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em Universidade Federal do Pará
A polêmica como interincompreensão no discurso da política acadêmica da Universidade Federal do Pará
As universidades, além de suas atribuições constitucionalmente previstas de ensino, de pesquisa e de extensão, possuem um 'quarto elemento essencial e indissociável dos outros três, concretizado na intensa prática política desenvolvida no ambiente acadêmico. Dada a existência desse fator, a presente pesquisa examina o fenômeno da polêmica como elemento de interincompreensão nos confrontos da política acadêmica na Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), com base no suporte teórico principal de Maingueneau (2005), observando-se como se estabelece essa relação de interincompreensão, analisando os simulacros que cada sujeito constrói do seu interlocutor e de si mesmo. Constituem o corpus deste trabalho, de um lado, as notas das três entidades acadêmicas da UFPA, quais sejam o Diretório Central dos Estudantes - DCE, a Associação dos Docentes da UFP A - Adufpa e o Sindicato dos Trabalhadores da UFP A - Sintufpa, que representam, respectivamente, estudantes, docentes e servidores técnico-administrativos; e, de outro, as notas da Administração Superior. Essas notas referem-se à tomada da Reitoria, pelos estudantes, ocorrida em junho de 2007, motivada, segundo nota da entidade estudantil (Anexo 3A), por não terem sido atendidas suas reivindicações, relacionadas a problemas acadêmicos diversos. A pesquisa é desenvolvida em uma perspectiva discursiva, cuja metodologia compreende um objetivo geral, que é identificar os simulacros que se constroem na política acadêmica da UFP A. Para tanto, nos valemos de quatro frentes de pesquisa, materializadas em objetivos específicos, a saber: 1. Investigar o contexto dessa política; 2. Resgatar o vocabulário constitutivo da material idade discursiva, observando as ações, referidas por meio de verbos e nomes, e as caracterizações, efetuadas por meio de adjetivações e nomes; 3. Identificar as marcas da heterogeneidade mostrada; 4. Capturar os flagrantes de infração ao "código dogmático" da prática política. Ao longo das notas, no embate discursivo que se desenvolve, percebemos o chamado "diálogo de surdos", em que não se vislumbra a possibilidade de os adversários reverem seus posicionamentos.
ABSTRACT: Human T-lymphotropic virus tipe 1 is recognized as the etiologic agent of tropical spastic paraparesis/HTLV-1 associated myelopathy (TSP/HAM). A very similar clinical disease has been increasingly associated to HTLV-2, whose pathogenicity still requires further assessments. This transversal, retrospective epidemiological survey aimed to determine the prevalence of HTLV among individuals with neurological disturbances and further evaluate cases of inconclusive serology using molecular biology methods. The present study involved patients inhabitants of Pará State and/or admitted at health institutions of the and who were referred to the Virology Section of Instituto Evandro Chagas (IEC) by local doctors between January of 1996 and December 2005, to search for the presence of HTLV-1/2 serum antibodies. Of these patients 353 were selected, with age between 9 months and 79 years, who presented at least one signal or symptom of the Marsh’s Complex (1996), as well as had HTLV-1/2 positive serology at screening and confirmatory ELISA. The overall prevalence of HTLV antibodies by ELISA as 8,8% (31/353), with rates of 10,6% (19/179) and 6,9% (12/174) for female and male patients, respectively. Among HTLV-1/2 the 31 ELISA-positive patients it was noted that 15 (48.4%) of 31 had paresis (n = 8), parestesis (n = 5), and paraplegia (n = 3). Of these 31 HTLV ELISA positive patients, 25 could be submitted to WB for assessment of viral types, which were distributed as follow: 80% (20/25) were HTLV-1, 12% (3/25) were HTLV-2, one case was of HTLV-1+HTLV-2 infection (4%), and serum from one patient yielded an indeterminate profile (4%). Only 14 of these 25 patients could be re-localised for collection of an additional sample for molecular analysis. It was observed that 78.6% of samples typed by WB had the proviral TAX region successfully amplified by nested-PCR. In addition, types were confirmed as based on results obtained from the amplification of the POL region using real-time PCR; this denoted good specificity and sensitivity of the WB used in this study. The sample defined as HTLV-1+HTLV-2 infection by WB was amplified in its TAX region but real time PCR confirmed HTLV-1 infection only. The patient with WB indeterminate profile and one of samples typed as HTLV-2 by WB were amplified by nested-PCR but the real time PCR was negative for HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 in both samples. One patient presenting clinical manifestations of crural myalgia and parestesia with duration of about 7 years reacted HTLV-2-positive by both WB and real-time PCR, a denoting a clear HTLV-2- related chronic myelopathy. This study has identified a case of possible vertical transmission in two distinct situations: a patient whose mother presented antibodies for HTLV-1 by WB and two sisters who reacted HTLV-1-positive by WB and real-time PCR. Although of epidemiological relevance, results from this study warrant further and broader analyses concerning the molecular epidemiology of HTLV types and subtypes HTLV. In addition, a more complete clinical assessment of neurological symptoms should be further performed, in order to better characterise cases of HTLV-related chronic myelopathy in our region.