13 resultados para open-ended photothermal cell

em Universidade Federal do Pará


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A gestão de recursos humanos (RH) representa teoricamente uma abordagem da gestão empresarial voltada à organização do trabalho visando seu melhor aproveitamento e, em particular, o envolvimento dos trabalhadores nos objetivos da empresa. As práticas de gestão incidem não somente sobre o trabalho em si, mas também de maneira complexa nas interações sociais ocorridas no ambiente de trabalho, bem como na vida pessoal dos trabalhadores, de acordo com as premissas e práticas do estilo de gestão predominante. O presente estudo procura conhecer a natureza das correlações entre gestão de recursos humanos e sociabilidade dos trabalhadores, isto é, sua capacidade de tecer e de manter laços sociais diversos, a partir dos pontos de vista dos trabalhadores. Tomaram-se como referência empírica quatro redes de supermercados na Região Metropolitana de Belém, Pará. O setor é grande empregador, vem se modernizando expressivamente nas duas últimas décadas, implementando alguns procedimentos de gestão de RH e se mantém ao abrigo da forte concorrência de grupos nacionais e internacionais que se observa em outras capitais do país. A metodologia incluiu observações sistemáticas, análise documental e entrevistas estruturadas e semi-estruturadas em profundidade, respectivamente com trezentos e oitenta e quatorze trabalhadores, estes últimos selecionados dentre os constantes da amostra maior. As entrevistas versaram sobre atributos sociais e demográficos, trajetória ocupacional e padrões de relacionamento pessoal e profissional. Abrangeram, também, as percepções sobre regras e atitudes no trabalho, com base nas normas constantes dos manuais de serviço das empresas. Incluem-se trinta e quatro itens em uma escala de Lickert. Esses itens foram dispostos em fatores, sendo dois sobre gestão – qualidade do trabalho (QT) e introjeção das normas organizacionais (IN) – e três sobre sociabilidade – confiança (CF), manutenção (MR) e utilidade das relações (UT) no trabalho. Os entrevistados respondiam aos itens, ajustando o grau de sua percepção sobre cada um deles. Tais dados foram submetidos à técnica estatística exploratória Análise de Correspondência (AC) de maneira a verificar a correlação entre os fatores da escala e as características dos entrevistados. Sobre as correlações entre gestão e sociabilidade, sobressaiu em primeiro lugar o regime de trabalho. Jornadas extensas, escalas variáveis, longos intervalos diários e a política de qualificação em serviço (on the job) absorvem quase integralmente o tempo do empregado e dificultam manter relações pessoais ou mesmo estender aquelas formadas no ambiente de trabalho para além deste espaço. Dificulta também investir nos estudos, outra esfera de sociabilidade, o que surpreende em uma amostra cuja faixa etária predominante não ultrapassava trinta anos e cuja ocupação tem poucas possibilidades de carreira. Nesse quadro geral de restrições, a condição de gênero e de família também foi relevante, pois as mulheres, em particular as mães, indicaram menos atividades de lazer, em grupos menores e com mínima presença de colegas de trabalho, em comparação aos homens. Por outro lado, encontraram-se alguns casos de pessoas que construíram relações de conteúdo afetivo no ambiente de trabalho, mesmo a convivência se restringindo à empresa. Outra característica marcante foi a dependência do apoio familiar para o exercício da atividade laboral e para o enfrentamento das vicissitudes do mercado de trabalho. A importância dos laços familiares foi reforçada pelo longo tempo de moradia no mesmo bairro e, em proporção significativa, na mesma residência, em muitos casos a moradia era próxima ou no mesmo domicílio dos pais ou sogros, o que facilitava a ajuda mútua. Outro aspecto que se destacou da gestão de RH foi a imprecisão percebida nos critérios de ascensão profissional e de aplicação das normas, contribuindo para a existência de conflitos velados. Ao estabelecer laços sociais, os empregados depositam uma confiança seletiva, expressa no pequeno número de pessoas em quem se confiava no trabalho. Vale notar aqui também uma pequena variação entre homens e mulheres, pois eles confiavam mais que elas nos colegas. A AC mostrou sensíveis diferenças de percepção sobre qualidade do trabalho e introjeção de normas entre os trabalhadores com primeiro registro em carteira e aqueles com experiência anterior de trabalho formal. Os primeiros notaram um controle (vigilância) mais incisivo da gestão e expressaram menor anuência às regras organizacionais, enquanto que os demais não percebiam o controle da mesma forma e se viam como cumpridores dessas regras. Esses resultados foram interpretados como decorrentes das diferentes trajetórias anteriores, em ocupações formais ou informais, ou por se tratar do primeiro emprego. Não se pode afirmar que as restrições à sociabilidade se devam exclusivamente às características da gestão nesse setor, tendo em vista a incidência de outros fatores, tais como a condição sócio-econômica da família ou o tempo do vinculo empregatício, em média de dois anos entre os entrevistados, que podem ter contribuído para esses resultados.


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We studied the distribution of NADPH-diaphorase activity in the visual cortex of normal adult New World monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) using the malic enzyme "indirect" method. NADPH-diaphorase neuropil activity had a heterogeneous distribution. In coronal sections, it had a clear laminar pattern that was coincident with Nissl-stained layers. In tangential sections, we observed blobs in supragranular layers of V1 and stripes throughout the entire V2. We quantified and compared the tangential distribution of NADPH-diaphorase and cytochrome oxidase blobs in adjacent sections of the supragranular layers of V1. Although their spatial distributions were rather similar, the two enzymes did not always overlap. The histochemical reaction also revealed two different types of stained cells: a slightly stained subpopulation and a subgroup of deeply stained neurons resembling a Golgi impregnation. These neurons were sparsely spined non-pyramidal cells. Their dendritic arbors were very well stained but their axons were not always evident. In the gray matter, heavily stained neurons showed different dendritic arbor morphologies. However, most of the strongly reactive cells lay in the subjacent white matter, where they presented a more homogenous morphology. Our results demonstrate that the pattern of NADPH-diaphorase activity is similar to that previously described in Old World monkeys.


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The visual system is a potential target for methylmercury (MeHg) intoxication. Nevertheless, there are few studies about the cellular mechanisms of toxicity induced by MeHg in retinal cells. Various reports have indicated a critical role for nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activation in modulating MeHg neurotoxicity in cerebellar and cortical regions. The aim of the present study is to describe the effects of MeHg on cell viability and NOS activation in chick retinal cell cultures. For this purpose, primary cultures were prepared from 7-day-old chick embryos: retinas were aseptically dissected and dissociated and cells were grown at 37ºC for 7-8 days. Cultures were exposed to MeHg (10 µM, 100 µM, and 1 mM) for 2, 4, and 6 h. Cell viability was measured by MTT method and NOS activity by monitoring the conversion of L-[H3]-arginine to L-[H3]-citrulline. The incubation of cultured retina cells with 10 and 100 µM MeHg promoted an increase of NOS activity compared to control (P < 0.05). Maximum values (P < 0.05) were reached after 4 h of MeHg incubation: increases of 81.6 ± 5.3 and 91.3 ± 3.7%, respectively (data are reported as mean ± SEM for 4 replicates). MeHg also promoted a concentration- and time-dependent decrease in cell viability, with the highest toxicity (a reduction of about 80% in cell viability) being observed at the concentration of 1 mM and after 4-6 h of incubation. The present study demonstrates for the first time the modulation of MeHg neurotoxicity in retinal cells by the nitrergic system


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Hydroxyurea is commonly used in the treatment of myeloproliferative diseases and in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). The use of this antineoplastic agent in patients with SCD is justified because of the drug's ability to increase fetal hemoglobin levels, thereby decreasing the severity of SCD. However, high doses or prolonged treatment with hydroxyurea can be cytotoxic or genotoxic for these patients, with an increased risk of developing acute leukemia. This danger can be avoided by monitoring the lymphocytes of patients treated with hydroxyurea. Cytogenetic tests are important endpoints for monitoring the physiological effects of physical and chemical agents, including drugs. In this work, we assessed the genotoxicity of hydroxyurea in short-term cultures of lymphocytes from SCD patients. Hydroxyurea was not cytotoxic or genotoxic at the concentrations tested in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. These results support the use of hydroxyurea in the treatment of SCD, although further work is necessary to understand the effects of this drug in vivo


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A linhagem celular Hep-2 é formada por células de carcinoma da laringe e é muito utilizada em modelos de carcinogênese e mutagenêse. Para avaliar o potencial proliferativo desta linhagem, desenvolvemos uma metodologia citogenética (técnica do sobrenadante) para obtenção de metáfases a partir de células que, ao entrarem em mitose, perdem adesão celular, ficando em suspensão no meio de cultura. Através deste procedimento, foram contadas 2000 células, correspondendo a um índice mitótico (IM) de 22.2% . Apesar de o IM obtido por esta técnica não ter sido estatisticamente diferente do IM obtido por outras metodologias citogenéticas clássicas, a técnica do sobrenadante é vantajosa porque elimina o uso de alguns reagentes utilizados na obtenção de metáfases e também diminui o consumo de reagentes de manutenção desta linhagem.


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Gastric cancer is the second most frequent type of neoplasia and also the second most important cause of death in the world. Virtually all the established cell lines of gastric neoplasia were developed in Asian countries, and western countries have contributed very little to this area. In the present study we describe the establishment of the cell line ACP01 and characterize it cytogenetically by means of in vitro immortalization. Cells were transformed from an intestinal-type gastric adenocarcinoma (T4N2M0) originating from a 48-year-old male patient.This is the first gastric denocarcinoma cell line established in Brazil. The most powerful application of the cell line ACP01 is in the assessment of cytotoxicity. Solid tumor cell lines from different origins have been treated with several conventional and investigational anticancer drugs. The ACP01 cell line is triploid, grows as a single, non-organized layer, similar to fibroblasts, with focus formation,heterogeneous division, and a cell cycle of approximately 40 h. Chromosome 8 trisomy, present in 60% of the cells, was the most frequent cytogenetic alteration. These data lead us to propose a multifactorial triggering of gastric cancer which evolves over multiple stages involving progressive genetic changes and clonal expansion.


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Neste estudo foi determinada a relação entre as concentrações plasmáticas e eritrocitárias de quinina em crianças com malária falciparum não complicada, oriundas de área endêmica da Região Amazônica. A quinina foi detrminada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. No estado de equilíbrio, a relação foi 1,89 ± 1,25 variando de 1,05 a 2,34. Estes resultados demonstraram que a quinina não se concentra nos eritrócitos das crianças e caracterizaram a ausência de diferença racial nesta relação.


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ABSTRACT: The present study investigated the frequency of the mutations at positions -550 and -221 of the mannose-binding lectin (MBL) gene in a sample of 75 human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) infected patients and 96 HTLV seronegative controls, in order to evaluate the occurrence of a possible association between the polymorphism and HTLV infection. A sequence specific primer-polymerase chain reaction was used for discrimination of the polymorphism. The analysis of allele frequencies at position -550 did not show any significant differences between HTLV infected group and controls, but there was a significant difference at position -221. The comparative analysis of haplotypes frequencies were not significant, but the genotype frequencies between the two groups, revealed a higher prevalence of genotype LYLX (25.3%), associated with medium and low MBL serum levels among HTLV infected subjects. The odds ratio estimation demonstrated that the presence of genotype LYLX was associated with an increased risk of HTLV infection (p = 0.0096; 1.38 < IC95% < 7.7605). There was no association between proviral load and the promoter polymorphism, but when promoter and exon 1 mutations were matched, it was possible to identify a significant higher proviral load among HTLV infected individuals carrying haplotypes correlated to low serum levels of MBL. The present study shows that the polymorphism in the promoter region of the MBL gene may be a genetic marker associated with HTLV infection, and emphasizes the need for further studies to determinate if the present polymorphism have any impact on diseases linked to HTLV infection.


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ABSTRACT: Antibodies to human T-cell lymphotropic virus-1 and 2 (HTLV-1 and 2) were tested in 259 inhabitants (98 males and 161 females) of four villages of the Marajó Island (Pará, Brazil) using enzyme immunoassays (ELISA and Western blot). Types and subtypes of HTLV were determined by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting the pX, env and 5´LTR regions. HTLV-1 infection was detected in Santana do Arari (2.06%) and Ponta de Pedras (1%). HTLV-2 was detected only in Santana do Arari (1.06%). Sequencing of the 5´LTR region of HTLV-1 and the phylogenetic analysis identified the virus as a member of the Cosmopolitan Group, subgroup Transcontinental. Santana do Arari is an Afro-Brazilian community and the current results represent the first report of HTLV-1 infection in a mocambo located in the Brazilian Amazon region.


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ABSTRACT: The present work evaluated the epidemiology of human immunodeficiency virus 1/human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HIV-1/HTLV) coinfection in patients living in Belém (state of Pará) and Macapá (state of Amapá), two cities located in the Amazon region of Brazil. A total of 169 blood samples were collected. The sera were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to determine the presence of antibodies anti-HTLV-1/2. Confirmation of infection and discrimination of HTLV types and subtypes was performed using a nested polymerase chain reaction targeting the pX and 5' LTR regions, followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism and sequencing analysis. The presence of anti-HTLV1/2 was detected in six patients from Belém. The amplification of the pX region followed by RFLP analysis, demonstrated the presence of HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 infections among two and four patients, respectively. Sequencing HTLV-1 5' LTR indicated that the virus is a member of the Cosmopolitan Group, Transcontinental subgroup. HTLV-2 strains isolated revealed a molecular profile of subtype HTLV-2c. These results are a reflex of the epidemiological features of HIV-1/HTLV-1/2 coinfection in the North region of Brazil, which is distinct from other Brazilian regions, as reported by previous studies.


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ABSTRACT: Soroprevalence for Hepatitis C virus is reported as 2.12% in Northern Brazil, with about 50% of the patients exhibiting a sustained virological response (SVR). Aiming to associate polymorphisms in Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptors (KIR) with chronic hepatitis C and therapy responses we investigated 125 chronic patients and 345 controls. Additionally, 48 ancestry markers were genotyped to control for population stratification. The frequency of the KIR2DL2 and KIR2DL2+HLA-CAsp80 gene and ligand was higher in chronic infected patients than in controls (p < 0.0009, OR = 3.4; p = 0.001, OR = 3.45). In fact, KIR2DL3 is a weaker inhibitor of NK activity than KIR2DL2, which could explain the association of KIR2DL2 with chronic infection. Moreover, KIR2DS2 and KIR2DS2+HLA-CAsp80 (p < 0.0001, OR = 2.51; p = 0.0084, OR = 2.62) and KIR2DS3 (p < 0.0001; OR = 2.57) were associated with chronic infection, independently from KIR2DL2. No differences in ancestry composition were observed between control and patients, even with respect to therapy response groups. The allelic profile KIR2DL2/KIR2DS2/KIR2DS3 was associated with the chronic hepatitis C (p < 0.0001; OR = 3). Furthermore, the patients also showed a higher mean number of activating genes and a lower frequency of the homozygous AA profile, which is likely secondary to the association with non-AA and/or activating genes. In addition, the KIR2DS5 allele was associated with SVR (p = 0.0261; OR = 0.184).The ancestry analysis of samples ruled out any effects of population substructuring and did not evidence interethnic differences in therapy response, as suggested in previous studies.


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Gastric cancer is the fourth most frequent type of cancer and the second cause of cancer mortality worldwide. The genetic alterations described so far for gastric carcinomas include amplifications and mutations of the c-ERBB2, KRAS, MET, TP53, and c-MYC genes. Chromosomal instability described for gastric cancer includes gains and losses of whole chromosomes or parts of them and these events might lead to oncogene overexpression, showing the need for a better understanding of the cytogenetic aspects of this neoplasia. Very few gastric carcinoma cell lines have been isolated. The establishment and characterization of the biological properties of gastric cancer cell lines is a powerful tool to gather information about the evolution of this malignancy, and also to test new therapeutic approaches. The present study characterized cytogenetically PG100, the first commercially available gastric cancer cell line derived from a Brazilian patient who had a gastric adenocarcinoma, using GTG banding and fluorescent in situ hybridization to determine MYC amplification. Twenty metaphases were karyotyped; 19 (95%) of them presented chromosome 8 trisomy, where the MYC gene is located, and 17 (85%) presented a deletion in the 17p region, where the TP53 is located. These are common findings for gastric carcinomas, validating PG100 as an experimental model for this neoplasia. Eighty-six percent of 200 cells analyzed by fluorescent in situ hybridization presented MYC overexpression. Less frequent findings, such as 5p deletions and trisomy 16, open new perspectives for the study of this tumor.


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Este trabalho teve como proposta realizar pesquisa das tecnologias existentes para telefonia e integração das mesmas para concepção de um sistema inovador e projetado para a realidade Amazônida. O trabalho incluiu avaliar a implementação de um sistema GSM open source / open hardware de custo zero para a população (telefonia celular gratuita) em comunidades rurais na Amazônia, com enfoque nas comunidades isoladas e carentes onde geralmente não há cobertura celular de operadoras comerciais, devido a falta de estímulo do governo e/ou interesse comercial de prover telefonia para essas populações mais pobres.