/day) and mortality (%) under two initial rearing densities, 10 and 17 kg/m3, were compared under two feeding regimes over 15 weeks. One diet was composed by bogue, supplied as ?discarded? species from local fish farms. The other diet was based on a 40-60% discarded bogue-crab Portunus pelagicus. Half of the reared octopuses were PIT-tagged and two sampling points were established along the experimental period. Regardless of dietary treatment, up to the 11th week, growth was 19 and 13 g./day for the low and high rearing density. On the other hand, up to the 11th week mortality was higher in the control diet fed group (30%), reaching 74-84% by the end of the experiment regardless of rearing density and dietary treatment, which could suggest some nutritional imbalance of the tested diets.
Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)
[ES] Se plantea este estudio sobre el chorizo rojo de Teror, debido a la falta total y absoluta de definición de este alimento tradicional. Muchos elaboradores comercializan este alimento sin un referente de calidad y seguridad alimentaria básico, existiendo la necesidad de ofertar un producto de calidad contrastada al consumidor canario que demanda alimentos tradicionales para incorporar a su dieta. Por ello, se ha estudiado el proceso de elaboración, la evolución de los parámetros químicos y los parámetros de estabilidad (aw y pH), así como de los principales grupos microbianos presentes en dicho producto y la evaluación de los posibles riesgos asociados a la formulación de aditivos.