25 resultados para Africa Paradis


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[EN]This is the first time that the reproductive characteristics of Mycteroperca fusca have been analyzed over the whole area of its distribution, using the parameter of the histological analysis of the gonads. This species is a protogynous hermaphrodite with a marked predominance of females (1:4.9). The males and females displayed marked differences in the distribution of the sizes. The females were distributed over all the size ranges analyzed (229-725 mm total length), whereas the males were observed within the larger sizes, as of 428 mm. One transitional specimen (610 mm total length) was observed. The size at which the females first reached sexual maturity was 335 mm total length whereas the size at which 95% of females reached sexual maturity was 398 mm total length. The average size at which 50% of the females had inverted to the male condition was found to be 678 mm total length. The range of sizes at which the process of sexual inversion took place was broad, between 428 and 725 mm total length. The reproductive period was long, almost covering the annual cycle, although the maximum activity was observed between April and October, with a peak in spawning in June-July.


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[ES] La influencia de la actividad mesoscalar sobre la biomasa, abundancia y composición taxonómica del mesozooplancton fue estudiada desde las aguas costeras del afloramiento del NW de África a las aguas oceánicas cercanas a las Islas Canarias. Las muestras fueron escaneadas y analizadas mediante un sistema automatizado de procesado de imágenes digitales (ZooImage), demostrando ser una herramienta clave para este tipo de estudios. Nuestros resultados confirman la influencia de las estructuras mesoscalares en la distribución del zooplancton en la zona. El filamento de afloramiento y el remolino anticiclónico estudiados dieron lugar a un aumento de la biomasa y la abundancia del zooplancton en su interior. El acoplamiento físico-biológico existente en las diferentes estructuras se observa mediante la similitud en la distribución de la clorofila, indicador de las condiciones físicas, y la biomasa de zooplancton.


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La presentación es la utilizada en la defensa de la memoria de máster


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[EN] An optimum multiparameter analysis was applied to a data set for the eastern boundary of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre, gathered during November of two consecutive years and spanning from 16 to 36º N. This data set covers over 20º of latitude with good meridional and zonal resolution over the whole coastal transition zone. The contribution from six water types in the depth range between 100 and 2000 m is solved. In the 100 to 700 m depth range the central waters of southern and northern origin meet abruptly at the Cape Verde Frontal Zone. This front traditionally has been reported to stretch from Cape Blanc, at about 21.5º N, to the Cape Verde Islands, but in our case it penetrates as far as 24º N over the continental slope. South of 21º N latitude we actually find a less saline and more oxygenated variety of South Atlantic Central Water, which we ascribe to less diluted equatorial waters. In the 700 to 1500 m depth range the dominant water type is a diluted form of Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), whose influence smoothly disappears north of the Canary Islands as it is replaced by Mediterranean Water (MW); at latitudes where both water masses coexist, we observe MW offshore while AAIW is found near-shore. North Atlantic Deep Water is the dominating water type below about 1300/1700 m depth south/north of the Canary Islands; this abrupt change in depth suggests the existence of different paths for the deep waters reaching both sides of the archipelago.


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Centro de Biodiversidad y Gestión Ambiental, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain


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Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Facultad de Ciencias del Mar. Programa de doctorado en Oceanografía. Diploma de Estudios Avanzados


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[ES] Los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) juegan un papel primordial en cualquier proyecto que use de algún modo datos georreferenciados. El proyecto FP7 MEDINA (Marine ecosystem dynamics and indicators for north Africa) no es una excepción, donde trabajamos con indicadores provenientes de diferentes países e instituciones. Una de las labores que se ha llevado a cabo es la armonización de dicha información y la puesta en común mediante las posibilidades que ofrecen los SIG y herramientas afines. Hablaremos de la capacidad de los SIG, especialmente en sus soluciones libres, para poder organizar, gestionar y analizar la información geográfica.