660 resultados para Canarias prehispánicas


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Estudio fitoquímico de las especies canarias del Género Tanacetum,así como de los ensayos de citotoxicidad de algunos compuesto aislados sobre lineas celulares de leucemia mieloide HL-60.


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Inauguración de la exposición sobre Pedro Massieu Verdugo (1926-2009) celebrada en el Colegio de Arquitectos de Canarias, Demarcación de Gran Canaria. Fue presentada por Carlos Guigou Fernández en el año 2005


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The almaco jack Seriola rivoliana belongs to the Carangidae family of fishes. These species are an important resource for recreational and commercial fisheries worldwide. Among other attributes, almaco jack has being identified as potentially aquaculture species due to their fast growth, excellent flesh quality and significant market opportunities internationally. The present work describes the establishment of broodstock of Seriola rivoliana in the Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas from year 2006 to 2009 and subsequent maturation and spawning. Twenty sub adults were captured by local fisherman in the South coast of Gran Canaria in may 2006. Adaptation to culture conditions in tanks and inert food was successfully carried out just after one moth of capture. Initial fish weight (1,76± 0,25kg), was increased to 6,0±1,1kg in july 2009. Every year fish were sampled to determine individual growth in weight and size. In addition, the evolution of its sexual maturity state was established by gonadal biopsy. In July 2009, the use of hormonal injection (LHRH) results in two successful spawns with 42% of viable eggs.


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[EN]The present work describes the procedures for capture, maintenance and evolution of a Pseudocaranx dentex stock in the Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas. Forty fish captured in a commercial off-shore fish farm, were transferred to on land facilities, acclimatation to tanks and inert food was successfully carried out, with 100% survival after 1 year. Initial fish weight (4,15kg) was , followed and sampled to determine individual growth in weight and size. Also, the evolution of its sexual maturity state was evaluated at capture and one year after to determine the maturation of fish for future juvenile production. Fish mature in captivity, but natural spawn was unsuccessful


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[EN] The atlantic spider crab Maja brachydactyla, nowadays overfished, presents good conditions for its production in captivity. In Canary Islands (Spain), under culture conditions, with open flux of water and temperature between 18,8-22,5 ºC from November 2006 to May 2007, the fecundity index was lower than others in higher latitudes, around 100 larvae/female g, for individuals between 270 and 690 g. The incubation time torn out to be similar to colder conditions, but the period between hatching and the next spawning decreased even to 0 days. The annual spawning cycle, unlike the described for Northern Atlantic populations, could range the whole year, with 3, 4 or even more consecutive spawnings


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[ES] Los deslizamientos gravitatorios implicando volúmenes relativamente reducidos (millones de m3) son muy frecuentes, no así los que afectan a decenas, centenares e incluso miles de km3. Estos deslizamientos gigantes o megadeslizamientos son especialmente importantes y frecuentes en las islas oceánicas, particularmente en sus primeras etapas de desarrollo en escudo. Fueron descubiertos en las Islas Hawaii, donde alcanzan volúmenes ?prodigiosos? de miles de km3, pero es en las Canarias donde, a pesar de su menor volumen, son particularmente espectaculares y donde han sido mejor estudiados, tanto en sus etapas pre- y post-colapso en tierra, como las características y extensión de sus depósitos de avalancha en los fondos marinos. Los megadeslizamientos no sólo son procesos muy importantes en el desarrollo de las islas oceánicas y en sus riesgos naturales, sino que influyen en su variabilidad petrológica y aportan importantes recursos paisajísticos en forma de espectaculares valles y calderas


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Máster en Gestión Sostenible de Recursos Pesqueros


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Máster en Gestión Sostenible de Recursos Pesqueros


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