4 resultados para African institution.

em Universidade Federal do Pará


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Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar os aportes teóricos que fundamentam a obra de Kabengele Munanga, caracterizar a concepção de identidade negra na obra do autor e suas contribuições para a educação brasileira. Para atingir esses objetivos traçamos como caminho metodológico uma pesquisa bibliográfica para a análise de duas obras selecionadas que tratam especificamente sobre a construção da identidade negra. Pesquisamos também, a produção bibliográfica realizada por pesquisadores brasileiros e estrangeiros que tratam das relações raciais, da construção da identidade negra e suas implicações no contexto educacional brasileiro, na medida em que as mesmas possuem relação com a obra de Kabengele Munanga. Optamos em trabalhar analiticamente os conceitos nas obras pesquisadas, a partir do aporte de Pierre Bourdieu, no cerne de suas discussões sobre o conceito de Poder e Violência Simbólica. Observamos também, os aspectos teórico-metodológicos da Análise do Conteúdo presente na obra de Laurence Bardin e seus direcionamentos quanto à identificação das categorias de análise a serem pesquisadas. A escola é compreendida como uma instituição social geradora de valores e reprodutora cultural, portanto, torna-se de fundamental importância a ação da escola no repúdio a qualquer discriminação, seja ela por raça, etnia, classe social, gênero, religião, ou idade. A pesquisa possibilitou-nos perceber que a trajetória de discriminação, segregação e negação identitária do negro em todas as instituições de socialização, inclusive na escola, o que suscita o debate acerca de iniciativas para a afirmação de seus direitos, no acesso à educação em todos os níveis; visto a centralidade da importância da educação na mudança de um contexto socialmente desfavorável para os negros, como é o brasileiro. A negação da identidade negra se caracteriza como fato histórico desde o Brasil colônia e tem sido recorrente em omissões curriculares que se materializam em silenciamentos a respeito deste objeto de estudo e da cultura africana, todavia, os educadores não têm recebido uma formação específica para lidar com a diversidade étnico-cultural, nem com questões raciais envoltas em seus cotidianos escolares.


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The Amazon region of Brazil includes communities founded by escaped slaves, some of which still remain relatively isolated. We studied two such Afro-Brazilian communities (Pacoval and Curiau), in the rural area of Alenquer, Pará, and in the metropolitan region of Macapá, Amapá, respectively. Among 12 blood loci, alleles considered as markers of African ancestry, such as HBB*S, HBB*C, TF*D1, HP*2M, ABO*B, RH*D-, and CA2*2 were found at frequencies that are expected for populations with a predominantly African origin. Estimates of interethnic admixture indicated that the degree of the African component in Curiau (74%) is higher than that of Pacoval (44%); an Amerindian contribution was not detected in Curiau. Estimated values of African ancestry fit well with the degree of isolation and mobility of the communities. Pacoval exhibited a high proportion of immigrants among the parents and grandparents of the individuals studied, whereas persons living in Curiau exhibited a low level of mobility, despite its location in the metropolitan area of Macapá city, suggesting a relatively strong barrier against the interethnic admixture in this population. In addition, analysis of genetic data in a sub-sample consisting of individuals whose parents and grandparents were born in the study site, and that probably represents the populations two generations ago, indicated that gene flow from non-black people is not a recent event in both populations.


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ABSTRACT: The formation of the Brazilian Amazonian population has historically involved three main ethnic groups, Amerindian, African and European. This has resulted in genetic investigations having been carried out using classical polymorphisms and molecular markers. To better understand the genetic variability and the micro-evolutionary processes acting in human groups in the Brazilian Amazon region we used mitochondrial DNA to investigate 159 maternally unrelated individuals from five Amazonian African-descendant communities. The mitochondrial lineage distribution indicated a contribution of 50.2% from Africans (L0, L1, L2, and L3), 46.6% from Amerindians (haplogroups A, B, C and D) and a small European contribution of 1.3%. These results indicated high genetic diversity in the Amerindian and African lineage groups, suggesting that the Brazilian Amazonian African-descendant populations reflect a possible population amalgamation of Amerindian women from different Amazonian indigenous tribes and African women from different geographic regions of Africa who had been brought to Brazil as slaves. The present study partially mapped the historical biological and social interactions that had occurred during the formation and expansion of Amazonian African-descendant communities.


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ABSTRACT: The allele frequency distributions of three VNTR (D1S80, APOB and D4S43) and three STR (vW1, F13A1 and DYS19) loci were investigated in two Afro-Brazilian populations from the Amazon: Curiau and Pacoval. Exact tests for population differentiation revealed significant differences in allele frequency between populations only for the D1S80 and APOB loci. A statistically significant deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was observed only in the D1S80 locus of the Pacoval sample. A neighbor-joining tree was constructed based on DA genetic distances of allele frequencies in four Afro-Brazilian populations from the Amazon (Pacoval, Curiau, Trombetas, and Cametá), along with those from Congo, Cameroon, Brazilian Amerindians, and Europeans. This analysis revealed the usefulness of these Amp-FLPs for population studies - African and African-derived populations were closely grouped, and clearly separated from Amerindians and Europeans. Estimates of admixture components based on the gene identity method revealed the prevalence of the African component in both populations studied, amounting to 51% in Pacoval, and to 43% in Curiau. The Amerindian component was also important in both populations (37% in Pacoval, and 24% in Curiau). The European component reached 33% in Curiau.