3 resultados para livskvalitet och fatigue. Multiple Sclerosis
em Academic Archive On-line (Stockholm University
Studien undersöker och jämför hur fyra lärare arbetar medvetet med sin högläsning i klassrummet och ifall deras arbete förändras mellan årskurs 4 och årskurs 6. Undersökningen är disponerad som en multipel fallstudie, där varje enskilt fall först analyseras separat för att därpå korsanalyseras. För att kunna besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar genomfördes en empirisk undersökning där de fyra fallen studerades genom metoderna enkät, observation, intervju och deltagarvalidering. Därefter analyserades fallen utifrån den sociokulturella teorin om lärande, skolans styrdokument och tidigare forskning inom ämnesområdet. Resultaten ger en positiv inblick i lärares arbete med högläsning i klassrummet. De didaktiska val som ligger bakom de deltagande lärarnas högläsning går att koppla till läroplanens syfte och centrala innehåll. Lärarna verkar arbeta varierat och eleverna tränas med högläsningen som utgångspunkt i läroplanens övergripande förmågor. Lärarna har alla märkt ett generellt minskat läsintresse hos barn och elever men anser sig överlag inte märka så mycket av detta i sina egna klassrum, vilket de kopplar till att de aktivt arbetar med att läsa högt för eleverna. Vidare anser de att elevernas språkutveckling och ordförståelse gynnas av högläsning då de får lyssna till det skrivna ordet. Studiens lärare är överens om att det är viktigt att avsätta tid till högläsning i undervisningen och använder sig av en dialogisk uppläsning i sina klassrum, där högläsningen blir ett pedagogiskt verktyg. Endast en av lärarna säger sig uttryckligen arbeta med specifika metoder och strategier utifrån ämnesdidaktisk forskning, men vid besöken observerades att även de övriga lärarna intuitivt arbetar implicit med lässtrategier i sin undervisning. Gemensamt för lärarna är att de ofta väljer att arbeta ämnesintegrerat och att högläsningen blir en naturlig del i ett tematiskt arbete. De menar också att behovet av deras högläsning i undervisningen snarast ökar i och med att eleverna blir äldre, då de möts av mer komplexa texter ju äldre de blir.
Collaboration in the public sector is imperative to achieve e-government objectives such as improved efficiency and effectiveness of public administration and improved quality of public services. Collaboration across organizational and institutional boundaries requires public organizations to share e-government systems and services through for instance, interoperable information technology and processes. Demands on public organizations to become more open also require that public organizations adopt new collaborative approaches for inviting and engaging citizens in governmental activities. E-government related collaboration in the public sector is challenging, however, and collaboration initiatives often fail. Public organizations need to learn how to collaborate since forms of e-government collaboration and expected outcomes are mostly unknown. How public organizations can collaborate and the expected outcomes are thus investigated in this thesis by studying multiple collaboration cases on the acquisition and implementation of a particular e-government investment (digital archive). This thesis also investigates how e-government collaboration can be facilitated through artifacts. It is done through a case study, where objects that cross boundaries between collaborating communities in the public sector are studied, and by designing a configurable process model integrating several processes for social services. By using design science, this thesis also investigates how an m-government solution that facilitates collaboration between citizens and public organizations can be designed. The thesis contributes to literature through describing five different modes of interorganizational collaboration in the public sector and the expected benefits from each mode. It also contributes with an instantiation of a configurable process model supporting three open social e-services and with evidence of how it can facilitate collaboration. This thesis further describes how boundary objects facilitate collaboration between different communities in an open government design initiative. It contributes with a designed mobile government solution, thereby providing proof of concept and initial design implications for enabling collaboration with citizens through citizen sourcing (outsourcing a governmental activity to citizens through an open call). This thesis also identifies research streams within e-government collaboration research through a literature review and the thesis contributions are related to the identified research streams. This thesis gives directions for future research by suggesting that future research should focus further on understanding e-government collaboration and how information and communication technology can facilitate collaboration in the public sector. It is suggested that further research should investigate m-government solutions to form design theories. Future research should also examine how value can be co-created in e-government collaboration.
During the 1920s and 1930s, the Swedish right-wing party Allmänna valmansförbundet (AVF) made citizen into a key concept within their political vocabulary and practice. This thesis examines the distribution, meaning and function of the concept of citizen within the AVF between 1915 and 1936. By using theoretical and methodological perspectives from both the English (Skinner) and German (Koselleck) side of conceptual history vis-à-vis Begriffsgeschischte, this study illuminates how a discursive framework took place within the AVF and expanded throughout the organisation. The constitutional reforms 1918/1921 and the organisational strength from opposite parties, stressed the importance for the AVF to assemble the citizens around conservative value laden concepts: responsibility, ansvar, and public participation, offentlighet. This new situation in political and social life, pushed the AVF towards a reorganisation. The aim was to educate the masses, women and youth into conservative citizens. Citizen became the sole tool in (i) upholding the traditional heritage between folk–state, and (ii) enabling the AVF citizen discourse to spread throughout the society. This study shows the multiple meaning and functions of the citizen concept within the AVF. It provides a new understanding of how collective concepts became an important part of the struggle for power during the democratization process in Swedish political history and must in that respect be seen as an antithesis to the collective concepts of the Social Democratic Party during this period.