22 resultados para São Lourenço do Sul (RS)

em Universidade Federal do Pará


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A planície sedimentar do Pantanal é um extenso trato deposicional moderno, no qual megaleques fluviais são as feições que mais se destacam, sendo o do rio Taquari o maior e mais conhecido. Também notável é o megaleque do rio São Lourenço, que, apesar de possuir área de cerca de 16.000 km², é ainda pouco conhecido nos seus aspectos geológicos e geomorfológicos. Situado na borda noroeste do Pantanal, o megaleque do São Lourenço coalesce com o do Taquari, sendo dele separado pela planície fluvial interleque do rio Piquiri. Com base na interpretação de dados orbitais e na sua validação em campo, foi possível identificar padrões de canais, interpretar processos sedimentares, reconhecer fenômenos de avulsão fluvial e delinear lobos deposicionais. Foram reconhecidos três compartimentos geomorfológicos no megaleque do São Lourenço: 1) lobos deposicionais abandonados indiferenciados, situados na porção proximal/média do megaleque e constituídos por sedimentos pleistocênicos depositados por paleocanais distributários, atualmente em dissecação por canais tributários; 2) cinturão de meandros de idade holocênica, limitado por terraços marginais e resultado de agradação fluvial em vale inciso, cuja direção está condicionada por estruturas N65E; 3) lobos deposicionais ativos, situados na porção distal do megaleque e principal área de sedimentação do sistema deposicional, caracterizados por frequentes eventos de avulsão, bifurcações do canal, padrão de drenagem distributária e presença de lóbulos deposicionais. Os lobos deposicionais ativos foram formados a partir de importante evento de avulsão fluvial, que culminou com o abandono da porção inferior do cinturão de meandros.


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Os moradores de São Lourenço, no município de Barcarena, no Estado do Pará, vêm experimentando transformações nos seus modos de vida a partir da implantação do complexo metalúrgico ALBRAS/ALUNORTE, a partir da década de 90. A pesquisa orientou-se para uma reflexão analítica acerca das percepções dessas pessoas diante das mudanças ocorridas no período e que geram novas configurações em suas estruturas produtivas e nas formas de organização social e que orientam e atualizam suas práticas cotidianas.


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Este trabalho descreve o padrão de diversidade beta das mariposas Arctiidae no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS) e avalia se esse padrão é relacionado com o tipo de vegetação ou com a distância geográfica entre as áreas. A partir da observação de 9420 espécimes depositados em 13 coleções científicas e de duas listas publicadas na literatura, obteve-se registro de 329 espécies de arctiídeos em 55 localidades do RS. Essa riqueza corresponde a 5,6% da fauna Neotropical e 16,5% da fauna estimada para o Brasil. Cinqüenta e duas espécies (15,8%) foram registradas pela primeira vez no Estado. Não houve relação entre a diversidade beta (distância de Sorensen) e a distância geográfica entre as localidades, sugerindo que a configuração espacial do ambiente não influencia de forma significativa a locomoção das mariposas Arctiidae entre as paisagens. As análises multivariadas indicaram que a fauna de Arctiidae apresenta uma composição diferente em cada tipo de vegetação. A composição da fauna de áreas de Floresta Ombrófila Mista (Mata de Araucária) difere da fauna dos demais tipos de vegetação. Além disso, verificou-se uma maior riqueza de espécies em ambientes florestais do que em campestres.


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ABSTRACT: This paper presents a performance comparison between known propagation Models through least squares tuning algorithm for 5.8 GHz frequency band. The studied environment is based on the 12 cities located in Amazon Region. After adjustments and simulations, SUI Model showed the smaller RMS error and standard deviation when compared with COST231-Hata and ECC-33 models.


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ABSTRACT: The femtocell concept aims to combine fixed-line broadband access with mobile telephony using the deployment of low-cost, low-power third and fourth generation base stations in the subscribers' homes. While the self-configuration of femtocells is a plus, it can limit the quality of service (QoS) for the users and reduce the efficiency of the network, based on outdated allocation parameters such as signal power level. To this end, this paper presents a proposal for optimized allocation of users on a co-channel macro-femto network, that enable self-configuration and public access, aiming to maximize the quality of service of applications and using more efficiently the available energy, seeking the concept of Green networking. Thus, when the user needs to connect to make a voice or a data call, the mobile phone has to decide which network to connect, using the information of number of connections, the QoS parameters (packet loss and throughput) and the signal power level of each network. For this purpose, the system is modeled as a Markov Decision Process, which is formulated to obtain an optimal policy that can be applied on the mobile phone. The policy created is flexible, allowing different analyzes, and adaptive to the specific characteristics defined by the telephone company. The results show that compared to traditional QoS approaches, the policy proposed here can improve energy efficiency by up to 10%.


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ABSTRACT: This paper presents an encoding scheme adapted for Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) optimization using metaheuristics. The proposed encoding scheme uses spline approximations in order to build softened refractive index profiles from few encoded parameters. This approach is suitable for Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) synthesis because it ensures both the reduction of the problem dimensionality and the respect of important restrictions associated to the FBG manufacture. Simulations are shown where an ES using the spline encoding was able to converge faster and produce more interesting filters, when compared with conventional encoding schemes.


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ABSTRACT: In this paper, we present a quantitative comparison of circular and triangular gold nanodisks with the same length and thickness. The method of moments is used to solve numerically the scattering problem. With this model, we investigate the spatial near field distribution, spectral response, far field diagrams, and bandwidth wavelength of these particles. Our results show that the resonant wavelength and the near field enhancement and confinement of the triangular particle are larger than those for the circular particle, but the resonance bandwidth and scattering cross section of the triangular particle are smaller.


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A região do Rio Paracauari apresenta sérios problemas hídricos devido o excesso de chuvas no inverno e escassez de água no verão. A indústria agropecuária, principal atividade econômica da região, sofre tremendamente durante o período de secas. Foram realizados estudos geofísicos através do método de resistividade para localizar e mapear os aquíferos rasos de boa potencialidade. Foram feitas 53 sondagens elétricas verticais, do tipo Schlumberger, e 5 perfis de resistividade do tipo Wenner. Foi utilizada a técnica do ponto auxiliar e, depois, os diagramas coletivamente foram tratados e processados no computador, para obtenção de modelos aproximados. Depois da interpretação, foi possível separar duas áreas distintas. A primeira com resistividade alta até 950 Ω.m, com predominância de areia, é constituída de excelentes aquíferos e, provavelmente, trata-se de "Paleocanais". A segunda, com resistividade baixa até 0,5 Ω.m, com predominância de sedimentos argilosos, sílticos, com água salobra. Com os mapas de resistência transversal total e de resistividade foram definidas as áreas mais favoráveis à exploração de água potável. A área favorável é somente 30% da área total. Foi feita coleta das águas rasas e superficiais da área, e suas resistividades variam de 362 Ω.m a 1,1 Ω.m. Algumas perfurações foram feitas, e vieram constatar a existência destas áreas distintas. Com isto, foram solucionados parcialmente os problemas de água de algumas fazendas como São Lourenço, Gavinho e Conceição.


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In this letter, a methodology is proposed for automatically (and locally) obtaining the shape factor c for the Gaussian basis functions, for each support domain, in order to increase numerical precision and mainly to avoid matrix inversion impossibilities. The concept of calibration function is introduced, which is used for obtaining c. The methodology developed was applied for a 2-D numerical experiment, which results are compared to analytical solution. This comparison revels that the results associated to the developed methodology are very close to the analytical solution for the entire bandwidth of the excitation pulse. The proposed methodology is called in this work Local Shape Factor Calibration Method (LSFCM).


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In this paper, we present an analysis of the resonant response of modified triangular metallic nanoparticles with polynomial sides. The particles are illuminated by an incident plane wave and the method of moments is used to solve numerically the electromagnetic scattering problem. We investigate spectral response and near field distribution in function of the length and polynomial order of the nanoparticles. Our results show that in the analyzed wavelength range (0.5-1.8) µm these particles possess smaller number of resonances and their resonant wavelengths, near field enhancement and field confinement are higher than those of the conventional triangular particle with linear sides.


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In this paper, we present an algorithm for full-wave electromagnetic analysis of nanoplasmonic structures. We use the three-dimensional Method of Moments to solve the electric field integral equation. The computational algorithm is developed in the language C. As examples of application of the code, the problems of scattering from a nanosphere and a rectangular nanorod are analyzed. The calculated characteristics are the near field distribution and the spectral response of these nanoparticles. The convergence of the method for different discretization sizes is also discussed.


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We present a microwave switchable frequency selective surface with high quality factor transmission resonance. The high quality resonance is achieved by excitation of the trapped-mode in array with two concentric metal rings in a cell on a silicon substrate. Optical activation of the silicon substrate permits to switch off the transmission band.


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In Smart Grids, a variety of new applications are available to users of the electrical system (from consumers to the electric system operators and market operators). Some applications such as the SCADA systems, which control generators or substations, have consequences, for example, with a communication delay. The result of a failure to deliver a control message due to noncompliance of the time constraint can be catastrophic. On the other hand, applications such as smart metering of consumption have fewer restrictions. Since each type of application has different quality of service requirements (importance, delay, and amount of data to transmit) to transmit its messages, the policy to control and share the resources of the data communication network must consider them. In this paper Markov Decision Process Theory is employed to determine optimal policies to explore as much as possible the availability of throughput in order to transmit all kinds of messages, considering the quality of service requirements defined to each kind of message. First a non-preemptive model is formulated and after that a preemptive model is derived. Numerical results are used to compare FIFO, non-preemptive and preemptive policies.


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The use of wireless local area networks, called WLANs, as well as the proliferation of the use of multimedia applications have grown rapidly in recent years. Some factors affect the quality of service (QoS) received by the user and interference is one of them. This work presents strategies for planning and performance evaluation through an empirical study of the QoS parameters of a voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) application in an interference network, as well as the relevance in the design of wireless networks to determine the coverage area of an access point, taking into account several parameters such as power, jitter, packet loss, delay, and PMOS. Another strategy is based on a hybrid approach that considers measuring and Bayesian inference applied to wireless networks, taking into consideration QoS parameters. The models take into account a cross layer vision of networks, correlating aspects of the physical environment, on the signal propagation (power or distance) with aspects of VoIP applications (e.g., jitter and packet loss). Case studies were carried out for two indoor environments and two outdoor environments, one of them displaying main characteristics of the Amazon region (e.g., densely arboreous environments). This last test bed was carried out in a real system because the Government of the State of Pará has a digital inclusion program called NAVEGAPARÁ.


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In this paper, we propose a hybrid methodology based on Graph-Coloring and Genetic Algorithm (GA) to solve the Wavelength Assignment (WA) problem in optical networks, impaired by physical layer effects. Our proposal was developed for a static scenario where the physical topology and traffic matrix are known a priori. First, we used fixed shortest-path routing to attend demand requests over the physical topology and the graph-coloring algorithm to minimize the number of necessary wavelengths. Then, we applied the genetic algorithm to solve WA. The GA finds the wavelength activation order on the wavelengths grid with the aim of reducing the Cross-Phase Modulation (XPM) effect; the variance due to the XPM was used as a function of fitness to evaluate the feasibility of the selected WA solution. Its performance is compared with the First-Fit algorithm in two different scenarios, and has shown a reduction in blocking probability up to 37.14% when considered both XPM and residual dispersion effects and up to 71.42% when only considered XPM effect. Moreover, it was possible to reduce by 57.14% the number of wavelengths.