3 resultados para Wittem-Projekt

em Academic Archive On-line (Mid Sweden University


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In today’s society, IT-Companies often have a hard time estimating changed requirements. This leads to that the clients’ confidence is negatively affected and is one of the main reasons why this has to be improved. The goal with this study was to find out what the most common problems regarding this issue are in IT-companies that works with agile software development. By analyzing one IT-company through a SWOT- and pareto-analysis the most common problems have been ascertained. The SWOT analysis have been created through interviews with selected employees to get a better understanding of the problems that the IT-company is facing. Furthermore was the pareto-analysis based on a survey that was sent out to many different employees to prioritize the problems. The reason why the survey was sent to different employees was to get a more objective input. The study showed that there was many different problems that needed attention. The most important problems was that the communication towards the client regarding requirements needed to be improved, better communication internally between different departments needed to be established, a method to quickly adapt and estimate change in requirements needed to be implemented and finally a method regarding witch key employees whom need to attend the planning of the program backlog. These problems have then been studied through interviews with other IT-companies and through a literature study. The conclusions that where drawn was that the client needs to be involved and updated through the whole project. Constant monitoring and communication regarding changed requirements needs to be processed and mediated. High standards needs to be set early towards the client in order to obtain as clear an image of the requirements as possible. Many different parties need to attend to the planning process for the program backlog before the start of the project. The client needs to be aware of that changed requirements will arise and that this will lead to that the first estimation may not necessarily be absolute. As long as the client is held up to date as well as participant through the whole project and problems are detected and mediated early, change in requirements should not be a huge problem. This is after all the purpose of being agile.


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Målet med detta projekt är att ta fram en applikationsprototyp för Androidenheter som ska locka användare av applikationen till och tillbaka till broparken i Skönsberg med hjälp av augmented-reality. Applikationen ska känna av om användaren befinner sig inom eller utanför parkens område och visa olika bilder/modeller på specifika GPS-koordinater i det digitala lagret beroende på användarens positionering. Arbetet har genomförts i samarbete med Dohi på uppdrag av Sundsvalls kommun där regelbundna möten hafts med uppdragsgivaren. Utvecklingen av applikationen sker i PhoneGap med Wikitude-plugin. Projektet har resulterat i en applikationsprototyp som använder ActionRanges, som är en typ av GeoFence, för att presentera olika bilder hämtade från en egen server i det digitala lagret beroende på användarens position. Användarna har inom parkens område möjlighet att själv påverka de bilder som visas i det digitala lagret genom att i applikationen ta en bild som laddas upp till servern där bilderna lagras och där bilden som tagits även visar det digitala lagret.


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Lately, various programming frameworks has been developed for developing web applications. These frameworks focus on increasing the user experience by performance improvements such as faster render times and response times. One of these frameworks are React, which has introduced a completely new architectural pattern for both managing the state and data flow of an application. React also offers support for native application development and makes server-side rendering possible. Something that is difficult to accomplish with an application developed with Angular 1.5, which is used by the company Dewire today. The aim of this thesis was to compare React with an existing Angular project, in order to determine whether React could be a potential replacement for Angular. To gain knowledge about the subject, a theoretical study of web- based sources has been made. While the practical part has been to rebuild a web application with React together with the architecture Flux, which is based on a view from the Angular project. The implementation process was repeated until the view was completed and a desired data flow, as in the Angular application, was reached. The resulting React application was later compared with the Angular application developed by the company, where the outcome of the comparison showed that the React performed better than Angular in all tests. In conclusion, due to the timeframe of the project, only the most important parts of the Angular project were implemented in order to carry out the measurements that were of interest to the company. By recreating most of the functionality, or the entire Angular application, more interesting comparisons could have been done.