22 resultados para sexism - forskning
Research on semantic processing focused mainly on isolated units in language, which does not reflect the complexity of language. In order to understand how semantic information is processed in a wider context, the first goal of this thesis was to determine whether Swedish pre-school children are able to comprehend semantic context and if that context is semantically built up over time. The second goal was to investigate how the brain distributes attentional resources by means of brain activation amplitude and processing type. Swedish preschool children were tested in a dichotic listening task with longer children’s narratives. The development of event-related potential N400 component and its amplitude were used to investigate both goals. The decrease of the N400 in the attended and unattended channel indicated semantic comprehension and that semantic context was built up over time. The attended stimulus received more resources, processed the stimuli in more of a top-down manner and displayed prominent N400 amplitude in contrast to the unattended stimulus. The N400 and the late positivity were more complex than expected since endings of utterances longer than nine words were not accounted for. More research on wider linguistic context is needed in order to understand how the human brain comprehends natural language.
Endometrios är en kronisk sjukdom som drabbar en av tio kvinnor världen över. Vanliga symptom är menstruationssmärta, samlagssmärta och en nedsatt fertilitet. Diagnosen endometrios ställs oftast i samband med en titthålsoperation och kan i många fall dröja upp till flera år. Tidigare forskning på området har funnit att individer som lever med endometrios kan uppleva en minskad livskvalité, komplikationer med sociala relationer samt emotionella besvär. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att studera kvinnors upplevelse av endometrios. Åtta kvinnor intervjuades, samtliga bosatta i Stockholmsområdet. Resultatet visar på flera olika psykologiska aspekter som sjukdomen för med sig. En minskad livskvalité, komplikationer med sociala relationer och en nedsatt arbetsförmåga är aspekter som påverkas av de upplevda symptomen. En nedsatt fertilitet kan vidare skapa en reducering av individens självkänsla. Slutsatsen är att en tidigare diagnos och ökad forskning skulle kunna bidra till underlättande av endometriosdrabbades vardag och därmed förbättra deras livskvalité.
This study revisits the effect of duration by residence in relation to smoking during pregnancy. It contributes to the literature by incorporating a health inequity perspective, and discusses whether immigrants tend to converge with Swedish women’s smoking. The study is based on Swedish Medical Birth Register and includes 1 1864 52 pregnancies between 1991 and 2012. Logistic regression was performed to attain crude and adjusted Odds Ratios and 95 % confidence intervals. Immigrants’ are divided by categorizing countries of origin depending on levels of Human Development (IHDI). Overall immigrant women show low levels of smoking during pregnancy when they arrive to Sweden, by duration of residence levels of smoking increase and converge with smoking patterns of Swedish women. I found that there are differences in smoking patterns depending on IHDI of the country. Immigrant women of higher categories of IHDI show higher levels of smoking although the increase of smoking is higher among immigrant women from categories of lower IHDI. However, immigrant women’s smoking during pregnancy is affected by duration of residence, and the increased smoking is associated with health inequalities related to their country of origins IHDI, and by socioeconomic inequalities in Sweden.
The aim of this thesis is to, based on teachers’ experiences, describe and analyse meanings of teachers’ leadership in general, and in relation to children in need of special support in particular. The study was carried out within the tradition of participatory-oriented research, a research circle. The dialogues in the circle were based on the participants’ questions, experiences, interests, and knowledge. The circle included a researcher and nine teachers from the following types of schools: preschool, preschool class, compulsory school, and compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities. The study is based on an understanding of leadership as a relational practice. Leadership is practised in the interaction between teacher and child. Both parties exert influence over the practice of leadership. A central assumption in the study is that knowledge can develop through and in interactions between people, that knowledge and power are connected, and that knowledge and actions are intertwined. Another central assumption is that learning is a complex phenomenon. In the analysis of the research circle’s dialogues, the following meanings of teachers’ leadership emerge: to facilitate learning and discipline, and to promote different interests. The practice of leadership involves teachers handling complex situations in their interactions with ‘all’ children, i.e. children in need of special support and children without such needs. Leadership is practised between teachers and children, and the teachers have to consider the group of children as a collective in relation to the individual children. At the same time, the teachers have to consider their intentions versus what happens during the interactions. In addition, the teachers have to pay heed to the fact that their own actions and the children’s actions influence one another. Finally, the teachers have to consider the individual child’s ‘best interest’ in relation to the requirements of the policy documents. Furthermore, the results indicate that the practice of leadership is perceived as both unpredictable and, to some extent, predictable at the same time, which adds to the complexity of leadership. The teachers cannot know for sure what the children understand or if the children’s actions facilitate learning. However, the teachers can make certain assumptions about how to practice leadership in order to facilitate learning and discipline in children with different needs. The meanings of leadership were expressed in different ways in the circle’s dialogues; both as enabling and limiting in interactions with children in need of special support. One of the study’s conclusions is that leadership seems to be particularly complex in interactions with children in need of special support. The research circle’s dialogues served to promote a democratic knowledge process. The dialogues were characterised by respect for the participants’ different opinions; however, this does not mean that they were free from power structures.
Syftet med studien är att undersöka bild-, menings- och subjektskapandets samband och betydelse för barns kreativa utveckling i relation till förskolans uppdrag. Detta är en minietnografisk ansats där videoobservation och barnintervjuer använts i arbetet på en förskola där barnen varit från 3-6 år. Poststrukturalistisk teori och diskursanalys är metoder som använts i analysarbetet med fokus på språkets innebörd av kunskap, subjekt och ritandet som idé i en tillblivande förhandling med de bildliga uttrycken. Studiens resultat visar på att det finns samband mellan hur barnen bedöms och hur de värderar sig själva och varandra. Då prestationen överordnas kan det drabba både självkänslan och lusten till att lära. Empirin i relation till teorin och tidigare forskning visar även betydelsen av att det finns ett eller flera sätt att skapa för att upptäcka sin annanhet och kreativa potential. Det skulle också kunna öka risken för diskriminering ifall alla ska göra lika och vara lika i sinnets förhandling med pennan.
Borderline personlighetsstörning är en allvarlig psykiatrisk störning som leder till stor funktionsnedsättning för den drabbade, varpå vikten att erbjuda dessa patienter en effektiv och evidensbaserad behandling är stor. Föreliggande longitudinella effectiveness-studie undersökte om dialektisk beteendeterapi hade effekt på patienter med borderline personlighetsstörning och subklinisk emotionell instabilitet i svensk subspecialiserad öppenvård. Studien ämnade besvara om det fanns någon förändring för patientgruppen över tid gällande borderlinediagnos, borderlinesymptom, självskadebeteende, suicidförsök och komorbiditet, samt vilka prediktorer som predicerade behandlingsutfall. Sammanfattningsvis visade resultaten en minskning i borderlinediagnos, borderlinesymptom, suicidförsök, självskadebeteenden, samt komorbida diagnoser vid behandlingsavslut. Minskning i antal ångeststörningar under behandlingen visade sig vara en signifikant prediktor för minskning i BPS-symptom och ett större antal individualsessioner visade sig vara en signifikant prediktor för minskning i självskadebeteenden över tid. Resultatet tyder på att patientgruppen signifikant förbättrades i just denna kliniska kontext, efter att de genomgått dialektisk beteendeterapi. Potentiella förklaringar till resultatet diskuteras samt förslag på vidare forskning anges.