25 resultados para Duarte, Adriane Da Silva


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The purpose of this study was to compare contrast sensitivity estimated from transient visual evoked potentials (VEPs) elicited by achromatic pattern-reversal and pattern-onset/offset modes. The stimuli were 2-cpd, achromatic horizontal gratings presented either as a 1 Hz pattern reversal or a 300 ms onset/700 ms offset stimulus. Contrast thresholds were estimated by linear regression to amplitudes of VEP components vs. the logarithm of the stimulus contrasts, and these regressions were extrapolated to the zero amplitude level. Contrast sensitivity was defined as the inverse of contrast threshold. For pattern reversal, the relation between the P100 amplitude and log of the stimulus contrast was best described by two separate linear regressions. For the N135 component, a single straight line was sufficient. In the case of pattern onset/offset for both the C1 and C2 components, single straight lines described their amplitude vs. log contrast relations in the medium-to-low contrast range. Some saturation was observed for C2 components. The contrast sensitivity estimated from the low-contrast limb of the P100, from the N135, and from the C2 were all similar but higher than those obtained from the high-contrast limb of the P100 and C1 data, which were also similar to each other. With 2 cpd stimuli, a mechanism possibly driven by the M pathway appeared to contribute to the P100 component at medium-to-low contrasts and to the N135 and C2 components at all contrast levels, whereas another mechanism, possibly driven by the P and M pathways, appeared to contribute to the P100 component at high contrast and C1 component at all contrast levels.


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The purpose of the present study was to measure contrast sensitivity to equiluminant gratings using steady-state visual evoked cortical potential (ssVECP) and psychophysics. Six healthy volunteers were evaluated with ssVECPs and psychophysics. The visual stimuli were red-green or blue-yellow horizontal sinusoidal gratings, 5° × 5°, 34.3 cd/m2 mean luminance, presented at 6 Hz. Eight spatial frequencies from 0.2 to 8 cpd were used, each presented at 8 contrast levels. Contrast threshold was obtained by extrapolating second harmonic amplitude values to zero. Psychophysical contrast thresholds were measured using stimuli at 6 Hz and static presentation. Contrast sensitivity was calculated as the inverse function of the pooled cone contrast threshold. ssVECP and both psychophysical contrast sensitivity functions (CSFs) were low-pass functions for red-green gratings. For electrophysiology, the highest contrast sensitivity values were found at 0.4 cpd (1.95 ± 0.15). ssVECP CSF was similar to dynamic psychophysical CSF, while static CSF had higher values ranging from 0.4 to 6 cpd (P < 0.05, ANOVA). Blue-yellow chromatic functions showed no specific tuning shape; however, at high spatial frequencies the evoked potentials showed higher contrast sensitivity than the psychophysical methods (P < 0.05, ANOVA). Evoked potentials can be used reliably to evaluate chromatic red-green CSFs in agreement with psychophysical thresholds, mainly if the same temporal properties are applied to the stimulus. For blue-yellow CSF, correlation between electrophysiology and psychophysics was poor at high spatial frequency, possibly due to a greater effect of chromatic aberration on this kind of stimulus.


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This study compared the effectiveness of the multifocal visual evoked cortical potentials (mfVEP) elicited by pattern pulse stimulation with that of pattern reversal in producing reliable responses (signal-to-noise ratio >1.359). Participants were 14 healthy subjects. Visual stimulation was obtained using a 60-sector dartboard display consisting of 6 concentric rings presented in either pulse or reversal mode. Each sector, consisting of 16 checks at 99% Michelson contrast and 80 cd/m2 mean luminance, was controlled by a binary m-sequence in the time domain. The signal-to-noise ratio was generally larger in the pattern reversal than in the pattern pulse mode. The number of reliable responses was similar in the central sectors for the two stimulation modes. At the periphery, pattern reversal showed a larger number of reliable responses. Pattern pulse stimuli performed similarly to pattern reversal stimuli to generate reliable waveforms in R1 and R2. The advantage of using both protocols to study mfVEP responses is their complementarity: in some patients, reliable waveforms in specific sectors may be obtained with only one of the two methods. The joint analysis of pattern reversal and pattern pulse stimuli increased the rate of reliability for central sectors by 7.14% in R1, 5.35% in R2, 4.76% in R3, 3.57% in R4, 2.97% in R5, and 1.78% in R6. From R1 to R4 the reliability to generate mfVEPs was above 70% when using both protocols. Thus, for a very high reliability and thorough examination of visual performance, it is recommended to use both stimulation protocols.


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The luminance contrast sensitivity function has been investigated using behavioral and electrophysiological methods in many vertebrate species. Some features are conserved across species as a shape of the function, but other features, such as the contrast sensitivity peak value, spatial frequency contrast sensitivity peak, and visual acuity have changed. Here, we review contrast sensitivity across different classes of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the frequency contrast sensitivity peak and visual acuity. We also correlate the data obtained from the literature to test the power of the association between visual acuity and the spatial frequency of the contrast sensitivity function peak.


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An increase in dentin roughness, associated with surface composition, contributes to bacterial adherence in recontaminations. Surface roughness is also important for micromechanical interlocking of dental materials to dentin, and understanding the characteristics of the surface is essential to obtain the adhesion of root canal sealers that have different physico-chemical characteristics.


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O método eletromagnético GPR foi testado no mapeamento de camadas em depósitos de minérios, localizados em dois diferentes ambientes geológicos. Foram realizadas medidas com o intuito de mapear camadas que compõem depósitos de origem supergênica de bauxita laterítica e goethita. Os levantamentos para o mapeamento das camadas de bauxita foram realizados no município de Paragominas, no Pará. As medidas para o mapeamento das camadas de goethita foram realizadas no interior de uma fazenda particular, localizada entre os municípios de Xambioá e Vanderlândia, estado do Tocantins, próximo ao Cinturão Araguaia. O estudo teve como principal objetivo identificar os parâmetros profundidade e espessura das zonas mineralizadas, que podem auxiliar no trabalho de explotação dos minérios. Os resultados obtidos podem ser considerados bastante satisfatórios, pois o método apresentou boa resposta para os dois tipos de minérios investigados, tornando-se possível a caracterização das camadas e a verificação de suas profundidades e espessuras.


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Post-mortem bacterial culture and specific biochemical tests are currently performed to characterize the etiologic agent of bovine tuberculosis. Cultures take up to 90 days to develop. A diagnosis by molecular tests such as PCR can provide fast and reliable results while significantly decreasing the time of confirmation. In the present study, a nested-PCR system, targeting rv2807, with conventional PCR followed by real-time PCR, was developed to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) organisms directly from bovine and bubaline tissue homogenates. The sensitivity and specificity of the reactions were assessed with DNA samples extracted from tuberculous and non-tuberculous mycobacteria, as well as other Actinomycetales species and DNA samples extracted directly from bovine and bubaline tissue homogenates. Regarding the analytical sensitivity, DNA of the M. bovis AN5 strain was detected up to 1.5 pg by nested-PCR, whereas DNA of M. tuberculosis H37Rv strain was detected up to 6.1 pg. The nested-PCR system showed 100% analytical specificity for MTC when tested with DNA of reference strains of non-tuberculous mycobacteria and closely-related Actinomycetales. A clinical sensitivity level of 76.7% was detected with tissues samples positive for MTC by means of the culture and conventional PCR. A clinical specificity of 100% was detected with DNA from tissue samples of cattle with negative results in the comparative intradermal tuberculin test. These cattle exhibited no visible lesions and were negative in the culture for MTC. The use of the nested-PCR assay to detect M. tuberculosis complex in tissue homogenates provided a rapid diagnosis of bovine and bubaline tuberculosis.


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The search for new instruments to promote an appropriate cervical preparation has led to the development of new rotary instruments such as TripleGates. However, to the best of the authors' knowledge, there is no study evaluating TripleGates effect on the “risk zone” of mandibular molars. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a crown-down sequence of Gates-Glidden and TripleGates burs on the remaining cervical dentin thickness and the total amount of dentin removed from the root canals during the instrumentation by using cone beam computed tomography. The number of separated instruments was also evaluated. Material and Methods: Mesial roots of 40 mandibular first molars were divided into 2 equal groups: crown-down sequence of Gates-Glidden (#3, #2, #1) and TripleGates burs. Cervical dentin thickness and canal area were measured before and after instrumentation by using cone beam computed tomography and image analysis software. Student’s t-test was used to determine significant differences at p<0.05. Results: No significant differences (p>0.05) were observed between the instruments, regarding the root canal area and dentin wall thickness. Conclusion: Both tested instruments used for cervical preparation were safe to be used in the mesial root canal of mandibular molars.


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Realizou-se um estudo das deficiências minerais em vacas em lactação de rebanhos leiteiros pertencentes a 13 propriedades da bacia leiteira do município de Rondon do Pará, estado do Pará. Foram determinados os níveis de fósforo (P) no osso, e os níveis de cobre (Cu), cobalto (Co), selênio (Se) e zinco (Zn) no fígado de 47 vacas leiteiras no 2º terço da lactação. Estas amostras foram coletadas por meio de biópsias realizadas no terço superior da 12a costela do lado direito e no bordo caudal do lobo caudado do fígado, respectivamente. Os rebanhos eram formados por animais mestiços (Holandes x Zebu), mantidos em sistema de produção extensivo em pastos de Brachiaria brizantha cv Marandu e recebiam suplementação mineral. A mistura mineral em 12 propriedades era do tipo comercial, dita "completa", acrescida de quantidades de NaCl acima do recomendado pelos fabricantes em dez propriedades. Em sete propriedades as misturas minerais eram fornecidas em cochos sem cobertura e em oito, o fornecimento da mistura mineral não era realizado diariamente. Em 11 propriedades, havia históricos clínicos condizentes com deficiências minerais nos rebanhos. Nessas fazendas a retenção de placenta e a osteofagia foram as alterações mais relatadas. Após as análises minerais observou-se deficiência de P em cinco propriedades, de Co em três propriedades, de Se em nove propriedades e de Zn em dez propriedades. Conclui-se que ocorre a deficiência de P, Co, Se e Zn; a suplementação mineral realizada na maioria das propriedades não atendeu as exigências diárias de P, Se e Co, baseadas no consumo estimado de 30 g de NaCl/animal/dia; os cochos pouco adequados ou inadequados para a suplementação, assim como o fornecimento inconstante das misturas minerais possivelmente contribuíram para a deficiência de um ou mais minerais.


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O presente trabalho relata um surto de intoxicação por sal em ovinos no Brasil, em uma propriedade no estado do Pará. De um total de 545 ovinos, oito animais adoeceram (1,46%) e quatro destes morreram (50%). A avaliação das instalações e do manejo indicaram como fatores predisponentes a ingestão excessiva de mistura mineral e a restrição hídrica. Os principais sinais clínicos foram decúbito, diminuição ou ausência da sensibilidade cutânea, ausência dos reflexos de ameaça, palpebral e auricular, midríase, nistagmo, opistótono, espasticidade de membros, sonolência e estupor. Havia ainda, timpanismo, diarreia, taquipneia, taquicardia, desidratação e poliúria. A evolução do quadro clínico nos animais que morreram variou de duas horas e meia a 48 horas. As médias das concentrações séricas de sódio e de potássio de 31 ovinos do mesmo lote afetado pela intoxicação, em amostras colhidas durante o surto, revelaram hipernatremia (190mEq/l) e hipercalemia (8,2mEq/l). À necropsia, observou-se em um animal, achatamento das circunvoluções cerebrais. Microscopicamente, neste animal, evidenciou-se vacuolização moderada do neurópilo, particularmente nas lâminas intermediárias do córtex cerebral, com aumento dos espaços perineural e perivascular. Nessas áreas foram observados ainda, acentuada tumefação e edema dos astrócitos e necrose neuronal aguda. A dosagem de sódio no encéfalo de um ovino, revelou-se elevada com valor de 3.513ppm. O diagnóstico foi realizado com base na epidemiologia, nos sinais clínicos, nas lesões macro e microscópicas e nas dosagens de sódio no soro e no encéfalo dos ovinos.