41 resultados para Herajärvi, Magdalena


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La cinética de oxidación de Cu(I) con oxígeno, a concentración nanomolar, se ha estudiado en función de la concentración de cobre (I), pH, concentración de bicarbonato y de la temperatura, al objeto de obtener las ecuaciones de dependencia de la constante de velocidad con cada variable, en NaCl (0.7M) con bicarbonato (2mM) y en agua de mar. Los estudios a escala nanomolar se han comparado con los estudios realizados por otros autores a escala micromolar. El tiempo de vida medio a nivel nanomolar es superior en ambos medios, lo que justifica la presencia de concentraciones medibles de Cu(I) en aguas superficiales. La constante de velocidad de segundo orden (k) es independiente de la concentración de Cu(I), en el rango de 20 a 200 nM, con lo que los resultados permiten una visión más realista de lo que ocurre en el océano. En los estudios del efecto del pH en la cinética de oxidación se obtienen rectas próximas para disolución de NaCl (0.7M) con bicarbonato (2mM) y en agua de mar, por lo que las interacciones específicas pueden despreciarse o quedar compensadas entre sí. La ecuación obtenida para cada caso es: Logk(NaCl) = −2.453(±0.341) + 0.611(±0.044)pH (para NaCl) Logk(sw) = −1.484(±0.266) + 0.489(±0.034) pH (para agua de mar) La concentración de bicarbonato produce un aumento en la constante de segundo orden (k) hasta 5mM, comportándose de acuerdo con la ecuación siguiente: [ ] [ ]2 3 2 3 3 2 2 ( ) 1.54 10 ( 3.518 10 ) 3.963( 58.17 10 ) 0.212( 3.242 10 ) 3 NaHCO Logk NaHCO NaHCO − − − ⋅ ± ⋅ = − ± ⋅ + ± ⋅ − El aumento de la temperatura produce un aumento en la constante de velocidad relacionándose este efecto con la entalpía y entropía de activación del proceso. Oxidación de Cu(I) en agua de mar 8 El trabajo realizado supone un mejor conocimiento de los procesos que controlan la cinética de oxidación del Cu(I) en medios naturales y servirán de base para futuros experimentos.


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The oxidation and reduction of copper in air-saturated seawater and NaCl solutions has been measured as a function of pH (7.17-8.49), temperature (5-35ºC) and ionic strength (0.1-0.7 M). The oxidation rate was fitted to an equation for sodium chloride and seawater valid at different pH and media conditions: k . . pH- . /T- . I . I k . . pH- . /T- . I . I (sw) (NaCl) log 5 036 0 514 1764 915 1101 0 233 log 5 221 0 609 1915 433 1818 0 408 = + + = + + The reduction of Cu(II) was studied in both media for different initial concentration of copper(II). When the initial Cu(II) concentration was 200 nM, the copper(I) produced was 20% and 9% for NaCl and seawater, respectively. Considering the copper(I) reduced from Cu(II), the speciation and the contribution of these species to the kinetic process was studied. The Cu(I) speciation is dominated by the CuCl2 - species. On the other hand, the neutral chloride CuCl species dominates the Cu(I) oxidation in the range 0.1 M to 0.7 M chloride concentrations.


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Programa de doctorado en Oceanografía. Trabajo presentado para la obtención del Diploma de Estudios Avanzados.


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[EN]Labile Fe(II) distributions were investigated in the Sub-Tropical South Atlantic and the Southern Ocean during the BONUS-GoodHope cruise from 34 to 57_ S (February? March 2008). Concentrations ranged from below the detection limit (0.009 nM) to values as high 5 as 0.125 nM. In the surface mixed layer, labile Fe(II) concentrations were always higher than the detection limit, with values higher than 0.060nM south of 47_ S, representing between 39% and 63% of dissolved Fe (DFe). Biological production was evidenced. At intermediate depth, local maxima were observed, with the highest values in the Sub-Tropical domain at around 200 m, and represented more than 70% of DFe. Remineralization processes were likely responsible for those sub-surface maxima. Below 1500 m, concentrations were close to or below the detection limit, except at two stations (at the vicinity of the Agulhas ridge and in the north of the Weddell Sea Gyre) where values remained as high as _0.030?0.050 nM. Hydrothermal or sediment inputs may provide Fe(II) to these deep waters. Fe(II) half life times (t1/2) at 4 _C were measured in the upper and deep waters and ranged from 2.9 to 11.3min, and from 10.0 to 72.3 min, respectively. Measured values compared quite well in the upper waters with theoretical values from two published models, but not in the deep waters. This may be due to the lack of knowledge for some parameters in the models and/or to organic complexation of Fe(II) that impact its oxidation rates. This study helped to considerably increase the Fe(II) data set in the Ocean and to better understand the Fe redox cycle.


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[EN]Carbonate system variables were measured in the South Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean along a transect from South Africa to the southern limit of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) from February to March 2008. Eddies detached from the retroflection of the Agulhas Current increased the gradients observed along the fronts. Minima in the fugacity of CO2, fCO2, and maxima in pH on either side of the frontal zone were observed, noting that within the frontal zone fCO2 reached maximum values and pH was at a minimum.Vertical distributions of water masses were described by their carbonate system properties and their relationship to CFC concentrations. Upper Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW) and Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (LCDW) offered pHT,25 values of 7.56 and 7.61, respectively. The UCDW also had higher concentrations of CFC-12 (>0.2 pmol kg?1) as compared to deeper waters, revealing that UCDW was mixed with recently ventilated waters. Calcite and aragonite saturation states ( ) were also affected by the presence of these two water masses with high carbonate concentrations. The aragonite saturation horizon was observed at 1000m in the subtropical area and north of the Subantarctic Front. At the position of the Polar Front, and under the influence of UCDW and LCDW, the aragonite saturation horizon deepened from 800m to 1500m at 50.37_ S, and reached 700m south of 57.5_ S. High latitudes proved to be the most sensitive areas to predicted anthropogenic carbon increase. Buffer coefficients related to changes in [CO2], [H+] and with changes in dissolved inorganic carbon (CT)and total alkalinity (AT) offered minima values in the Antarctic IntermediateWater and UCDWlayers. These coefficients suggest that a small increase in CT will sharply decrease the status of pH and carbonate saturation. Here we present data that suggest that south of 55_ S, surface water will be under-saturated with respect to aragonite within the next few decades.


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[ES] Mesa redonda organizada por el Vicerrectorado de Cultura y Deporte de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) en la que investigadores de distintos grupos de investigación que han participado en campañas en El Hierro exponen resultados obtenidos hasta el momento en torno a la erupción volcánica en octubre de 2011 en la Isla de El Hierro (Islas Canarias, España). Presenta el acto la Vicerrectora de Cultura y Deporte, Isabel Pascua Febles y modera el Director de Servicios de Apoyo a la I+D+I, José Antonio Carta González. Participan, Francisco José Pérez Torrado (GEOVOL), Antonio Juan González Ramos (División de robótica y oceanografía computacional, ROC-IUSIANI), Javier Arístegui Ruiz (Instituto Universitario de Oceanografía y Cambio Global), Magdalena Santana Casiano (QUIMA), Francisco Eugenio González (Grupo de procesado de imágenes y teledetección) y Ricardo Haroun Tabraue (Grupo de biodiversidad y conservación).