3 resultados para Mount Auburn Cemetery

em Academic Archive On-line (Stockholm University


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The prehistoric cemetery of Barshalder is located along the main road on the boundary between Grötlingbo and Fide parishes, near the southern end of the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. The cemetery was used from c. AD 1-1100. The level of publication in Swedish archaeology of the first millennium AD is low compared to, for instance, the British and German examples. Gotland’s rich Iron Age cemeteries have long been intensively excavated, but few have received monographic treatment. This publication is intended to begin filling this gap and to raise the empirical level of the field. It also aims to make explicit and test the often somewhat intuitively conceived results of much previous research. The analyses deal mainly with the Migration (AD 375–540), Vendel (AD 520–790) and Late Viking (AD 1000–1150) Periods. The following lines of inquiry have been prioritised. 1. Landscape history, i.e. placing the cemetery in a landscape-historical context. (Vol. 1, section 2.2.6) 2. Migration Period typochronology, i.e. the study of change in the grave goods. (Vol. 2, chapter 2) 3. Social roles: gender, age and status. (Vol. 2, chapter 3) 4. Religious identity in the 11th century, i.e. the study of religious indicators in mortuary customs and grave goods, with particular emphasis on the relationship between Scandinavian paganism and Christianity.. (Vol. 2, chapter 4) Barshalder is found to have functioned as a central cemetery for the surrounding area, located on peripheral land far away from contemporary settlement, yet placed on a main road along the coast for maximum visibility and possibly near a harbour. Computer supported correspondence analysis and seriation are used to study the gender attributes among the grave goods and the chronology of the burials. New methodology is developed to distinguish gender-neutral attributes from transgressed gender attributes. Sub-gender grouping due to age and status is explored. An independent modern chronology system with rigorous type definitions is established for the Migration Period of Gotland. Recently published chronology systems for the Vendel and Viking Periods are critically reviewed, tested and modified to produce more solid models. Social stratification is studied through burial wealth with a quantitative method, and the results are tested through juxtaposition with several other data types. The Late Viking Period graves of the late 10th and 11th centuries are studied in relation to the contemporary Christian graves at the churchyards. They are found to be symbolically soft-spoken and unobtrusive, with all pagan attributes kept apart from the body in a space between the feet of the deceased and the end of the over-long inhumation trench. A small number of pagan reactionary graves with more forceful symbolism are however also identified. The distribution of different 11th century cemetery types across the island is used to interpret the period’s confessional geography, the scale of social organisation and the degree of allegiance to western and eastern Christianity. 11th century society on Gotland is found to have been characterised by religious tolerance, by an absence of central organisation and by slow piecemeal Christianisation.


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The prehistoric cemetery of Barshalder is located along the main road on the boundary between Grötlingbo and Fide parishes, near the southern end of the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. The ceme-tery was used from c. AD 1-1100. The level of publication in Swedish archaeology of the first millennium AD is low compared to, for instance, the British and German examples. Gotland’s rich Iron Age cemeteries have long been intensively excavated, but few have received monographic treatment. This publication is intended to begin filling this gap and to raise the empirical level of the field. It also aims to make explicit and test the often somewhat intuitively conceived re-sults of much previous research. The analyses deal mainly with the Migration (AD 375–540), Vendel (AD 520–790) and Late Viking (AD 1000–1150) Periods. The following lines of inquiry have been prioritised. 1. Landscape history, i.e. placing the cemetery in a landscape-historical context. (Vol. 1, section 2.2.6) 2. Migration Period typochronology, i.e. the study of change in the grave goods. (Vol. 2, chapter 2) 3. Social roles: gender, age and status. (Vol. 2, chapter 3) 4. Religious identity in the 11th century, i.e. the study of religious indicators in mortuary cus-toms and grave goods, with particular emphasis on the relationship between Scandinavian paganism and Christianity. (Vol. 2, chapter 4) Barshalder is found to have functioned as a central cemetery for the surrounding area, located on pe-ripheral land far away from contemporary settle-ment, yet placed on a main road along the coast for maximum visibility and possibly near a harbour. Computer supported correspondence analysis and seriation are used to study the gender attributes among the grave goods and the chronology of the burials. New methodology is developed to distin-guish gender-neutral attributes from transgressed gender attributes. Sub-gender grouping due to age and status is explored. An independent modern chronology system with rigorous type definitions is established for the Migration Period of Gotland. Recently published chronology systems for the Vendel and Viking Periods are critically reviewed, tested and modified to produce more solid models. Social stratification is studied through burial wealth with a quantitative method, and the results are tested through juxtaposition with several other data types. The Late Viking Period graves of the late 10th and 11th centuries are studied in relation to the contemporary Christian graves at the churchyards. They are found to be symbolically soft-spoken and unobtrusive, with all pagan attributes kept apart from the body in a space between the feet of the deceased and the end of the over-long inhumation trench. A small number of pagan reactionary graves with more forceful symbolism are however also identified. The distribution of different 11th cen-tury cemetery types across the island is used to in-terpret the period’s confessional geography, the scale of social organisation and the degree of alle-giance to western and eastern Christianity. 11th century society on Gotland is found to have been characterised by religious tolerance, by an absence of central organisation and by slow piecemeal Christianisation.


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The existence of immune self-tolerance allows the immune system to mount responses against infectious agents, but not against self-molecular constitutes. Although self-tolerance is a robust phenomenon, in some individuals as well as in experimental models, the self-tolerance breaks down and as a result, a self-destructive autoimmune disease emerges. The underlying mechanisms for the development of autoimmune diseases are not known, but genetic, environmental and immunological factors are suggested to be involved. In this thesis, we used murine mercury-induced autoimmunity to test this suggestion. In susceptible mice mercuric chloride induces a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by increased serum levels of IgG1 and IgE, production of anti-nucleolar autoantibodies (ANolA) and formation of renal IgG deposits. In contrast, in resistant DBA/2 (H-2d) mice, none of these characteristics develop after exposure to mercury. By crossing and backcrossing mercury-resistant DBA/2 mice to mercury susceptible strains, we found that the resistance was inherited as a dominant trait in F1 hybrids and that one gene or a cluster of genes located in the H-2 loci determined the resistance to ANolA production, whereas resistance to the other characteristics was found to be controlled by two or three non-H-2 genes. We further put forward the “cryptic peptide hypothesis” to investigate whether mercury and another xenobiotic metal use similar pathway(s) to induce the H-2 linked production of ANolA. We found that while mercury stimulated ANolA synthesis in all H-2 susceptible (H-2s, H-2q and H-2f) mouse strains, silver induced only ANolA responses in H-2s and H-2q mice, but not in H-2f mice. Further studies showed that the resistance to silver-induced ANolA production in H-2f mice was inherited as a dominant trait. We next tested the proposition that mercury induces more adverse immunological effects in mouse strains, which are genetically prone to develop autoimmune diseases, using tight-skin 1 mice, an animal model for human Scleroderma. It was found that in this strain, mercury induced a strong immune activation with autoimmune characteristics, but did not accelerate the development of dermal fibrosis, a characteristic in Tsk/1 mice. Finally we addressed the Th1/Th2 cross-regulation paradigm by examining if a Th1-type of response could interact with a Th2-type of response if simultaneous induced in susceptible mice. Our findings demonstrated that mercury-induced autoimmunity (Th2-type) and collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) (Th1-type) can interact in a synergistic, antagonistic or additive fashion, depending on at which stage of CIA mercury is administered.