53 resultados para ARCHIPELAGO
[ES] The shores of Cape Verde hosts one of the most important nesting populations of the loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta in the world, as well as important feeding grounds for hawksbill Eretmochelys imbricata and green turtles Chelonia mydas. In the past few years, a number of scientific studies have demonstrated the relevance of the waters and beaches of this archipelago for the conservation of these endangered marine megavertebrates. This article aims to bring together the most relevant scientific information published on the subject so far. In addition, we will provide an overview of the current situation of sea turtles in Cape Verde, their conservation status and their importance in an international context.
[EN]The Revillegigedo Archipelago Biosphere Reserve is home to several shark species that spend at least part of their life history associated with oceanic islands associated with hotspots of pelagic biodiversity and in particular with apex predators. Silvertip sharks (Carcharhinus albimarginatus) are is commonly found in all the islands of the archipelago. However, very little is known about the spatial and temporal scales of their habitat use and associated ecological role. In this study, we employed passive acoustic telemetry to investigate the residency patterns and migration dynamics of 35 silvertip sharks tagged in three islands of the archipelago (San Benedicto, Socorro and Roca Partida) and monitored for a period of between 7 and 1165 (mean ± SD: 553.7± 354.2) days.
Escasez de agua no necesariamente significa pobreza, como se dedcice de un análisis de áreas geográficas. Hay países relativamente ricos con escasos recursos hidricos y paises pobres con abundancia de agua dulce. La sociedad humana desarrollada dispone de recursos científicos, tecnicos, económicos, institucionales \; politicos para aáecuar la disponibilidad de agua a la demanda y viceversa, de un modo tendente a la sustentabilidad, siempre y cuando las actividades econornicas se modifiquen convenientemente y esa sustentabilidad sea un objetivo social deseado y participadc. El Archioiélago de Canarias esta en la región érida sahariana, aunque con ireas de pluviosidad relativamente elevada en sus vecientes septentrionales afectadas por la circulación de los vientos alisios y masas atlánticas de aire húmedo. La escasez de agua es algo bien asumido e internalizado en muchas de las áreas insulares canarias, en especial :ras la explosión demográfica del siglo XX. No por ello deja de ser una región europea ae economía aceptable y notablemente rica relativa al entorno geográfico próximo. La consecución de agua dulce es el resultado acumulado de un gran esfuerzo económico e imaginativo secular, con matices diferentes en cada isla y en cada parte de una misma isla. Sin embargo subsisten o han aparecido graves disfunciones a causa de la rapida evolución, arraigo de actividades agricolas no sustentables, debilidad insritucional y escasa participación ciudadana en la ~oliticad el agua a largo plazo, en un ambiente científico y técnico aiin por consolidar. No obstante. los logros en captaciór, de aguas subterraneas sor. espectaculares y el avance en desalinización y reutilización son m ~nyoto rios. ABSTRACT: relatively rich with scarce water resources and poor countries that have plenty of freshwater. A developed human society has scientific, technical, economic, institutional and policy resources to adapt water availability to demand, and vice versa, in a way that tends to sustainabílity. This needs modifying conveniently economic activities and making sustainability a wanted and participated social goal. The Archipelago of the Canaries is placed in the Sanaran dry belt, although there are some areas of relatively high rainfall in the north-facing slopes of the isiands, which intersect the circulation of trade winds and atlantic humid air masses. Water scarciTy is something well assumed and internalised in many of the areas of the Canaries, especially afier the demographic explosion of the XX century. But this does not imply poverty; actually it is an Eu8-opeanr egion wlth acceptable economic leve1 and notably rich respect the nearby geographical area. Freshwater wining is tne accumulated result of secular economic and imaginative efforts, which present differences from island to island and even incide the same island. Nowever some serious malfuncrions remain oí have appeared o'ue 10 the fast evolution, persistence of unsustainable agricultura1 activities 2nd still scarce public participation ir) long-term water policies. This happens in a scientific and iechnical environment which is stil! to be consolidated. However there are spectacular achievements in groundw~ter wining, and there are notorious progress in desalination and water reuse.
Abstract.- The effect of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum density over the diversity and composition of the mobile megainvertebrate community (> 2 cm) inhabiting shallow rocky reefs off the Canary Archipelago (eastern Atlantic) is described. Specifically, it was predicted that (1) high densities of D. antillarum produce a low diversity of the mobile megainvertebrate community, and (2) the composition of this community changes between rocky bottoms (= reefs) under different densities of D. antillarum. The presence of megainvertebrate taxa, and the density of D. antillarum individuals were recorded visually using 2 x 2 m quadrats (n = 16 replicates) in each of 24 locations (three locations in each of the eight main islands of the archipelago), which were visited in four occasions between February-2003 and October-2004. Thritythree taxa of mobile mega-invertebrates were observed. We registered a decline in the richness of such assemblages with increasing densities of D. antillarum (rs = -0.20; P<0.001). Species richness fluctuated considerably (0-16 species) in those locations with low densities of D. antillarum (< 2 ind. m-2). However, species richness was always low (< 9 species) in those locations with high densities of D. antillarum (> 8 ind. m-2). A CAP ordination analysis showed significant differences in the composition of the mega-invertebrate community between rocky bottoms under different densities of D. antillarum, and we registered a negative correlation between the presence of some taxa and the densities of sea urchin. Consequently, the sea urchin D. antillarum influences the diversity and composition of the mobile mega-invertebrate community on rocky bottoms off the Canary Archipelago. Resumen.- Se describe el efecto de la densidad del erizo Diadema antillarum sobre la diversidad y composición de la comunidad de mega-invertebrados vágiles (> 2 cm) que habita fondos rocosos del Archipiélago Canario (Atlántico oriental). Específicamente, se predijo que (1) las altas densidades de D. antillarum producen una baja diversidad de la comunidad de mega-invertebrados vágiles, y (2) la composición de las comunidades de mega-invertebrados varía entre fondos con diferentes densidades de D. antillarum. La presencia de especies mega-invertebradas, y la densidad de individuos de D. antillarum, se registraron visualmente en cuadrados de 2 x 2 m (n = 16 réplicas) en un total de 24 localidades (tres localidades en cada una de las ocho islas principales del archipiélago), visitadas en cuatro ocasiones entre febrero-2003 y octubre-2004. Se observaron 33 taxones de mega-invertebrados vágiles. Se registró una relación inversa entre la riqueza específica y la densidad de D. antillarum (rs = -0,20; P<0,001). En localidades con bajas densidades de D. antillarum (< 2 ind. m-2), la riqueza de especies fluctuó considerablemente, entre 0-16 especies. Sin embargo, en localidades con altas densidades de D. antillarum (> 8 ind. m-2), la riqueza de especies fue siempre baja (< 9 especies). Un análisis de correspondencia canónicas (CAP) mostró diferencias significativas en la composición de la comunidad de mega-invertebrados entre fondos sometidos a diferentes densidades de D. antillarum, y se detectó una correlación negativa entre la presencia de ciertas taxa y las densidades de D. antillarum. Consecuentemente, el erizo D. antillarum influye sobre la diversidad y composición de la comunidad de mega-invertebrados vágiles en fondos rocosos del Archipiélago Canario.
Abstract.- This study assessed the effects of human influences over the abundance and size patterns of five species of gastropods (top-shell snails and limpets) commonly collected in the Canarian Archipelago: ‘burgado hembra’ (Osilinus atrata), ‘burgado macho’ (Osilinus sauciatus), ‘lapa blanca’ (Patella aspera), ‘lapa negra’ (Patella candei crenata) and ‘lapa de sol’ (Patella rustica). We studied patterns of abundance and size of these species across three islands (Lanzarote, La Graciosa and Alegranza) corresponding to three levels of human influence: high, medium and low, respectively; which were quantified through three indicators: human pressure (inhabitants km-1 d-1), accessibility to the coast (km of sealed and unsealed roads), and volumes of capture (kg). The abundances of O. atrata and P. aspera were statistically higher at Alegranza than at La Graciosa and Lanzarote, whereas the density was 10 to 15 times larger at Alegranza for four of the five studied species. Significant differences in the size structure of the species among islands (= levels of human influence) were also observed. Not only all large-sized individuals disappeared at Lanzarote and La Graciosa, yet there was a decrease in numbers for the majority of size ranges. Thought populations of top-shell snails and limpets were affected by natural variability, human activities turned out to be the major driver for the observed differences among islands. These results seriously question the effectiveness of the current shellfish regulations contained in the Regional Fish Law. Resumen.- Este estudio determinó los efectos de la influencia humana sobre la abundancia y la estructura de talla de cinco especies de moluscos gasterópodos comúnmente recolectados en el Archipiélago Canario: el ‘burgado hembra’ (Osilinus atrata), el ‘burgado macho’ (Osilinus sauciatus), la ‘lapa blanca’ (Patella aspera), la ‘lapa negra’ (Patella candei crenata) y la ‘lapa de sol’ (Patella rustica). Se analizaron tres islas (Lanzarote, La Graciosa y Alegranza) correspondientes a tres categorías de influencia humana: alta, media y baja, respectivamente; cuantificadas a través de tres indicadores: la presión humana (hab km-1 d-1), la accesibilidad a la costa (km de red viaria) y los volúmenes de extracción de los recursos (kg). La abundancia de O. atrata y P. aspera fue estadísticamente mayor en Alegranza que en La Graciosa y Lanzarote, mientras que los valores de densidad fueron de 10 a 15 veces superiores en Alegranza para cuatro de las cinco especies estudiadas. Para la estructura de talla, se detectaron notables diferencias entre islas (= niveles de influencia humana). En Lanzarote y La Graciosa no sólo desaparecieron los ejemplares de mayor talla, sino que disminuyeron los ejemplares para la mayoría de rangos de talla. A pesar que la variabilidad natural de las poblaciones de burgados y lapas es alta, la actividad humana parece ser la causa principal de las diferencias observadas entre islas. Estos resultados cuestionan seriamente la efectividad de las normas sobre marisqueo de la actual Ley de Pesca de Canarias.
Se han eliminado páginas en blanco
En este trabajo se presentan algunos resultados obtenidos del análisis de la variabilidad de la altura de la superficie del mar a partir de las anomalías del nivel del mar proporcionadas por los datos del altímetro a bordo del satélite ERS-2. La finalidad del estudio has sido la determinación de la variación estacional que las estructuras oceanográficas mesoescalares presentan en las proximidades del archipiélago canario durante el año 1998. En esta zona, caracterizada por la generación de remolinos ciclónicos y anticiclónicos al sur de las islas debida a la perturbación que experimenta la corriente de Canarias a su paso por los canales entre las islas, y por los filamentos de agua fría procedente del afloramiento, el altímetro se muestra como una herramienta importante en la detección y posterior análisis de estas estructuras oceanográficas. Los resultados muestran que la variabilidad espacial y temporal del nivel del mar es máxima en el segundo semestre del año, y ésta se centra, fundamentalmente, en una estrecha banda situada al sudoeste del archipiélago. ABSTRACT: Some results obtained from the analysis of the sea surface height variability using sea level anomalies given by ERS-2 altimeter data are shown in this work. The aim of the study is to work out the seasonal variations of the mesoscale oceanographic features that appear in the vicinity of the Canary Archipelago during 1998 year. This area is characterized by cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies southward of the islands, which are generated by the interference suffered by the Canary Current through the canals between the islands, and also owing to cold water filaments coming from the Upwelling. The altimeter demonstrates to be an important tool in the detection and posterior analysis of these features. The results show that the temporal and spatial variability of the sea level is associated, fundamentally, to a narrow band located to the southwest of the archipelago, and which has been clearly seen with greater intensity during the periods of summer and autumn of 1998.
Memoria presentada para optar al Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias del Mar
[ES]Este trabajo analiza diversos aspectos de la biología reproductora de la población nidificante de tortuga boba (Caretta caretta) en el archipiélago de Cabo Verde. Se estudiaron datos relacionados con la temporada de anidación, con la morfometría de las hembras, con el éxito de las salidas a tierra, con el tiempo de incubación y con el éxito de los nidos.
Máster en Gestión Sostenible de Recursos Pesqueros
[EN]The age and growth of the sand sole Pegusa lascaris from the Canarian Archipelago were studied from 2107 fish collected between January 2005 and December 2007. To find an appropriate method for age determination, sagittal otoliths were observed by surface-reading and frontal section and the results were compared. The two methods did not differ significantly in estimated age but the surface-reading method is superior in terms of cost and time efficiency. The sand sole has a moderate life span, with ages up to 10 years recorded. Individuals grow quickly in their first two years, attaining approximately 48% of their maximum standard length; after the second year, their growth rate drops rapidly as energy is diverted to reproduction. Males and females show dimorphism in growth, with females reaching a slightly greater length and age than males. Von Bertalanffy, seasonalized von Bertalanfy, Gompertz, and Schnute growth models were fitted to length-at-age data. Akaike weights for the seasonalized von Bertalanffy growth model indicated that the probability of choosing the correct model from the group of models used was >0.999 for males and females. The seasonalized von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated were: L? = 309 mm standard length, k = 0.166 yr?1, t0 = ?1.88 yr, C = 0.347, and ts = 0.578 for males; and L? = 318 mm standard length, k = 0.164 yr?1, t0 = ?1.653 yr, C = 0.820, and ts = 0.691 for females. Fish standard length and otolith radius are closely correlated (R2 = 0.902). The relation between standard length and otolith radius is described by a power function (a = 85.11, v = 0.906)
[EN] Background: Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) biting midges are vectors for a diversity of pathogens including bluetongue virus (BTV) that generate important economic losses. BTV has expanded its range in recent decades, probably due to the expansion of its main vector and the presence of other autochthonous competent vectors. Although the Canary Islands are still free of bluetongue disease (BTD), Spain and Europe have had to face up to a spread of bluetongue with disastrous consequences. Therefore, it is essential to identify the distribution of biting midges and understand their feeding patterns in areas susceptible to BTD. To that end, we captured biting midges on two farms in the Canary Islands (i) to identify the midge species in question and characterize their COI barcoding region and (ii) to ascertain the source of their bloodmeals using molecular tools.Methods: Biting midges were captured using CDC traps baited with a 4-W blacklight (UV) bulb on Gran Canaria and on Tenerife. Biting midges were quantified and identified according to their wing patterns. A 688 bp segment of the mitochondrial COI gene of 20 biting midges (11 from Gran Canaria and 9 from Tenerife) were PCR amplified using the primers LCO1490 and HCO2198. Moreover, after selected all available females showing any rest of blood in their abdomen, a nested-PCR approach was used to amplify a fragment of the COI gene from vertebrate DNA contained in bloodmeals. The origin of bloodmeals was identified by comparison with the nucleotide-nucleotide basic alignment search tool (BLAST). Results: The morphological identification of 491 female biting midges revealed the presence of a single morphospecies belonging to the Obsoletus group. When sequencing the barcoding region of the 20 females used to check genetic variability, we identified two haplotypes differing in a single base. Comparison analysis using the nucleotide-nucleotide basic alignment search tool (BLAST) showed that both haplotypes belong to Culicoides obsoletus, a potential BTV vector. As well, using molecular tools we identified the feeding sources of 136 biting midges and were able to confirm that C. obsoletus females feed on goats and sheep on both islands.Conclusions: These results confirm that the feeding pattern of C. obsoletus is a potentially important factor in BTV transmission to susceptible hosts in case of introduction into the archipelago. Consequently, in the Canary Islands it is essential to maintain vigilance of Culicoides-transmitted viruses such as BTV and the novel Schmallenberg virus.
[EN] An optimum multiparameter analysis was applied to a data set for the eastern boundary of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre, gathered during November of two consecutive years and spanning from 16 to 36º N. This data set covers over 20º of latitude with good meridional and zonal resolution over the whole coastal transition zone. The contribution from six water types in the depth range between 100 and 2000 m is solved. In the 100 to 700 m depth range the central waters of southern and northern origin meet abruptly at the Cape Verde Frontal Zone. This front traditionally has been reported to stretch from Cape Blanc, at about 21.5º N, to the Cape Verde Islands, but in our case it penetrates as far as 24º N over the continental slope. South of 21º N latitude we actually find a less saline and more oxygenated variety of South Atlantic Central Water, which we ascribe to less diluted equatorial waters. In the 700 to 1500 m depth range the dominant water type is a diluted form of Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), whose influence smoothly disappears north of the Canary Islands as it is replaced by Mediterranean Water (MW); at latitudes where both water masses coexist, we observe MW offshore while AAIW is found near-shore. North Atlantic Deep Water is the dominating water type below about 1300/1700 m depth south/north of the Canary Islands; this abrupt change in depth suggests the existence of different paths for the deep waters reaching both sides of the archipelago.
[ES] La isla La Graciosa está situada al noroeste de Lanzarote y tiene una extensión de 27,05 km2. Se trata de un área que presenta un alto valor ecológico pues está protegida a través de diferentes figuras tales como: Parque Natural y Reserva Marina del Archipiélago Chinijo, Reserva de la Biosfera de Lanzarote, Zona de Especial Protección de aves (ZEPA) y Zona de Especial Conservación (ZEC), entre otras. En la isla hay varios sistemas playa-duna tanto en la mitad nororiental de la isla (Las Conchas, Lambra y El Jablillo) como en su parte meridional (Barranco de Los Conejos, Las Caletas, El Salado y Francesa). Algunas de las playas muestran evidencias de un déficit sedimentario pues tienen una reducida o nula entrada de sedimentos arenosos al sistema y/o muestran procesos erosivos que hacen aparecer el substrato rocoso. Además, se observa en el interior de la isla la estabilización de los mantos eólicos por la vegetación. Estos ambientes eólicos costeros son esenciales, tanto para la preservación de los ecosistemas protegidos, como para la actividad turística insular. En este contexto se están desarrollando investigaciones multidisciplinares para elaborar un diagnóstico científico de esta problemática ambiental, determinando si las causas de este déficit sedimentario son naturales o antrópicas, y proponer soluciones al respecto.
[EN] We apply an inverse model to a hydrographic cruise that completely closes the Canary Islands to investigate their effect on the water masses transports. Most central waters are transported south between the eastern islands and the African coast, with 2.5 Sv out of a total of 3.5 Sv. Intermediate waters are effectively blocked by the islands passages, with Mediterranean/Antarctic waters predominantly found north/south of the islands, and most deep waters loop around the archipelago plateau. A process model upholds the existence of intense two-way exchange between central and intermediate waters along the eastern passage, with vertical velocities of order 10 m s.