2 resultados para Colite ulcéreuse légère à modérée
em Academic Archive On-line (Mid Sweden University
Trots att det är 25 år sedan de första fallen av aids uppmärksammades kan HIV-smittade personer än idag mötas av negativa attityder och fördomar. Denna virussjukdom angriper kroppens immunförsvar och det finns fortfarande inget botemedel. Antalet HIV- och aidspatienter ökar med åren och allt fler inom sjukvården kommer i kontakt med dessa patienter. I mötet med HIV- och aidspatienter kommer vårdpersonalen att handskas med en mängd olika känslor. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa vårdpersonalens bemötande av HIV-smittade patienter och patienternas upplevelse av vården. Litteratursökningen gav upphov till fjorton artiklar vilka låg till grund för denna litteraturstudie. Ur analysen uppstod tre teman; HIV-smittade patienters upplevelse av bemötandet från vårdpersonal, vårdpersonalens känslor inför HIV-smittade patienter samt vårdpersonalens attityder till HIV-smittade patienter. Resultatet visade att HIV-smittade patienter hade både negativa och positiva upplevelser av bemötandet från vårdpersonalen. Vårdpersonalen kände rädsla inför de HIV-smittade patienterna men även empati. Den mest framträdande attityden var homofobi. Hög kunskap och erfarenhet hos vårdpersonalen var kopplat till lägre grad av homofobisk attityd. Det finns fortfarande ett behov av utbildning om sjukdomen. Kunskap leder till bättre bemötande.
This research includes a review of the log management of the company Telia. The research has also included a comparison of the two log management sys- tems Splunk and ELK. The review of the company’s log management shows that log messages are being stored in files on a hard drive that can be accessed through the network. The log messages are system-specific. ELK is able to fetch log messages of different formats simultaneously, but this feature is not possible in Splunk where the process of uploading log messages has to be re- peated for log messages that have different formats. Both systems store log messages through a file system on a hard drive, where the systems are installed. In networks that involve multiple servers, ELK is distributing the log messages between the servers. Thus, the workload to perform searches and storing large amounts of data is reduced. Using Splunk in networks can also reduce the workload. This is done by using forwarders that send the log messages to one or multiple central servers which stores the messages. Searches of log messages in Splunk are performed by using a graphical interface. Searches in ELK is done by using a REST-API which can be used by external systems as well, to retrieve search results. Splunk also has a REST-API that can be used by external sys- tems to receive search results. The research revealed that ELK had a lower search time than Splunk. However, no method was found that could be used to measure the indexing time of ELK, which meant that no comparison could be made with respect to the indexing time for Splunk. For future work there should be an investigation whether there is any possibility to measure the indexing time of ELK. Another recommendation is to include more log management sys- tem in the research to improve the results that may be suitable candidates for the company Telia. An improvement suggestion as well, is to do performance tests in a network with multiple servers and thereby draw conclusions how the performance is in practice.