5 resultados para Diversity of Brachyuran crabs

em Universidade Federal do Pará


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ABSTRACT: The present study intended to characterize the phenotypic and genetic diversity of Brazilian isolates of Chromobacterium violaceum from aquatic environments within the Amazon region. Nineteen isolates showed morphological properties of C. violaceum and the majority grew at 44°C. Low temperatures, in contrast, showed to be inhibitory to their growth, as eleven isolates did not grow at 10ºC and nine did not produce pigmentation, clearly indicating an inhibition of their metabolism. The largest variation among isolates was observed in the citrate test (Simmons), in which 12 isolates were positive, and in the oxidation/fermentation of sucrose, with six positives isolates. Chloramphenicol, gentamicin and sulfonamides efficiently inhibited bacterial growth. Amplified products of the recA gene were digested with HindII or PstI, which produced three or four restriction fragments patterns, respectively. The combined analysis arranged the isolates into six genospecies. The higher diversity observed in Belém (genotypes C, D, E and F) may be a consequence of intense human occupation, pollution of the aquatic environment or due to the higher diversity of the environments sampled in that region. In conclusion, a high level of genetic and phenotypic diversity was observed, and four new genospecies were described.


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É registrada pela primeira vez a ocorrência de Fredius reflexifrons (Ortmann, 1897), um caranguejo da família Pseudothelphusidae de ampla distribuição na Amazônia e nas Guianas, no estado do Ceará, Nordeste do Brazil. São feitos registros adicionais de dessa espécie e de Fredius denticulatus (H. Milne-Edwards, 1853) para a região amazônica. É feita uma discussão sobre os limites orientais da distribuição da família Pseudothelphusidae no Brasil.


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The allelic and haplotype frequencies of 17 Y-STR loci most commonly used in forensic testing were estimated in a sample of 138 unrelated healthy males from Macapá, in the northern Amazon region of Brazil. The average gene diversity was 0.6554 ± 0.3315. 134 haplotypes of the 17 loci were observed, 130 of them unique and four present in two individuals each. The haplotype diversity index was 0.9996 + 0.0009, with the most frequent haplogroups being R1b (52.2%), E1b1b (11.6%), J2 (10.1%) and Q (7.2%). Most haplogroups of this population belonged to European male lineages (89.2%), followed by Amerindian (7.2%) and African (3.6%) lineages.


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Larvas do caranguejo da lama Panopeus lacustris Desbonne, 1867 foram cultivadas em laboratório a partir de fêmeas ovígeras coletadas na área estuarina do Rio Caeté na região Amazônica. O desenvolvimento completo desta espécie consistiu em 4 de zoea e um megalopa, onde cada estágio foi descrito e ilustrado em detalhes. Os resultados foram comparados com os de outros estudos anteriores sobre o desenvolvimento larval das espécies pertencentes ao gênero Panopeus e brevemente discutidos. Além da descrição das larvas do desenvolvimento completo de P. lacustris, foi descrita e ilustrada a primeira fase de zoea de treze espécies de caranguejos braquiúros coletados no mesmo estuário: P. lacustris, P. americanus Saussure, 1857, Eurytium limosum (Say, 1818), Sesarma curacaoense De Man, 1892, Sesarma rectum Randall, 1840, Armases rubripes (Rathbun, 1897), Aratus pisonii (H. Milne Edwards, 1837), Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius, 1787), Uca rapax (Smith, 1870), Uca maracoani (Latreille, 1802), Uca thayeri Rathbun, 1900, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) e Pachygrapsus gracilis (Saussure, 1858). Apenas a zoea I de P. lacustris não foi descrito novamente. As características morfológicas dessas espécies são comparadas com as descrições originais. Para facilitar o estudo de material coletado no plâncton, foi desenvolvida uma chave para identificação das espécies descritas neste estudo.


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ABSTRACT: Methanogenic archaeans are organisms of considerable ecological and biotechnological interest that produce methane through a restricted metabolic pathway, which culminates in the reaction catalyzed by the Methyl-coenzyme M reductase (Mcr) enzyme, and results in the release of methane. Using a metagenomic approach, the gene of the a subunit of mcr (mcrα) was isolated from sediment sample from an anoxic zone, rich in decomposing organic material, obtained from the Tucuruí hydroelectric dam reservoir in eastern Brazilian Amazonia. The partial nucleotide sequences obtained were 83 to 95% similar to those available in databases, indicating a low diversity of archaeans in the reservoir. Two orders were identified -the Methanomicrobiales, and a unique Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU) forming a clade with the Methanosarcinales according to low bootstrap values. Homology modeling was used to determine the three-dimensional (3D) structures, for this the partial nucleotide sequence of the mcrα were isolated and translated on their partial amino acid sequences. The 3D structures of the archaean mcrα observed in the present study varied little, and presented approximately 70% identity in comparison with the mcrα of Methanopyrus klanderi. The results demonstrated that the community of methanogenic archaeans of the anoxic C1 region of the Tucurui reservoir is relatively homogeneous.