2 resultados para grafana,SEPA,Plugin,RDF,SPARQL
em Academic Archive On-line (Mid Sweden University
Målet med detta projekt är att ta fram en applikationsprototyp för Androidenheter som ska locka användare av applikationen till och tillbaka till broparken i Skönsberg med hjälp av augmented-reality. Applikationen ska känna av om användaren befinner sig inom eller utanför parkens område och visa olika bilder/modeller på specifika GPS-koordinater i det digitala lagret beroende på användarens positionering. Arbetet har genomförts i samarbete med Dohi på uppdrag av Sundsvalls kommun där regelbundna möten hafts med uppdragsgivaren. Utvecklingen av applikationen sker i PhoneGap med Wikitude-plugin. Projektet har resulterat i en applikationsprototyp som använder ActionRanges, som är en typ av GeoFence, för att presentera olika bilder hämtade från en egen server i det digitala lagret beroende på användarens position. Användarna har inom parkens område möjlighet att själv påverka de bilder som visas i det digitala lagret genom att i applikationen ta en bild som laddas upp till servern där bilderna lagras och där bilden som tagits även visar det digitala lagret.
Learning Management Systems (LMSs) have become a larger part of teaching and learning in the modern world. Therefore has Moodle, a free and open source e-learning tool surfaced and gained a lot of attraction and downloads. A purpose of this study has been to develop a new local plugin in Moodle with guidelines from Magnus Eriksson and Tsedey Terefe. A purpose for this project has also been to build a plugin which has the functions Date rollover and Individual date adjustment. Mid Sweden University (Miun) stated that WebCT/Blackboard was in use before Moodle and some other LMSs and the dissatisfaction with WebCT/Blackboard was rife, however some teachers liked it. Therefore WebCT/Blackboard was abandoned and Moodle was embraced. The methods of gaining information has generally been web based sources and three interviews, likewise called user tests. Programs and other aids that have been used include but are not limited to: Google Drive, LTI Provider, Moodle, Moodle documentation, Notepad++, PHP and XAMPP. The plugin has been implemented as a local plugin. The result has shown that the coded plugin, Date adjustment tools could be improved and that it was changed. In the plugin, support for old American English dates were added and the code for using the two functions “Date rollover” and “Individual date adjustment” were rewritten to not interfere with one another. A conclusion to draw from the result is that the plugin has been improved from Terefe’s implementation, although more work can be made with the plugin Date adjustment tools.