3 resultados para pedagogiska dilemman

em Academic Archive On-line (Stockholm University


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The purpose of this thesis is to deepen the understanding of grown-up blind people’s non-verbal communication, including body expressions and paralinguistic (voice) expressions. More specifically, the thesis includes the following three studies: Blind people’s different forms of body expressions, blind people’s non-verbal conversation regulation and blind people’s experience of their own non-verbal expressions. The focus has been on the blind participants’ competence and on their subjective perspectives. I have also compared congenitally and adventitiously blind in all of the studies. The approach is mainly phenomenological and the qualitative empirical phenomenological psychological method is the primary methodological source of inspiration. Fourteen blind persons (and also some sigthed persons) participated. They have no other obvious disability than the blindness and their ages vary between 18 and 54. Data in the first two studies consisted of video recordings and data in the last study consisted of interviews. The overall results can be summarized in the following three points: 1. There are (almost) only similarities between the congenitally blind and adventitiously blind persons concerning their paralinguistic expressions. 2. There are mainly similarities between the two groups with respect to the occurrences of different body expressive forms. 3. There are also some differences between the groups. For example, the congenitally blind persons seem to have a limited ability to use the body in an abstract and symbolic way and they often mentioned that they have been told that their body expressions deviate from sighted people’s norms. But the persons in both groups also struggle to see themselves as unique persons who express themselves on the basis of their conditions and their previous experiences.


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The study concerns the new educational activities that emerge within the deregulated school system at the beginning of the 21st century. Which ideas guide the work? How is the activity formed? What does one hope to achieve? The aim of the thesis is to explore these educational practices in one of the larges independent schools in Sweden – Kunskapsskolan. The study was based upon a sociocultural perspective on learning and on twenty situated interviews with seven principals. Tools central for the activity in Kunskapsskolan were used as basis for the interviews. A qualitative analysis has been used; one of the methods for analysis applied is phenomenography. The study shows how the school, with the help of centrally developed tools, organised the teaching and the environments for learning that were implemented in all schools of the company. Individually organised teaching is the foundation for all teaching, where the students are expected to be self-regulated and self-correcting and use the tools provided for their learning. With regards to the students’ learning, the teachers’ role is mainly related to individual tutorial conversations. Thereby the tools intended to create freedom and control for the students, also create problems and obstacles. Students who do not learn to use the tools have difficulties in managing their studies. The new tools also affect the teachers’ work. In comparison with other schools, the teachers are expected to submit to the educational model and a centrally controlled planning. The teaching is centrally planned in subject specific stages or subject integrated courses. Teachers can influence the central planning by working collaboratively in teacher teams but not individually. The main commission of the teachers is to follow the educational model decided by the company. In comparison with the traditional school, both teachers and students are given new roles. When learning is individually organised for the students, the teachers are expected to develop their knowledge collectively. According to the results, both students and teachers have different approaches to the system – they can submit to the system or approach it in a more independent and reflective way.


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Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på om det finns lekar som förskollärare upplever som problematiska, icke önskvärda eller rent av förbjuder i sin verksamhet, vilka regler som finns för lek i deras verksamhet, samt vilka diskurser kring lek i förskolan som ligger till grund för dessa uppfattningar. Vi vill även undersöka hur förskollärarna själva ser på hur faktorer som genus och egna lekerfarenheter i barndomen har påverkat deras synsätt. Metoden för studien är enskilda intervjuer av semistrukturerad karaktär, samt analys av respondenternas utsagor utifrån ett poststrukturalistiskt perspektiv. Studiens resultat visar att det bland de intervjuade förskollärarna finns föreställningar om lek som bygger på diskurser om lek som lärande, utveckling och bearbetning. När det gäller reglering av lek så ges här uttryck för ståndpunkter som vilar på diskurser om att leken ska vara säker och bygga på samtycke och ömsesidighet mellan de som leker och att ingen får bli kränkt. En slutsats av studien är att det inom svensk förskoleverksamhet både existerar förhållningssätt om totalförbud mot vissa typer av lekar, till exempel vapenlek, men även förhållningssätt som accepterar sådana lekar. En annan slutsats är att pedagoger i förskolan kan uppleva att den pedagogiska miljön begränsar deras möjligheter att tillåta vissa typer av lekar.