51 resultados para Balassa, Iván: Magyar néprajz nyolc kötetben
Orden del acto: Apertura del acto por Don José Regidor García, Rector de la ULPGC. Investidura de D. Martín Chirino como Doctor Honoris Causa. Investidura del Dr. D. Álvaro Cuervo como Doctor Honoris Causa. Intervención del Rector Magnífico. Intervenciones musicales: Coral Polifónica de la ULPGC. D. Iván Martín, piano.
[EN] Sinking particles through the pelagic ocean have been traditionally considered the most important vehicle by which the biological pump sequesters carbon in the ocean interior. Nevertheless, regional scale variability in particle flux is a major outstanding issue in oceanography. Here, we have studied the regional and temporal variability of total particulate organic matter fluxes, as well as chloropigment and total hydrolyzed amino acid (THAA) compositions and fluxes in the Canary Current region, between 20?30_ N, during two contrasting periods: August 2006, characterized by warm and stratified waters, but also intense winds which enhanced eddy development south of the Canary Islands, and February 2007, characterized by colder waters, less stratification and higher productivity. We found that the eddyfield generated south of the Canary Islands enhanced by >2 times particulate organic carbon (POC) export with respect to stations (FF; far-field) outside the eddy-field influence. We also observed flux increases of one order of magnitude in chloropigment and 2 times in THAA in the eddy-field relative to FF stations. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was performed to assess changes in particulate organic matter composition between stations. At eddy-field stations, higher chlorophyll enrichment reflected ?fresher? material, while at FF stations a higher proportion of pheophytin indicated greater degradation due to microbes and microzooplankton. PCA also suggests that phytoplankton community structure, particularly the dominance of diatoms versus carbonate-rich plankton, is the major factor influencing the POC export within the eddy field. In February, POC export POC export within the eddy field. In February, POC export fluxes were the highest ever reported for this area, reaching values of _15 mmolCm?2 d?1 at 200m depth. Compositional changes in pigments and THAA indicate that the source of sinking particles varies zonally and meridionally and suggest that sinking particles were more degraded at near-coastal stations relative to open ocean stations.
Entrevista realizada por teléfono para 7.7 Radio en el programa "El espejo canario" por Iván García y Valentín Auyanet a Doña Esperanza Santana Perdomo, coordinadora del Grupo de Extensión y Marketing de la Biblioteca Universitaria, con motivo del Día Internacional de la Biblioteca. La Entrevista fue realizada dentro del programa radiofónico "Somos Siete" y se emitió a las 12:45 p.m. del día 20 de octubre de 2011.
[ES] En este artículo presentamos los resultados de un año de estudio del sistema del dióxido de carbono, dirigido a completar una red de resultados de 10 años en la estación ESTOC (European Station for Time series in the Ocean Canary Islands) localizada a 29º10´N,15º30´W, alrededor de 100 Km al norte de la isla de Gran Canaria. Para ello se ha analizado Alcalinidad, Carbono Inorgánico Total y CO2 en agua de mar y en la atmósfera, cuantificando la variabilidad estacional y temporal y el rol de este área en el cambio climático global.
Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)
Programa de doctorado: Salud, relación de ayuda y psicoterapia
[EN] It is generally assumed that episodic nutrient pulses by cyclonic eddies into surface waters support a significant fraction of the primary production in subtropical low-nutrient environments in the northern hemisphere. However, contradictory results related to the influence of eddies on particulate organic carbon (POC) export have been reported. As a step toward understanding the complex mechanisms that control export of material within eddies, we present here results from a sediment trap mooring deployed within the path of cyclonic eddies generated near the Canary Islands over a 1.5-year period. We find that, during summer and autumn (when surface stratification is stronger, eddies are more intense, and a relative enrichment in CaCO3 forming organisms occurs), POC export to the deep ocean was 2–4 times higher than observed for the rest of the year. On the contrary, during winter and spring (when mixing is strongest and the seasonal phytoplankton bloom occurs), no significant enhancement of POC export associated with eddies was observed. Our biomarker results suggest that a large fraction of the material exported from surface waters during the late-winter bloom is either recycled in the mesopelagic zone or bypassed by migrant zooplankton to the deep scattering layer, where it would disaggregate to smaller particles or be excreted as dissolved organic carbon. Cyclonic eddies, however, would enhance carbon export below 1000 m depth during the summer stratification period, when eddies are more intense and frequent, highlighting the important role of eddies and their different biological communities on the regional carbon cycle.
[EN] Here we present results from sediment traps that separate particles as a function of their settling velocity, which were moored in the Canary Current region over a 1.5-year period. This study represents the longest time series using “in situ” particle settling velocity traps to date and are unique in providing year-round estimates. We find that, at least during half of the year in subtropical waters (the largest ocean domain), more than 60% of total particulate organic carbon is contained in slowly settling particles (0.7–11 m d−1). Analyses of organic biomarkers reveal that these particles have the same degradation state, or are even fresher than rapidly sinking particles. Thus, if slowly settling particles dominate the exportable carbon pool, most organic matter would be respired in surface waters, acting as a biological source of CO2 susceptible to exchange with the atmosphere. In the context of climate change, if the predicted changes in phytoplankton community structure occur, slowly settling particles would be favored, affecting the strength of the biological pump in the ocean.