em Universidade Federal do Pará
Foram estudados aspectos ultra-estruturais do espermatozóide do teleósteo hermafrodita Satanoperca jurupari (HECKEL, 1840) do rio Amazonas. Em diferentes oocistos testiculares encontram-se fases evolutivas de espermatócitos, espermátides e espermatozóides. Nos estádios mais jovens, nos espermatócitos, foram observados os respectivos complexos sinaptonêmicos. O espermatozóide maduro do tipo "introsperm" apresenta cabeça pequena de ~ 3 mm de comprimento e 1,3 mm de largura, sem acrosoma, com uma pequena peça intermediária de ~ 1,2 mm de comprimento e 1,8 mm de largura, contendo algumas mitocôndrias esféricas, circundando os dois centríolos e formando um colar mitocondrial. Esse espermatozóide apresenta 2 flagelos, cada um com ~ 15 mm de comprimento e com a formação microtubular comum de 9 + 2. Cada flagelo tem 2 extensões citoplasmáticas lateralmente opostas, sendo formadas cerca de 3 mm abaixo da peça intermediária, acompanhando o flagelo até a parte final.
The pristine boron nitride nanotubes have a large direct band gap around 5 eV. This band gap can be engineered by doping. We investigate electronic structure of the doped hexagonal boron nitride (5,5) nanotubes using the linearized augmented cylindrical wave method. In particular, this work focuses on systematical study of the band gap and the density of states around the Fermi-level when the nanotubes are doped by intrinsic impurities of two substitutional boron atoms in a super cell and a comparative analysis of the relative stability of three structures studied here. This corresponds to 3.3% of impurity concentration. We calculate 29 configurations of the nanotubes with different positions of the intrinsic impurities in the nanotube. The band gap and density of states around the Fermi level show strong dependence on the relative positions of the impurity atoms. The two defect sub bands called D∏(B) appear in the band gap of the pristine nanotube. The doped nanotubes possess p-type semiconductor properties with the band gap of 1.3-1.9 eV.
This study aimed to describe the population structure of the Amazon shrimp Macrobrachium amazonicum, as well as their relative growth between the length of the cephalothorax and the total length, and between the length of the cephalothorax and the total mass of shrimps of a fluvial-estuarine plain in the State of Pará. Shrimps were sampled monthly from August 2006 to July 2007, using trawl nets, taking three replicates at each site (Arapiranga and Mosqueiro) per month, totaling 72 replicates. We caught 5,510 specimens, being 90.90% from Arapiranga Island and 9.1% from Mosqueiro Island. The highest densities occurred in July (1.33 individuals/m2), at the beginning of the dry season and in December (1.66 individuals/m2), at the beginning of the rainy season. The morphometric analysis for separate and grouped sexes resulted in negative and positive allometric growth. Ovigerous females were observed in all months, indicating continuous reproduction and the majority (67.81%) was caught during the less rainy season. The abundance and continuous reproduction of M. amazonicum show that this estuary offers conditions for the proper development of this population.