9 resultados para African Brazilian religions
em Universidade Federal do Pará
ABSTRACT: The allele frequency distributions of three VNTR (D1S80, APOB and D4S43) and three STR (vW1, F13A1 and DYS19) loci were investigated in two Afro-Brazilian populations from the Amazon: Curiau and Pacoval. Exact tests for population differentiation revealed significant differences in allele frequency between populations only for the D1S80 and APOB loci. A statistically significant deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was observed only in the D1S80 locus of the Pacoval sample. A neighbor-joining tree was constructed based on DA genetic distances of allele frequencies in four Afro-Brazilian populations from the Amazon (Pacoval, Curiau, Trombetas, and Cametá), along with those from Congo, Cameroon, Brazilian Amerindians, and Europeans. This analysis revealed the usefulness of these Amp-FLPs for population studies - African and African-derived populations were closely grouped, and clearly separated from Amerindians and Europeans. Estimates of admixture components based on the gene identity method revealed the prevalence of the African component in both populations studied, amounting to 51% in Pacoval, and to 43% in Curiau. The Amerindian component was also important in both populations (37% in Pacoval, and 24% in Curiau). The European component reached 33% in Curiau.
Usando como fontes a memória oral, documentos impressos e imagens de vídeos, o presente estudo trata das relações que se estabelecem entre as práticas do Candomblé, Umbanda, Mina e Cura, em terreiros de Macapá, Estado do Amapá. Desde os anos 40 do século passado as religiões afro-brasileiras vêm se instalando na região, trazidas por imigrantes de outras unidades da federação brasileira, e nesse processo vêm se tocando, interagindo, se misturando. O Candomblé embora recente, data dos anos 80 do século X, adquiriu grande visibilidade e tem crescido bastante as adesões de adeptos de outras religiões afro-brasileiras a essa religião, em virtude das expectativas e concepções de superioridade que se criaram a respeito deste. No entanto, para atender suas necessidades e as demandas da clientela pais e mães-de-santo se utilizam das práticas das várias denominações afro-religiosas. Neste sentido, a ritualística do Candomblé aparece como mais um acréscimo, um elemento a mais no cabedal de conhecimentos religiosos adquiridos ao longo da vida e da trajetória religiosa dos sacerdotes e sacerdotisas responsáveis pelos terreiros de Macapá. Assim sendo, este estudo contribui para repensar a importância dos estudos que envolvem os fenômenos da imigração cultural, com a instalação de um sistema cultural novo em uma dada sociedade em expansão, as alterações que isso provoca no meio cultural em que se insere e no sistema cultural em questão.
Esta dissertação tem por proposta o estudo da pajelança na cidade de Belém, local onde a maioria dos estudos realizados se concentra na década de 1970 e 1980, ou tem como locus de investigação o interior do estado do Pará. Artigos de Vicente Salles (1969) e Napoleão Figueiredo (1994) apontam para o desaparecimento da pajelança “pura” na capital paraense. Este desaparecimento se deveria, em grande medida, à “influência” da umbanda. Assim, o objetivo é compreender, a partir do estudo de quatro terreiros, como está constituída essa prática na cidade de Belém, sob o contexto das religiões afro-brasileiras. A pajelança, ou pena e maracá, como é conhecida, caracteriza-se, basicamente, na crença nos “encantados”, que “baixam” durante os rituais, “incorporando” no pajé, que é a figura central das sessões.
A utilização do corpo como instrumento de culto e louvor, em técnicas de cura ou de outros tipos, por católicos carismáticos, que tem despertado tanta atenção, também por sua exibição na mídia (através da atuação de ministros como o padre Marcelo Rossi, no Brasil), permite uma reflexão e um estudo comparativo com outras formas de culto, entre as quais aquelas com características xamânicas, como a pajelança rural amazônica (não indígena) e as religiões afro-brasileiras. Partindo da noção de técnicas corporais, formulada por Marcel Mauss, e lidando com conceitos de autores como Merleau Ponty, Pierre Bourdieu e Thomas Csordas, o artigo analisa parte do material empírico coletado pelo autor em sua pesquisa de campo, que tem como locus a cidade de Belém e a região do Salgado, na Amazônia Oriental brasileira.
ABSTRACT: The formation of the Brazilian Amazonian population has historically involved three main ethnic groups, Amerindian, African and European. This has resulted in genetic investigations having been carried out using classical polymorphisms and molecular markers. To better understand the genetic variability and the micro-evolutionary processes acting in human groups in the Brazilian Amazon region we used mitochondrial DNA to investigate 159 maternally unrelated individuals from five Amazonian African-descendant communities. The mitochondrial lineage distribution indicated a contribution of 50.2% from Africans (L0, L1, L2, and L3), 46.6% from Amerindians (haplogroups A, B, C and D) and a small European contribution of 1.3%. These results indicated high genetic diversity in the Amerindian and African lineage groups, suggesting that the Brazilian Amazonian African-descendant populations reflect a possible population amalgamation of Amerindian women from different Amazonian indigenous tribes and African women from different geographic regions of Africa who had been brought to Brazil as slaves. The present study partially mapped the historical biological and social interactions that had occurred during the formation and expansion of Amazonian African-descendant communities.
The Amazon region of Brazil includes communities founded by escaped slaves, some of which still remain relatively isolated. We studied two such Afro-Brazilian communities (Pacoval and Curiau), in the rural area of Alenquer, Pará, and in the metropolitan region of Macapá, Amapá, respectively. Among 12 blood loci, alleles considered as markers of African ancestry, such as HBB*S, HBB*C, TF*D1, HP*2M, ABO*B, RH*D-, and CA2*2 were found at frequencies that are expected for populations with a predominantly African origin. Estimates of interethnic admixture indicated that the degree of the African component in Curiau (74%) is higher than that of Pacoval (44%); an Amerindian contribution was not detected in Curiau. Estimated values of African ancestry fit well with the degree of isolation and mobility of the communities. Pacoval exhibited a high proportion of immigrants among the parents and grandparents of the individuals studied, whereas persons living in Curiau exhibited a low level of mobility, despite its location in the metropolitan area of Macapá city, suggesting a relatively strong barrier against the interethnic admixture in this population. In addition, analysis of genetic data in a sub-sample consisting of individuals whose parents and grandparents were born in the study site, and that probably represents the populations two generations ago, indicated that gene flow from non-black people is not a recent event in both populations.
ABSTRACT: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (P450c21, CYP21) accounts for about 95% of all CAH cases. The incidence of CYP21 gene mutations has been extensively studied in the last years, but in Brazil it has been investigated only in Southeast Brazilian patients. This study is the first report on the distribution of CYP21 mutations in patients from the Amazon region. Direct sequencing of the CYP21 gene identified at least one mutation in 96% of the studied chromosomes. The most common mutations found were IVS2-13A/C > G (36%), Q318X (12%), V281L (12%), 1760_1761insT (9%), Cluster E6 (7%), and P30L (7%). The worldwide most common mutations were identified among patients from the Amazon region at frequencies that may be expected for a population resulting from the admixture of Europeans (predominantly Portuguese), African Blacks and Amerindians, in proportions that differ from those estimated for South Brazilian populations. Interethnic mixture may explain the differences in the frequencies of some mutations between Brazilian patients from the Amazon and from the Southeast of the country. However, the differences found may also be due to variation in the number of patients with the different clinical forms of 21-hydroxylase deficiency in the studies carried out so far.
The allelic and haplotype frequencies of 17 Y-STR loci most commonly used in forensic testing were estimated in a sample of 138 unrelated healthy males from Macapá, in the northern Amazon region of Brazil. The average gene diversity was 0.6554 ± 0.3315. 134 haplotypes of the 17 loci were observed, 130 of them unique and four present in two individuals each. The haplotype diversity index was 0.9996 + 0.0009, with the most frequent haplogroups being R1b (52.2%), E1b1b (11.6%), J2 (10.1%) and Q (7.2%). Most haplogroups of this population belonged to European male lineages (89.2%), followed by Amerindian (7.2%) and African (3.6%) lineages.
The allelic frequencies of 12 short tandem repeat loci were obtained from a sample of 307 unrelated individuals living in Macapá, a city in the northern Amazon region, Brazil. These loci are the most commonly used in forensics and paternity testing. Based on the allele frequency obtained for the population of Macapá, we estimated an interethnic admixture for the three parental groups (European, Native American and African) of, respectively, 46%, 35% and 19%. Comparing these allele frequencies with those of other Brazilian populations and of the Iberian Peninsula population, no significant distances were observed. The interpopulation genetic distances (FST coefficients) to the present database ranged from FST = 0.0016 between Macapá and Belém to FST = 0.0036 between Macapá and the Iberian Peninsula.