10 resultados para Population biology
em Universidade Federal do Pará
Scomberomorus cavalla é uma espécie de peixe pelágico amplamente distribuído na costa oeste do Atlântico, e uma diminuição no seu nível de captura tem sido verificada nos E.U.A e Golfo do México, comparada com os níveis alcançados pela espécie no passado. Da mesma forma, em algumas áreas do Brasil, há indícios de sobre-exploração. Entretanto, não existem estudos moleculares que visam o manejo deste importante item. Desta forma, no presente estudo, foram seqüenciados 380 pares de bases nucleotídicas da região da Alça-D do DNA mitocondrial de amostras provenientes de desembarque em Macapá, Bragança e Fortaleza. As análises filogenéticas e populacionais revelaram que há apenas uma população panmítica e baixos níveis de variabilidade genética foram observados. Estes resultados, assim como a observada sobre-exploração de S. cavala, representam dados muito importantes para o estabelecimento do manejo deste estoque a fim de prevenir um colapso ou risco de extinção no futuro.
Five loci (vWA1, F13A1, D12S67, Apo-B and D1S80) were investigated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by silver staining in a sample of 177 individuals from the population of São Luís, State of Maranhão, Brazil. A total of 70 different alleles were identified. A statistically significant deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was observed in a single locus (F13A1, p = 0.0075). The average heterozygosity (H) was estimated at 77.7%, the mean number of alleles per locus as 14. The PD (capacity of genotype differentiation at each locus) ranged from 88.9% (vWA1) to 96.7% (F13A1). The combined PE (power of exclusion) of these five loci was 99.8%. In terms of racial admixture (42% European, 39% Indian, and 19% African Black ancestry), São Luís presented an estimate similar to Belém, another trihybrid Amazonian population.
ABSTRACT: Carcharhinus limbatus has a cosmopolitan distribution and marked genetic structuring, mainly because of its philopatric behavior. However, analysis of this structuring has not previously included South American populations. In the present study, we analyzed a sample of adult individuals collected on the northern coast of Brazil and compared the sequences of the mitochondrial control region with those of populations already genotyped. Relatively high haplotype diversity (12 haplotypes, genetic diversity of 0.796) was observed, similar to that in other populations but with a much larger number of private alleles. In contrast to populations studied previously, which were represented by neonates, the pronounced allelic variability found in the South American individuals may have resulted from migrations from other populations in the region that have yet to be genotyped. This population was also genetically distinct from the other Atlantic populations (Fst > 0.8), probably because of female philopatry, and apparently separated from the northwestern Atlantic group 1.39 million years ago. These findings indicate that the C. limbatus population from northern Brazil is genetically distinct from all other populations and should be considered as a different management unit for the protection of stocks.
Com o objetivo de investigar a origem da mutação bS na população da região norte do Brasil, foram analisados polimorfismos de DNA no complexo de genes b da hemoglobina em 30 pacientes com anemia falciforme na população de Belém, a capital do Estado do Pará. Sessenta e sete por cento dos cromossomos bS analisados apresentaram o haplótipo Bantu, 30% o haplótipo Benin e 3% o haplótipo Senegal. A origem da mutação bS na população de Belém, estimada de acordo com a distribuição de haplótipos, não está de acordo com a esperada com base em dados históricos sobre o tráfico de escravos para a região norte, os quais indicam uma reduzida contribuição de escravos da região do Benin. Essas diferenças podem ser atribuídas ao tráfico interno de escravos, bem como ao posterior fluxo de populações imigrantes, particularmente de nordestinos. A distribuição de haplótipos em Belém não difere significativamente da observada em outras regiões brasileiras, muito embora os dados históricos sugiram que a maioria dos escravos procedentes da região do Atlântico-Oeste africano, onde predomina o haplótipo Senegal, foi trazida para o norte do Brasil, enquanto que o nordeste (Bahia, Pernambuco e Maranhão) recebeu o maior contingente de escravos oriundos da região centro-oeste africana, onde o haplótipo Benin é o mais comum. Nós sugerimos que as diferenças regionais quanto à procedência dos escravos africanos também foram modificadas pelo tráfico de escravos estabelecido entre as diferentes regiões brasileiras e posteriormente pelos movimentos migratórios.
Aberrant methylation of CpG islands located in promoter regions represents one of the major mechanisms for silencing cancer-related genes in tumor cells. We determined the frequency of aberrant CpG island methylation for several tumor-associated genes: DAPK, MGMT, p14ARF, p16INK4a, TP73, RB1 and TIMP-3 in 55 brain tumors, consisting of 26 neuroepithelial tumors, 6 peripheral nerve tumors, 13 meningeal tumors and 10 metastatic brain tumors. Aberrant methylation of at least one of the seven genes studied was detected in 83.6% of the cases. The frequencies of aberrant methylation were: 40% for p14ARF, 38.2% for MGMT, 30.9% for, p16INK4a, 14.6% for TP73 and for TIMP-3, 12.7% for DAPK and 1.8% for RB1. These data suggest that the hypermethylation observed in the genes p14ARF, MGMT and p16INK4a is a very important event in the formation or progression of brain tumors, since the inactivation of these genes directly interferes with the cell cycle or DNA repair. The altered methylation rate of the other genes has already been reported to be related to tumorigenesis, but the low methylation rate of RB1 found in tumors in our sample is different from that so far reported in the literature, suggesting that perhaps hypermethylation of the promoter is not the main event in the inactivation of this gene. Our results suggest that hypermethylation of the promoter region is a very common event in nervous system tumors.
The allelic and haplotype frequencies of 17 Y-STR loci most commonly used in forensic testing were estimated in a sample of 138 unrelated healthy males from Macapá, in the northern Amazon region of Brazil. The average gene diversity was 0.6554 ± 0.3315. 134 haplotypes of the 17 loci were observed, 130 of them unique and four present in two individuals each. The haplotype diversity index was 0.9996 + 0.0009, with the most frequent haplogroups being R1b (52.2%), E1b1b (11.6%), J2 (10.1%) and Q (7.2%). Most haplogroups of this population belonged to European male lineages (89.2%), followed by Amerindian (7.2%) and African (3.6%) lineages.
The Lewis blood group system involves two major antigens, Leª and Leb. Their antigenic determinants are not primary gene products but are synthesized by the transfer of sugar subunits to a precursory chain by a specific enzyme which is the product of the FUT3 gene (Lewis gene). The presence of three FUT3 gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (59T > G; 508G > A and 1067T > A) was related to the Lewis phenotype of erythrocytes from 185 individuals of Japanese ancestry living in the town of Tomé-Açu in the Brazilian Amazon region. This relationship was detected using a serological hemagglutination test and the Dot-ELISA assay along with the molecular technique PCR-RFLP. We found that the three SNPs investigated in this study only accounted for a proportion of the Lewis-negative phenotype of the erythrocytes.
The allelic frequencies of 12 short tandem repeat loci were obtained from a sample of 307 unrelated individuals living in Macapá, a city in the northern Amazon region, Brazil. These loci are the most commonly used in forensics and paternity testing. Based on the allele frequency obtained for the population of Macapá, we estimated an interethnic admixture for the three parental groups (European, Native American and African) of, respectively, 46%, 35% and 19%. Comparing these allele frequencies with those of other Brazilian populations and of the Iberian Peninsula population, no significant distances were observed. The interpopulation genetic distances (FST coefficients) to the present database ranged from FST = 0.0016 between Macapá and Belém to FST = 0.0036 between Macapá and the Iberian Peninsula.
Most cases of a predisposition to venous thrombosis are caused by resistance to activated protein C, associated in 95% of cases with the Factor V Leiden allele (FVL or R506Q). Several recent studies report a further increased risk of thrombosis by an association between the AB alleles of the ABO blood group and Factor V Leiden. The present study investigated this association with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in individuals treated at the Hemocentro de Pernambuco in northeastern Brazil. A case-control comparison showed a significant risk of thrombosis in the presence of Factor V Leiden (OR = 10.1), which was approximately doubled when the AB alleles of the ABO blood group were present as well (OR = 22.3). These results confirm that the increased risk of deep vein thrombosis in the combined presence of AB alleles and Factor V Leiden is also applicable to the Brazilian population suggesting that ABO blood group typing should be routinely added to FVL in studies involving thrombosis.
The Lewis blood group system involves two major antigens, Lea and Leb. Their antigenic determinants are not primary gene products but are synthesized by the transfer of sugar subunits to a precursory chain by a specific enzyme which is the product of the FUT3 gene (Lewis gene). The presence of three FUT3 gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (59T > G; 508G > A and 1067T > A) was related to the Lewis phenotype of erythrocytes from 185 individuals of Japanese ancestry living in the town of Tomé-Açu in the Brazilian Amazon region. This relationship was detected using a serological hemagglutination test and the Dot-ELISA assay along with the molecular technique PCR-RFLP. We found that the three SNPs investigated in this study only accounted for a proportion of the Lewis-negative phenotype of the erythrocytes.