2 resultados para Ahlqvist, Fredrik
em Academic Archive On-line (Mid Sweden University
Den här rapporten undersöker hur samarbetet mellan frivården och andra aktörer i samhället fungerar i arbetet med personer som är villkorligt fri-givna, d.v.s. släppta ur fängelse. Syftet var att undersöka hur samarbetet fungerade och undersöka faktorer som ligger till grund för samarbetet. Da-tainsamlingen skedde genom att personal vid ett frivårdskontor fick svara på en enkät. Rapporten gjordes med en systemteoretisk ansats som dels användes vid framtagningen av frågor samt vid analys av resultaten. Resul-taten visade att en del av samarbetena fungerade bra och andra fungerade mindre bra, en viktig slutsats var ur ett systemteoretiskt tolkande, att ju tätare kontakt som fanns mellan frivårdsinspektörerna och deras samar-betspartners, desto bättre upplevde frivårdinspektörerna att samarbetet fun-gerade.
Stovepipes, or also called silos, appear in many different organizations and sectors and contribute to problems when employees or managers tend to look more to their own, or the individual departments, objectives rather than to the organizations. The purpose of this study was to identify different communicative factors that promote stovepipes in order to further identify the most critical factor to disarm. A case study has been done at a selected company, with a stovepipe structure, in order to achieve the purpose of the study. The case study has included interviews and observations to identify different problem areas which then have been compared with three communicative factors identified in previous studies. The factor that had the most connections to the problem areas have been considered the most critical factor. The result of the study indicates that “A lack of understanding each other's work” is the most critical factor in stovepipe structures and that it can be prevented by following five recommendations: bring up positive collaboration continually, raise problems with each other instead of with others, identify different communication paths in and between the departments, implement a long-term model for preventing stovepipes and set up workshops between the involved departments. The conclusion of the study is that stovepipes create several undesirable effects in the organization but that the efforts to counter these problems do not have to be complicated. Following five small steps into a better collaboration and communication can be enough to be on your way to a better organizational structure.