7 resultados para socialt arv

em Academic Archive On-line (Stockholm University


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Syftet med denna studie är att förstå hur ungdomar, som tillfrågats informellt av lärare att utöva socialt stöd till en utsatt skolkamrat, upplever situationen och vilken innebörd socialt stöd har för dem. Genom tolkande fenomenologisk metod har kvalitativa intervjuer med sex ungdomar i åldern 15-18 år genomförts och analyserats. Resultatet visade tre huvudteman i upplevelsen. Dubbla känslor beskriver en kluvenhet inför rollen med såväl positiva som negativa upplevelser. De upplevde förståelse av stödet som en arbetssituation genom att tala om rollen som ett uppdrag, beskriva den utsatte som annorlunda än de själva och markera stödets avgränsning till skoltiden. I informanternas berättelser om stödets utformning framkom deras syn på innebörden av socialt stöd, som att få med den utsatte i gemenskapen. De uttryckte även en önskan att fler elever ska involveras i stödarbetet. Slutsatsen är att rollen kan innebära en utsatt position och att barn och ungdomar, som utövar informellt socialt stöd till en skolkamrat på uppdrag av lärare, behöver uppmärksammas och vikten av stöttning till dem belysas samt beforskas ytterligare. Studien bidrar med ny kunskap om upplevelser av att utöva informellt stöd i skolan.


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The general aim of this dissertation is to describe and analyse how public old-age care in Sweden has developed and changed during the last century. The study applies a provider perspective on how care has been planned and professionally carried out. A broader social policy perspective, studying old-age care at central/national as well as local/municipal level, is also developed. A special focus is directed at the large local variation in care and services for the elderly. The empirical base is comprised of official documents and other public sources, survey data from interviews with elderly recipients of public old-age care, and official statistics on publicly financed and controlled old-age care and services. Study I addresses the development of old-age care in Sweden during the twentieth century by studying an important occupation in this field – the supervisors and their professional roles, tasks and working conditions. Throughout, the roles of supervisors have followed the prevailing official policy on the proper way to provide care for elderly people in Sweden; from poor relief at the beginning of the 1900s, via a generous level of services in the 1960s and 1970s, to today’s restricted and economy-controlled mode of operation. Study II describes and compares two main forms of public old-age care in Sweden today, home help services and institutional care. The care-load found in home-based care was comparable to and sometimes even larger than in service-homes and other institutions, indicating that large care needs among elderly people in Sweden today can be met in their homes as well as in institutional settings. Studies III and IV analyse the local variation in public old-age care in Sweden. During the last decades there has been an overall decline in home help services. The coverage of home help for elderly people shows large differences between municipalities throughout this period, and the relative variation has increased. The local disparity seems to depend more on historical factors, e.g., previous coverage rates, than on the present municipal situation in levels of need or local economy and politics. In an introductory part the four papers are linked together by an outline of the demographic situation and the social policy model for old-age care in Sweden. Trends that have been apparent over time, e.g. professionalisation and market orientation, are traced and discussed. Conflicts between prevailing ideologies are analysed, in regards to for instance home-based and institution-based care, social and medical culture, and local and central levels of decision-making. ’Welfare municipality’, ‘path dependency’, and ‘decentralisation’ are suggested as a conceptual framework for describing the large and increasing local variations in old-age care. Finally, implications of the four studies with regard to old-age care policy and further research are discussed.


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This dissertation aims to examine and deepen the knowledge of family member caregiving where the care recipient is an elderly person who immigrated late in life. It also aims to contribute to the knowledge of the complexities underlying informal care giving and add to our understandings of what it means to be an immigrant in Sweden. The caregiver is in focus. The research conducted is explorative and partly inductive. The main material used is a qualitative interview study carried out with family members from different countries who are providing informal care to elderly immigrant relatives. The analysis gives three patterns of caregiving. One shows help from informal caregivers only who are not compensated economically. Another shows help from family members who are compensated. The third shows help from family members and staff from the public care system. Three ideal-typical informal caregiver roles show different positions vis-à-vis the new: “guardian”, “filter” and “reinterpreter of traditional care ideals”. Swedish born and immigrated informal caregivers are also compared through analysis of data gathered in telephone interviews with a representative selection of inhabitants in the County of Stockholm. A philosophy of action together with theory on integration and multiculturalism serves as theoretical frameworks to understand discrepancies and ambiguities in the data. Young immigrants experience different integration processes than do the older ones. They strive to protect older family members from changes linked to the migration experience. Talk about dependence on culture underlines family feelings and legitimates the processes of protection. Preconceptions about great differences between Swedish born and immigrant families are not supported by quantitative data. A conclusion is that protection can be understood in relation both to the traditional and the new, the latter in the forms of meetings with Swedish society where unequal relations prevail. It is a kind of counter-strategy where the range of actions is diminished, and thus it has its own logic. Protection can be loosened up when the circumstances change and the range of actions grow.


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I denna studie har det framkommit ett genomgående mönster som visar att de personer som framhäver sin musiklyssning på Spotify gör det för att de vill att någon skall se att de har lyssnat på en specifik musik. Dessutom anser dessa personer att musik är jätteviktigt och döljer aktivt sina musiklistor och gör dem privata på Spotify. Däremot finns det personer som inte aktivt gör sina spellistor osynliga och dessa är sådana som inte anser att bilden av en person ändras om de ser att denne lyssnar på oväntad musik. Det framkom även att personer som aktivt döljer vad de lyssnar på gör det då de anser att musiken de ibland lyssnar på är pinsam. Dessa personer anser att musik säger mycket om en person, varför de aktivt döljer sina lyssningar på Spotify. De personer som även döljer sina spellistor gör det på grund av att de följs av andra Spotify-användare. Någonting som var relativt överraskande i denna studie var att Justin Bieber fortfarande ses som någonting pinsamt att lyssna på, vilket även bevittnas i inledningen till denna studie. Vi hade ändå trott att han hade blivit mer socialt accepterad. Dessutom kom vi fram till att de som nyttjar musikanvändningen i syfte att skapa ett personligt varumärke gör det då de anser att musik säger mycket om en person, vilka även ändrar bilden av en person när man får se vad den personen egentligen lyssnar på. Dessutom anser även de som har ändrat sin bild av en annan person på grund av musikval att det finns musik som är pinsam, vilket även är de personer som värderar musik allra högst. De skapar sig ett personligt varumärke genom att dölja och framhäva vad de lyssnar på på Spotify. Sammanfattningsvis har vi kunnat konstatera att det finns en viss skillnad mellan olika typer av människor; de som värdesätter musik högre bryr sig mer om sitt personliga varumärke och sin digitala identitet utåt när det gäller musik, varför de manipulerar sin Spotify-användning mer än den grupp personer som inte värdesätter musik lika mycket. Med dessa resultat kan vi konstatera att de musikintresserade svenska Spotify-användarna (15-35) döljer och framhäver vad de lyssnar på och på så vis använder musikstreamingtjänsten för att lyfta fram sin image och därmed det personliga varumärket. 


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The aim of this thesis was to analyse coexisting disadvantages in the older Swedish population. Coexisting disadvantages are those that occur simultaneously in various life domains. A person who simultaneously experiences several disadvantages may be particularly vulnerable and less well-equipped to manage daily life and may also need support from several different welfare service providers. Concerted actions may be needed for older people who experience not only physical health problems and functional limitations, but also other problems. Research that encompasses a wide range of living conditions provides a basis for setting political priorities and making political decisions. The studies in this thesis used data from two Swedish nationally representative surveys: the Level of Living Survey, which includes people aged 18 through 75, and the Swedish Panel Study of Living Conditions of the Oldest Old, which includes people aged 77 and older. Study I showed that the probability of experiencing coexisting disadvantages was higher in people 77 and older than in those aged 18 through 76. These age differences were partly driven by a high prevalence of physical health problems in older people. In all age groups, coexisting disadvantages were more common in women than men. The longitudinal analyses in Study II indicated that coexisting disadvantages in old age persist in some people but are temporary in others. Moreover, the results suggested a pattern of accumulating disadvantages: reporting one disadvantage in young old age (in particular, psychological health problems) increased the probability of reporting coexisting disadvantages in late old age.   Study III showed that physical health problems were a central component of coexisting disadvantages. The results also showed that being older; female; previously employed as a manual labourer; and divorced/separated, widowed or never married were associated with an increased probability of experiencing coexisting disadvantages. However, the experience of coexisting disadvantages differed: the groups associated with coexisting disadvantages tended to report different combinations of disadvantage. Study IV showed that the prevalence of coexisting disadvantages in those 77 and older increased slightly between 1992 and 2011. Physical health problems became more common over time, whereas limited ability to manage daily activities (ADL limitations), limited financial resources and limited political resources became less common. Associations between different disadvantages were found in all survey years, but certain associations changed over time. The results suggest that in general, the composition of coexisting disadvantages in the older population may have altered over time. In sum, results showed that coexisting disadvantages were associated with specific demographic and socio-economic groups. Physical health problems and psychological health problems were of particular importance to the accumulation and coexistence of disadvantages in old age.


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In the body of knowledge surrounding ADHD there is a power struggle regarding which interpretations and perspectives should prevail. Representatives from various scientific disciplines and professions write and publish articles about the diagnosis based on their respective points of view. These articles are the focus of this thesis. Among other things it can be seen in these examined articles that, the prevalence of ADHD is higher amongst established bodies of social care, and that there is a lack of knowledge regarding the diagnosis in social systems such as schools and social services. Our aim with this study is to highlight how professionals within the Swedish contemporary field of knowledge surrounding ADHD create significance and meaning of the phenomenon. Based on Jonathan Potters discourse analysis, we focus on how ADHD is described by professionals in contemporary Swedish articles about ADHD and also on how these descriptions become valid and credible in these texts. The approach used in our case has been article analysis, based on Potter's rhetorical toolbox that includes both theory and method in one. ADHD is widely presented in the articles with descriptions ranging from a cultural disease constructed by prevailing social climate to being a genetic abnormality. Using various rhetorical strategies it is possible to establish totally different groups of interpretative repertoires as all true. In this thesis, we also discuss the possible consequences of these various explanations and constructions within social work and society at large.