3 resultados para toad skin
em Universidade Federal do Pará
In this work the turbulent flow of the Non-Newtonian Carreau-Yasuda fluid will be studied. A skin friction equation for the turbulent flow of Carreau-Yasuda fluids will be derived assuming a logarithmic behavior of the turbulent mean velocity for the near wall flow out of the viscous sub layer. An alternative near wall characteristic length scale which takes into account the effects of the relaxation time will be introduced. The characteristic length will be obtained through the analysis of viscous region near the wall. The results compared with experimental data obtained with Tylose (methyl hydroxil cellulose) solutions showing good agreement. The relations between scales integral and dissipative obtained for length, time, velocity, kinetic energy, and vorticity will be derived for this type of fluid. When the power law index approach to unity the relations reduces to Newtonian case.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze cytokine gene expression in keratinocytes from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). INTRODUCTION: Keratinocytes represent 95% of epidermal cells and can secrete several cytokines. METHODS: Keratinocytes were obtained by laser microdissection from 21 patients with SLE (10 discoid and 11 acute lesions) at involved and uninvolved sites. All patients were receiving a low/moderate prednisone dose and 18 were receiving chloroquine diphosphate. IL-2, IL-5, TNF-α and IFN-γ gene expression was evaluated by real-time PCR and expressed as the ratio (R) to a pool of skin samples from 12 healthy volunteers. RESULTS: Heterogeneity in cytokine gene expression was found among patients with SLE. Eighteen of 38 valid SLE samples (47%) presented overexpression (R>1) of at least one cytokine. Lesional skin samples tended to show higher cytokine expression than samples from uninvolved skin (p = 0.06). IL-5 and IFN-γ were the most commonly overexpressed cytokines. Samples with cytokine overexpression corresponded to more extensive and severe lesions. Prednisone dose did not differ between samples without cytokine overexpression (15.71±3.45 mg/day) and those with overexpressed cytokines (12.68±5.41 mg/day) (p = 0.216). Samples from all patients not receiving diphosphate chloroquine had at least one overexpressed cytokine. CONCLUSIONS: The heterogeneous keratinocyte cytokine gene expression reflects the complex immunological and inflammatory background in SLE. Patients with severe/extensive skin lesions showed a higher frequency of cytokine gene overexpression. Increased IFN-γ and IL-5 expression suggests that Th1 and Th2 cells are involved in SLE skin inflammation. The possibility that prednisone and antimalarial drugs may have contributed to low cytokine gene expression in some samples cannot be ruled out.
A leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC) é reconhecida pelas características clínicas da doença e é altamente letal. A infecção, entretanto, pode ser totalmente assintomática em alguns cães soropositivos, o que tem levantado questão polêmica sobre a possibilidade desses animais, serem ou não uma fonte importante da infecção para o flebotomíneo, Lutzomyia longipalpis, o principal vetor da leishmaniose visceral americana (LVA). Neste estudo foram examinados 51 cães com LVC aguda, provenientes de área endêmica de LVA no Estado do Pará, Brasil, e a carga parasitária, formas amastigotas de, na pele, linfonodo poplíteo e vísceras (fígado e baço) foi comparada com a de nove cães assintomáticos soropositivos (IFAT-IgG). Fragmentos de biópsia desses tecidos obtidos post-mortem foram processados para análise através de imunohistoquímica, usando um anticorpo policlonal contra Leishmania sp. Os testes do Qui-quadrado (X2) e Mann Whitney foram usados para avaliar as médias da densidade de macrófagos infectados (p < 0,05). Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença (p > 0,05) na densidade de macrófagos infectados da pele (10,7/mm2 x 15,5/mm2) e do linfonodo (6,3/mm2 x 8,3/mm2) entre cães assintomáticos e sintomáticos. Entretanto, a densidade de macrófagos infectados da víscera de cães sintomáticos (5,3/mm2) foi maior (p < 0,05) que a de cães assintomáticos (1,4/mm2). Estes resultados sugerem, fortemente, que cães naturalmente infectados por L. (L.) i. chagasi, assintomáticos ou sintomáticos, podem servir como fonte de infecção, principalmente, considerando-se que a densidade de macrófagos infectados da pele (10,7/mm2 x 15,5/mm2), local onde o flebotomíneo vetor Lu. longipalpis realiza a hematofagia, foi maior (p < 0,05) que as do linfonodo (6,3/mm2 x 8.3/mm2) e vísceras (1,4/mm2x 5,3/mm2).