3 resultados para liver carcinogenesis

em Universidade Federal do Pará


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O carcinoma hepatocelular corresponde à neoplasia maligna primária mais comum do fígado e ao quinto tumor sólido mais frequente no mundo. Altamente letal, permanece como um grave problema de saúde pública em virtude das dificuldades no diagnóstico precoce e na elaboração de medidas terapêuticas efetivas. Estudos recentes no ramo da biologia molecular sugerem que o perfil de miRNAs no carcinoma hepatocelular pode influir consideravelmente na identificação de fatores de riscos associados a oncogenes ou genes supressores. Objetivou-se avaliar a expressão de miRNA 135b, miRNA 181a-5p e miRNA 181a-3p em amostras de Carcinoma Hepatocelular e de Hepatite C Crônica e correlacioná-las de maneira a buscar prováveis biomarcadores relacionados ao mecanismo de carcinogenese. A investigação foi feita em seis pacientes com carcinoma hepatocelular e vinte e quatro casos de Hepatite C Crônica, procedentes do Pará, Norte do Brasil. Todas as amostras de Carcinoma Hepatocelular foram submetidas à microdissecção, para posterior extração do RNA. Para a extração do RNA total e do microRNA foi utilizado o kit AllPrep DNA/RNA FFPE Kit (Qiagen), quantificados pelo equipamento Qubit® 2.0 Fluorometer (Invitrogen) para concentração padrão final de 5ng/μL. Em seguida cDNA foi obtido, utilizando-se TaqMan® MicroRNA Reverse Transcription(AppliedBiosystems). As análises estatísticas foram realizadas nos softwares SPSS 17.0, usando o teste de Mann-Whitney, considerando como significantes valores de p<0,05. Os resultados demonstraram diferenças significativas dos níveis de expressão do miR181a-3p e do miR181a-5p no carcinoma hepatocelular (médias 3,94 e 17,9, respectivamente) em relação à hepatite C crônica (médias de 1,18 e 1,8, respectivamente) com P valor de 0,005 e 0,003. Nesse estudo, observou-se que os miRNAs 181a-3p e 181a-5p, especialmente o 181a-5p, foram significativamente mais expressos nas amostras de carcinoma hepatocelular, quando comparados ao tecido hepático não tumoral com hepatite C crônica. Portanto, os microRNAs possuem características interessantes que os favorecem como possíveis marcadores biológicos no rastreamento de tumores para diagnóstico precoce e terapias alvo selecionadas.


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INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic response of hepatitis C in patients coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1). METHODS: A retrospective study of 20 patients coinfected with HIV-1/HCV who were treated in the outpatient liver clinic at the Sacred House of Mercy Foundation Hospital of Pará (Fundação Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Pará - FSCMPA) from April 2004 to June 2009. Patients were treated with 180µg PEG interferon-α2a in combination with ribavirin (1,000 to 1,250mg/day) for 48 weeks. The end point was the sustained virological response (SVR) rate (HCV RNA negative 24 weeks after completing treatment). RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 40±9.5 years, of which 89% (n=17) were male, and the HCV genotypes were genotype 1 (55%, n=11/20), genotype 2 (10%, n=2/20) and genotype 3 (35%, n=7/20). The mean CD4+ lymphocyte count was 507.8, and the liver fibrosis stages were (METAVIR) F1 (25%), F2 (55%), F3 (10%) and F4 (10%). The early virological response (EVR) was 60%, the end-of-treatment virological response (EOTVR) was 45% and the SVR was 45%. CONCLUSIONS: The median HCV viral load was high, and in 85% of cases in which highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) was used, none of the patients with F3-F4 fibrosis responded to treatment. Of the twenty patients treated, 45% achieved SVR and 45% achieved EOTVR. Studies that include cases from a wider region are needed to better evaluate these findings.


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PURPOSE: To describe the vascular and tissue histopathological changes in seven sequential experimental liver transplantations in pigs. METHODS: Fourteen female pigs, Sus domesticus species, with body mass between 5 and 8 kg were utilized. After the end of all anastomoses of the graft implantation in the receptor, the animal was monitored for 30 minutes, and at its end one of the biopsies was collected for histological analysis. The histological criteria utilized were: lytic hepatocyte necrosis, density of septal and portal inflammatory infiltrated, sinusoidal congestion and hemorrhage. The analysis was performed separately for the portal region in zone 1, 2 and 3. RESULTS: Among the structural changes undergone by the graft, those with greater frequency and intensity were vascular congestion and steatosis, which stood out in transplantations 5, 6 and 7. CONCLUSIONS: The technique demonstrated vascular alterations represented by vasocongestion, edema and minimum inflammatory reaction. In relation to the parenchyma, was observed macrovacuolar pan-acinar steatosis, focal lytic and occasional hemorrhages, beyond the accumulation of hemosiderin in Kuppfer's cells.