44 resultados para Cape Cod


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[EN]The Cape Verde Frontal Zone separates North and South Atlantic Central Waters in the eastern North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre. CTD-O2 and shipboard ADCP data from three hydrographic sections carried out in September 2003 are used to study the structure of the front. Results show the relation between spatial variations of water masses and currents, demonstrating the importance of advection in the distribution of water masses. Diapycnal diffusivities due to double diffusion and vertical shear instabilities are also estimated. Existence of competition between the two processes through the water column is shown. Depth-averaged diffusivities suggest that salt fingering dominates diapycnal mixing, except areas of purest South Atlantic Central Water. Here, double diffusion processes are weak and, consequently, shear of the flow is the main process. Results also show that strong mixing induced by vertical shear is associated with a large intrusion found near the front.


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[EN] Nesting beach surveys are the most widely implemented monitoring tool in use by the global sea turtle community and are an important component of a comprehensive program to assess and monitor the status of sea turtle populations. These assessments are necessary to evaluate the effects of recovery and conservation activities that are being implemented at all life history stages. Monitoring techniques employed on nesting beaches range from highly structured standardized sampling to “snapshots” of nesting activity within a nesting season. Very long-term nest counts data (more than twenty years) were analyzed for some turtle populations.


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[EN] Sea turtles bury their eggs in the sand of the beach, where they incuba te. After a period of approximately two months, hatchlings break the eggshell and remain inside the chamber for three to seven days (Hays & Speakman, 1993). Then they leave the nest and emerge to the surface of the beach, going quickly towards the surf, to begin their pelagic and developmental stage (e.g., López-Jurado & Andreu, 1998). Hatchlings usually do not emerge from the nest as a single group. They emerge in groups at different moments, resulting in more than one emergence per nest during sorne days (Whitherington et al.,4 1990; Hays et al., 1992; Peters et al., 1994).


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[EN] Marine turtles commonly carry diverse forms of epizoa on their shells. The occurrence of a particular species may ultimately help to clarify certain questions about sea turtle natural life history. This paper gives a detailed and comparative list of epizoic species found on two populations of macaronesian loggerheads: pelagic and juveniles living around the Canary Islands and mature females nesting in Boavista Island, Cabo Verde. For the epizoic flora, the most important genera founded is Polysiphonia (Rhodophiceae); P. carettia for the pelagics and Polysiphonia sp. for the nesting animals.


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[EN] A nesting population of loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta has recently been described for Boa Vista Island, Cape Verde Archipelago (Western Africa). Since 1998, “Projecto Cabo Verde Natura 2000” has monitored three beaches during the turtle breeding season. The beaches being monitored - Calheta, Errata and Ponta Cosme - are located in the southeast part of Boa Vista Island. This work intends to give a first insight into the Boa Vista Island sea turtle population’s sex ratio using a histological approach, as sexual determination in sea turtles is known to be temperature-dependent (TSD or temperature-dependent sex determination).


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[EN] During the 1999 nesting season (from June to October), four satellite transmitters were attached to two males and two females of Caretta caretta from Boavista Island (Cape Verde Archipelago, western Africa), where density of nesting females is the highest in the whole archipelago. Transmitters did not work as well as expected, resulting in a low number of locations, possibly due to the neritic behavior of adult loggerheads at reproductive habitat, with the antennae exposed to continuous rubbing. Therefore, we establish a conservative hypothesis about movements of C.caretta in Cape Verde.


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[EN] The 70 km of white sandy beaches of Boa Vista island in Cape Verde harbours one of the largest rookeries of the endangered loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta. From middle June to early October, approximately 2000 to 4000 females lay up to 20000 nests annually. However, female beach selection, nesting success and nest density strongly varies among beaches and spatial patterns of nest abundance and distribution are relatively constant among seasons. The numbers of nesting activities and nests have been recorded along all beaches of the island during four nesting seasons (2007-2010)


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[EN] Nesting beach surveys are the most widely implemented monitoring tool in use by the global sea turtle community and are an important component of a comprehensive program to assess and monitor the status of sea turtle populations. These assessments are necessary to evaluate the effects of recovery and conservation activities that are being implemented at all life history stages. Monitoring techniques employed on nesting beaches range from highly structured standardized sampling to “snapshots” of nesting activity within a nesting season. Very long-term nest counts data (more than twenty years) were analyzed for some turtle populations.


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[EN] The recently discovered nesting colony of Caretta caretta at the island ofBoavista (Cape Verde Islands, West Africa, FIGURE 1) is being subject ofresearch since 1998. A total number of 1,391 different females have been tagged during the 1998, 1999 and 2000 nesting seasons. Although more data are needed, these islands may represent one ofthe most important populations for the species in the North Atlantic (Brongersma, 1982; Ross, 1995; López-Jurado & Andreu, 1998). The present study shows a comparative analysis between the morphometric data collected at Boavista during the last 2000 nesting season and those recorded in the 1998 and 1999 seasons. These data have also been contrasted with those from other loggerhead nesting populations around the world for possible differences.


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[EN] Many sea turtle nesting areas are experiencing a tremendous growth in tourism during the last decades that will likely continue in the near future. Many touristic activities involve light pollution by the increasing presence of vehicles close or even over the beaches. Vehicles can drive towards or along the beaches and even stay with the lights turned on illuminating during prolonged periods of time significant zones with sea turtle nesting activity. Thus, it is important to evaluate the impact of car light pollution on both nesting females and newborns in their search of the sea.


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[EN] Artificial illumination of nesting beaches is one of the main threats to endangered sea turtle populations. Nocturnal lighting can impair female nest site selection and nesting success, as well as behavior and hatchling survival in their way from the nest surface to the seashore. The island of Boavista (Cape Verde) hosts the third largest loggerhead nesting aggregation in the world and the only relevant population in the Eastern Atlantic coast. Several threats such as fishing by-catch and female slaughter during nesting are severely threatening its conservation.


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[EN] The hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) is a circumglobal tropical species listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN. While it is known that at least one stock occurs around the rookeries of São Tome and Principe and Bioko Islands, the eastern Atlantic remains genetically unexplored. We present the first analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences (n = 28) of hawksbill juveniles in a foraging aggregation at the Cape Verde Islands, an archipelago located in the eastern Atlantic. The mean size (minimun curve carapace length) of the studied individuals was 42.45 cm.


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[EN] The main nesting area for loggerhead turtles in the eastern Atlantic is in the Cape Verde Islands, largely restricted to the island of Boa Vista. Extensive monitoring demonstrated a globally significant population for the species despite a sustained high level of anthropogenic take of nesting females for local consumption. Through an extensive stratified monitoring program across the island in the seasons 2007-2009, we estimated a total of 13955, 12028 and 19950 clutches in the 3 years, respectively. These values indicate that the mean number of nesting females averaged 3700. Considering that a female breed, on average, every 2.4 years, we estimate that the overall number of adult females in the population during these three seasons was 8900.


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[EN] The fungus Fusarium solani (Mart.) Saccardo (1881) was found to be the cause of infections in the eggs of the sea turtle species Caretta caretta in Boavista Island, Cape Verde. Egg shells with early and severe symptoms of infection, as well as diseased embryos were sampled from infected nests. Twenty-five isolates with similar morphological characteristics were obtained. Their ITS rRNA gene sequences were similar to the GenBank sequences corresponding to F. solani and their maximum identity ranged from 95% to 100%.