3 resultados para Protection against overcurrent

em Academic Archive On-line (Stockholm University


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Protective immunity against Plasmodium falciparum may be obtained after repeated exposure to infection. Several studies indicate that immunity against the blood stages of the P. Falciparum infection is mainly antibody mediated. Protective antibodies may act either on their own, mediate antibody-dependent phagocytosis and/or cell-mediated neutralization of parasites. This thesis describes several aspects of humoral immune responses to P. falciparum infection in individuals of different age groups, different genetic background and with different degrees of malaria exposure. Several target antigens for antibody-mediated inhibition of parasite growth or invasion have been identified. One such antigen is Pf332, which appears on the surface of parasitized erythrocytes at late trophozoite and schizont stage. This surface exposure makes the antigen a possible target for opsonizing antibodies. We optimized an in vitro assay for studying cellmediated parasite neutralization in the presence of Pf332-reactive antibodies. Our data demonstrate that, Pf332 specific antibodies are able to inhibit parasite growth on their own and in cooperation with human monocytes. The P. falciparum parasites have evolved several mechanisms to evade the host neutralizing immune responses. In this thesis, we show that freshly isolated P. falciparum parasites from children living in a malaria endemic area of Burkina Faso were less sensitive for growth inhibition in vitro by autologous immunoglobulins (Ig) compared with heterologous ones. Analyses of two consecutive isolates taken 14 days apart, with regard to genotypes and sensitivity to growth inhibition in vitro, did not give any clear-cut indications on possible mechanisms leading to a reduced inhibitory activity in autologous parasite/antibody combinations. The frequent presence of persisting parasite clones in asymptomatic children indicates that the parasite possesses as yet undefined mechanisms to evade neutralizing immune responses. Transmission reducing measures such insecticide treated nets (ITNs) have been shown to be effective in reducing morbidity and mortality from malaria. However, concerns have been raised that ITNs usage could affect the acquisition of malaria immunity. We studied the effect of the use of insecticide treated curtains (ITC) on anti-malarial immune responses of children living in villages with ITC since birth. The use of ITC did neither affect the levels of parasite neutralizing immune responses nor the multiplicity of infection. These results indicate that the use of ITC does not interfere with the acquisition of anti-malarial immunity in children living in a malaria hyperendemic area. There is substantial evidence that the African Fulani tribe is markedly less susceptible to malaria infection compared to other sympatrically living ethnic tribes. We investigated the isotypic humoral responses against P. falciparum asexual blood stages in different ethnic groups living in sympatry in two countries exhibiting different malaria transmission intensities, Burkina Faso and Mali. We observed higher levels of the total malaria-specific-IgG and its cytophilic subclasses in individuals of the Fulani tribe as compared to non-Fulani individuals. Fulani individuals also showed higher levels of antibodies to measles antigen, indicating that the intertribal differences are not specific for malaria and might reflect a generally activated immune system in the Fulani.


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In the green-veined white butterfly (Pieris napi), females obtain direct fitness benefits from mating multiply and studies have shown that fitness increases seemingly monotonically with number of matings. The reason is that at mating males transfer a large nutritious gift (a so called nuptial gift) to the females that the females use to increase both their fecundity and lifespan. In addition, if exposed to poor food conditions as larvae, females mature at a smaller size compared to males. Accordingly, it was suggested that smaller females could compensate for their size through nuptial feeding by, for instance, mating more frequently. We did not find any support for that hypothesis. On the contrary, larger females remated sooner and had a higher lifetime number of matings. Neither were smaller females able to compensate in any other way, because singly mated females and multiply mated females suffered to the same extent from their smaller size. This thesis also shows that despite the positive relationship between fitness and number of matings, there is a large variation in female mating frequency in wild populations and about every second female mates only once or twice. This variation is not dependent on how often females get courted by males, because female mating frequency was shown not to be affected by male courtship intensity. Hence, the reason for the low mating frequency could either be that males have evolved the ability to manipulate females to mate at a suboptimal rate as a measure of protection against sperm competition, or alternatively, that female mating rate is suppressed by some costs. Using two selection lines, artificially selected for either a high or a low mating rate, we showed that the variation in mating rate was mainly a female trait because which line the females were from affected their mating rate whereas which line the male was from did not. This implies that females mate at a low rate due to hidden costs or due to constraints. The same study also showed that females with a high "intrinsic" mating rate lived shorter, but only when denied remating. This led us to test the hypothesis that the cost females face is to have the ability to mate at a high rate but the cost is only paid when remating opportunities are scarce. However, we found no support for such an idea, because females with a high intrinsic mating rate held in a cold environment where the butterflies were prevented from flying and feeding did not live shorter. Neither was there an effect of a female’s mating rate on her ability to quickly break down and convert male nutrient gifts into egg material. Female mating rate did, on the other hand, affect dispersal tendency, with low mating rate females being more inclined to fly between different habitats. The underlying reason for this is still to be explored.


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Sexual selection arises through variation in reproductive success. This thesis investigates different aspects important in sexual selection, namely nest building, sperm competition, paternity and paternal care, and their mutual interrelationships. In the studied species, the sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus) and the common goby (Pomatoschistus microps), sperm competition did arise when small males, so called sneakers, sneaked into other males nests and released sperm. They seemed to use female behaviour as their prime cue for a sneaking opportunity. However, also nest-holders, both with and without eggs, were found to fertilize eggs in the nests of other males. Clearly, nest-holding males tried to prevent other males from spreading their sperm in their nests, since they showed aggression towards such males. A nest building experiment indicated that the small nest-openings found in the sneaker male treatment were sexually selected through protection against sneaking or by female choice. Yet, no behavioural or genetical support for the hypothesis that the nest functions as a physical or visual defence, or that sneaker males prefer to sneak upon nests with wide nest-openings, were found in the other studies. Still, individual nest-holding males showed a higher mucus preparation effort inside the nest in the presence of a sneaker male than when alone. In close relatives, such mucus contains sperm, suggesting an importance in sperm competition. However, the mucus may also have pheromone and anti-bacterial functions and may constitute a mating effort, as found in other gobies. Both a behavioural and a mate choice experiment suggested that the males were not less eager to spawn in the presence of a sneaker male. Sneak intrusion did not affect nest defence, fanning or filial cannibalism, nor had paternity an effect on filial cannibalism. This and various life history aspects, together with the fact that the parasitic male only fertilized a fraction of the clutches, would predict females to ignore sneaker males. This was also the case, as the presence of sneaker males was found not to affect female spawning decision. Still, several females spawned in two nests, which coincided with parasitic spawnings, suggesting a cost of disturbance for the females and thus a substantial cost to the nest-holding males in terms of lost mating success. However, females paid attention to other traits in their choice of mate since spawning was associated with sand volume of the nest, but not with nest-opening width. Also, female (but not male) courtship was correlated with partial clutch filial cannibalism, indicating that females are able to anticipate future male cannibalism. In a partial correlation of nest opening, sand volume, male courtship display, displacement fanning and male size, a large number of traits were correlated both positively and negatively with regard to how we may expect them to be appreciated by females. For instance, males which fan well also build large nests or display intensely (but not both). Together with all the other results of this thesis, this shows the entangled selection pressures working on breeding animals, as well as the different male and female tactics employed to maximize their reproduction.