32 resultados para KNX, ETS
[ES] Respiration is a key ecological index. For either individuals or communities, it can be use to assess carbon and energy, demand and expenditure as well as carbon flow rates through food webs. When combined with productivity measurements it can establish the level of metabolic balance. When combined with measurements of respiratory capacity, it can indicate physiological state. Here, we report pilot studies the metabolism of the green algae, Ulva rotundata that inhabits intertidal pools of Gran Canaria. As a starting point we used the electron transport system (ETS) to differentiate between different growing conditions in the natural environment. We suspected different levels of stress associated with these conditions and looked for the influence of this stress in the ETS measurements. This technique has been successfully applied to study bacteria, phytoplankton and zooplankton in the ocean, but it has not been used to study sessile marine macroalgae. These neritic and littoral macrophytes have major ecological and industrial importance, yet little is known about their respiratory physiology. Such knowledge would strengthen our understanding of the resources of the coastal ocean and facilitate its development and best use. Here, we modified the ETS methodology for Ulva rotundata. With this modified ETS assay we investigated the capacity of Ulva to resist anoxia. We measured respiration with optodes (Fibox 4, Presens) in the dark to the point of oxygen exhaustion and through 24 h of anoxia. Then we exposed the Ulva to light and followed the oxygen increase due to photosynthesis. We discuss here the capacity of Ulva to survive during anoxia.
[EN]Respiration of zooplanktonic organisms is an significant fraction of the global carbon cycle. However, it estimation in order to obtain the data required in oceanography is still a problem. In this work, we studied respiration rates in laboratory and field experiments. Laboratory experiments using Daphnia spp. showed a significant decrease of respiration rates during starvation. In addition, we measured the gut fluorescence and enzymatic activity (electron transfer system, ETS). The former did not show the expected decrease probably due to the volume of the incubators. The relationship between respiration and ETS presented the classical variability ranging between 0.5 and 1 as observed in previous works. Copepod respiration rates were measured during RAPROCAN 1504 cruise around the Canary Islands.
Programa de Doctorado en Oceanografía
[EN] The vertical distribution (0?550 m) of zooplankton biomass, and indices of respiration (electron transfer system [ETS]) and structural growth (aminoacyltRNA synthetases activity [AARS]), were studied in waters off the Antarctic Peninsula during the austral summer of 2000. The dominant species were the copepod Metridia gerlachei and the euphausiid Euphausia superba. We observed a vertical krill/copepod substitution in the water column. The zooplankton biomass in the layer at a depth of 200?500 m was of the same magnitude as the biomass in the layer at a depth of 0?200 m, indicating that biomass in the mesopelagic zone is an important fraction of the total zooplankton in Antarctic waters. The metabolic rates of the zooplankton community were sustained by less than 0.5% of the primary production in the area, suggesting that microplankton or small copepods are the main food source. Neither food availability nor predation seemed to control mesozooplankton biomass. The wide time lag between the abundance peak of the dominant copepod (M. gerlachei) and the phytoplankton bloom is suggested to be the main explanation for the low summer zooplankton biomass observed in these waters.
[ES]Los misidáceos son pequeños crustáceos que se encuentran en muchas regiones costeras del mundo. Leptomysis lingvura se encuentra en la costa este de Gran Canaria (España) asociada a los fondos arenosos de profundidades entre 5 y 15 metros. Son un importante componente en la cadena trófica como alimento de muchos peces costeros y podrían ser un potencial alimento para ser utilizado en acuicultura. Se ha estudiado su supervivencia y reproducción en cautividad para su utilización en estudios de laboratorio, y han resultado ser una especie apta que se adapta bien a las condiciones de cultivo. En el presente estudio se pretende dilucidar como influyen en la tasa respiratoria y en la tasa de respiración potencial (actividad ETS) las condiciones fisiológicas en que se encuentran los organismos. Se han llevado a cabo dos experimentos, uno de ellos tiene como objetivo el estudio de organismos adultos de similar talla en diferentes períodos de inanición para determinar su efecto en la respiración y en la actividad ETS; el segundo experimento pretende determinar como influyen las condiciones de alimentación en la relación respiración-biomasa. En el primer caso se observa un descenso de la tasa respiratoria en función del aumento del período de inanición, mientras que la respiración potencial no muestra esta relación, siendo más conservativa, lo que se da como resultado una disminución del cociente R/ETS a medida que aumenta el período de inanición. También se observa un aumento de la tasa respiratoria al comienzo de la noche que puede tener relación con ritmos circadianos endógenos de esta especie. El coeficiente de la relación exponencial R-biomasa que presentan los organismos que fueron sometidos durante 7 días a condiciones límite de alimentación son inferiores a 0.75 que establece la ley de Kleiber, mientras que los organismos en buenas condiciones de alimentación muestran un coeficiente muy cercano o superior a 0.75.
[ES]La respiración es un proceso fisiológico común a todos los organismos marinos. En los estudios oceanográficos se ha determinado, comúnmente, mediante la cuantificación del consumo de oxígeno de organismos incubados en botellas. Esta metodología es tediosa y lenta, por lo que Packard et al. (1971) propusieron el uso del análisis bioquímico basado en la actividad de las enzimas implicadas en la respiración, el Sistema de Transporte de Electrones (ETS). Este análisis mide la velocidad máxima que dichas enzimas pueden tener, determinando la respiración potencial de los organismos. Dicha velocidad estará controlada por la disponibilidad intracelular de sus sustratos, los piridín nucleótidos (NADH y NADPH). En el presente trabajo, se ha analizado el metabolismo respiratorio, a través de medidas del ETS y de los piridín nucleótidos, tanto en el dinoflagelado Oxyrrhis marina en estudios de laboratorio, como en organismos recogidos del medio marino durante la campaña de circunnavegación MALASPINA 2010
Máster en Oceanografía
Máster en Oceanografía
[EN] Zooplankton metabolism in terms of oxygen consumption and ñutrient reléase (ammonia, phosphate) were measiu'ed in the Baltic Sea, a températe área with high envirormiental changes both in space and in time. Plankton of the surface layer were analysed with balance measurements in 4 size classes between 50 and 1000 nm during spring in 1988, 1990 and 1991, in summer 19^8 and 1990 as well. The use of electrón transport system (ETS), and the Glutamate Dehydrogenase (GDH) activity as indicators for respiration and ammonia reléase respectively, enlarged the data density and made a three dimensional resolution available (May 1990, 1991). Data are in the range of the latitudinal dependend magnitude. They reflect slight interannual, more seasonal and regional aspects. Animáis size, temperature, food concentration, and species composition influence the specific rates
[EN] This seminar will report the latest activities of the ULPGC»s Plankton Ecophysiology group (PEG). This group studies respiration, growth, nitrogen metabolism, oceanic carbon flux, deep ocean metabolism, and plankton cultivation. It works with zooplankton, phytoplankton, bacteria, and macroalgae. The premise behind the group»s investigations is that enzyme biochemistry controls an organism»s physiology that, in turn, has a strong impact on ocean chemistry and ecology. This research team (PEG) uses as foils, the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) and Kleiber»s law to argue the fact that respiratory metabolism is controlled not by biomass, but by the respiratory electron transport system (R-ETS). It has pointed out that the reason, zooplankton respiration statistically correlates with biomass, is because biomass packages mitochondria and mitochondria package the R-ETS. It has demonstrated, experimentally with Artemia salina, the superiority of using ETS as a respiration proxy rather than using biomass. Working with bacteria it has shown the inadequacy of the MTE in describing respiration in different growth phases of bacteria and has shown that a rival model based on enzyme kinetics works much better.
Máster en Oceanografía
[EN] Today, science is difficult to pursue because funding is so tenuous. In such a financial climate, researchers need to consider parallel alternatives to ensure that scientific research can continue. Based on this thinking, we created BIOCEANSolutions, a company born of a research group. A great variety of environmental regulations and standards have emerged over recent years with the purpose of protecting natural ecosystems. These have enabled us to link our research to the market of environmental management. Marine activities can alter environmental conditions, resulting in changes in physiological states, species diversity, abundance, and biomass in the local biological communities. In this way, we can apply our knowledge, to plankton ecophysiology and biochemical oceanography. We measure enzyme activities as bio-indicators of energy metabolism and other physiological rates and biologic-oceanographic processes in marine organisms. This information provides insight into the health of marine communities, the stress levels of individual organisms, and potential anomalies that may be affecting them. In the process of verifying standards and complying with regulations, we can apply our analytic capability and knowledge. The main analyses that we offer are: (1) the activity of the electron transport system (ETS) or potential respiration (Φ), (2) the physiological measurement of respiration (oxygen consumption), (3) the activity of Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), (4) the respiratory CO2 production, and (5) the activity of Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and (6) the physiological measurement of ammonium excretion. In addition, our experience in a productive research group allows us to pursue and develop technical-experimental activities such as marine and freshwater aquaculture, oceanographic field sampling, as well as providing guidance, counseling, and academic services. In summary, this new company will permit us to create a symbiosis between public and private sectors that serve clients and will allow us to grow and expand as a research team.
Trabajo realizado por: Maldonado, F.; Packard, T.; Gómez, M.; Santana Rodríguez, J. J
[ES]La presente tesis, se centra en el estudio del Sistema de Transporte de Electrones (ETS) en organismos del plancton marino, los factores que lo influencian la interpretación de estas mediciones y su detección mediante espectrofotometría y espectrofluorometría, en muestras oceánicas naturales y en cultivos de organismos marinos. Se pudo establecer, la biomasa, la respiración (R) y la respiración potencial (ɸ), en tres transectos en los océanos Índico y Atlántico Norte Sur. A su vez, se determino el estado fisiológico, en tres tamaños del zooplancton, midiendo la relación R/ɸ. Se exploró los efectos de la inanición sobre la R y la variación con respecto a la ɸ en el zooplancton