4 resultados para Therapeutic schedules

em Universidade Federal do Pará


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A resistência crescente do P. falciparum aos antimaláricos habitualmente empregados, torna urgente a avaliação de novas drogas. O Ro 42-1611 é um antimalárico derivado da planta chinesa Arlabotrys uncinatus. Usado apenas na África em três trabalhos no tratamento da malária por P. falciparum, tem sua ação desconhecida em sul-americanos com esta doença. Apesar do efeito antimalárico ter sido comprovado, ainda não se encontrou a dose adequada para o tratamento supressivo do P. falciparum. Avaliar a tolerância, a toxicidade e a eficácia de três diferentes doses do Ro 42-1611 no tratamento da malária por P. falciparum é o que objetiva este trabalho. O estudo foi realizado em Marabá-Pará, caracterizando-se por ser aberto, prospectivo e randomizado; incluiu pacientes voluntário s, adultos, masculinos, de peso corporal até 80 kg; febris ou com outros sintomas constitucionais de malária e com gota espessa positiva para P. falciparum ( ≥ 200 e ≤ 50.000 parasitas/mm³ de sangue). Grupos de estudo: I -1.500 mg de 12/12 horas por 1 dia; II -1.500 mg de 12/12 horas por2 dias e III -1.500 mg de 12/12 horas por 3 dias. Todos os pacientes foram tratados em regime hospitalar, sendo avaliados no pré-tratamento através de: dados pessoais e biométricos, sinais e sintomas, uso de medicação concomitante, temperatura axilar, freqüência respiratória, pressão arterial, eletrocardiograma, parasitemia, exames hematológicos e bioquímicos. A partir do início da terapêutica, a avaliação destes parâmetros foi feita seguindo protocolo próprio, incluindo a anotação de efeitos colaterais. A análise de variância de Friedman foi usada para avaliar os valores obtidos nos exames hematológicos e bioquímicos. Foram selecionados 16 pacientes, sendo 5 alocados no grupo I, 6 no II e 5 no III. Idade variou de 17 a 41 anos (média: 26,6), peso corporal de 44 a 72 kg (média: 54,9), parasitemia assexuada inicial de 200 a 40.000 formas/mm³ de sangue, sendo os grupos homogêneos quanto a estas variáveis. A febre desapareceu no mínimo com 9 e no máximo com 48 horas a partir do início da terapêutica. A avaliação do traçado eletrocardiográfico e da pressão arterial não mostrou alterações significativas. O desaparecimento da parasitemia assexuada ocorreu em média com 53,6 horas, não se evidenciando diferenças estatísticas i significantes entre os grupos (p=0,7264). Houve uma diminuição significativa entre o pré-tratamento (D0) e o terceiro (D2) e oitavo (D7) dias de acompanhamento quanto os níveis de hematócrito (p=0,0046), um aumento no número de leucócitos entre D2 e D7 (p=0,0171) e plaquetas entre D0 e D7, assim como entre D2 e D7 (p< 0,0001). Entre D0 e D7 detectou-se diminuição nos níveis de bilirrubina total (p=0,0024), fosfatase alcalina (p=0,0195) e uréia (p=0,0168). Efeitos colaterais foram em geral leves ou moderados e de curta duração. Do total de pacientes, 87,5% obtiveram desaparecimento da parasitemia assexuada, porém apenas 2 (12,5%) curaram, ambos incluídos no grupo III. Nenhum dos esquemas posológicos usados foi adequado para a cura desta doença. Talvez em estudos posteriores usando a droga em maior dose ou por maior número de dias ou ainda associando-a a outros antimaláricos, possa obter-se eficácia adequada.


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INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic response of hepatitis C in patients coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1). METHODS: A retrospective study of 20 patients coinfected with HIV-1/HCV who were treated in the outpatient liver clinic at the Sacred House of Mercy Foundation Hospital of Pará (Fundação Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Pará - FSCMPA) from April 2004 to June 2009. Patients were treated with 180µg PEG interferon-α2a in combination with ribavirin (1,000 to 1,250mg/day) for 48 weeks. The end point was the sustained virological response (SVR) rate (HCV RNA negative 24 weeks after completing treatment). RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 40±9.5 years, of which 89% (n=17) were male, and the HCV genotypes were genotype 1 (55%, n=11/20), genotype 2 (10%, n=2/20) and genotype 3 (35%, n=7/20). The mean CD4+ lymphocyte count was 507.8, and the liver fibrosis stages were (METAVIR) F1 (25%), F2 (55%), F3 (10%) and F4 (10%). The early virological response (EVR) was 60%, the end-of-treatment virological response (EOTVR) was 45% and the SVR was 45%. CONCLUSIONS: The median HCV viral load was high, and in 85% of cases in which highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) was used, none of the patients with F3-F4 fibrosis responded to treatment. Of the twenty patients treated, 45% achieved SVR and 45% achieved EOTVR. Studies that include cases from a wider region are needed to better evaluate these findings.


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BACKGROUND: The cutaneous mycoses, mainly caused by dermatophyte fungi, are among the most common fungal infections worldwide. It is estimated that 10% to 15% of the population will be infected by a dermatophyte at some point in their lives, thus making this a group of diseases with great public health importance. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical, epidemiological, and therapeutic profile of dermatophytosis in patients enrolled at the Dermatology service of Universidade do Estado do Pará, Brazil, from July 2010 to September 2012. METHOD: A total of 145 medical records of patients diagnosed with dermatophytosis were surveyed. Data were collected and subsequently recorded according to a protocol developed by the researchers. This protocol consisted of information regarding epidemiological and clinical aspects of the disease and the therapy employed. RESULTS: The main clinical form of dermatophyte infection was onychomycosis, followed by tinea corporis, tinea pedis, and tinea capitis. Furthermore, the female population and the age group of 51 to 60 years were the most affected. Regarding therapy, there was a preference for treatments that combine topical and systemic drugs, and the most widely used drugs were fluconazole (systemic) and ciclopirox olamine (topical). CONCLUSION: This study showed the importance of recurrent analysis of the epidemiological profile of dermatophytosis to enable correct therapeutic and preventive management of these conditions, which have significant clinical consequences, with chronic, difficult-totreat lesions that can decrease patient quality of life and cause disfigurement.


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Morphine is a potent analgesic opioid used extensively for pain treatment. During the last decade, global consumption grew more than 4-fold. However, molecular mechanisms elicited by morphine are not totally understood. Thus, a growing literature indicates that there are additional actions to the analgesic effect. Previous studies about morphine and oxidative stress are controversial and used concentrations outside the range of clinical practice. Therefore, in this study, we hypothesized that a therapeutic concentration of morphine (1 μM) would show a protective effect in a traditional model of oxidative stress. We exposed the C6 glioma cell line to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and/or morphine for 24 h and evaluated cell viability, lipid peroxidation, and levels of sulfhydryl groups (an indicator of the redox state of the cell). Morphine did not prevent the decrease in cell viability provoked by H2O2) but partially prevented lipid peroxidation caused by 0.0025% H2O2) (a concentration allowing more than 90% cell viability). Interestingly, this opioid did not alter the increased levels of sulfhydryl groups produced by exposure to 0.0025% H2O2), opening the possibility that alternative molecular mechanisms (a direct scavenging activity or the inhibition of NAPDH oxidase) may explain the protective effect registered in the lipid peroxidation assay. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that morphine in usual analgesic doses may contribute to minimizing oxidative stress in cells of glial origin. This study supports the importance of employing concentrations similar to those used in clinical practice for a better approximation between experimental models and the clinical setting.