14 resultados para descent

em Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe (CEPAL)


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The document What kind of State? What kind of equality? analyses the progress of gender equality in the region 15 years after the approval of the Beijing Platform for Action, 10 years after the drafting of the Millennium Development Goals and 3 years after the adoption of the Quito Consensus at the tenth session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, held in 2007. It also examines the achievements made and challenges faced by governments in light of the interaction between the State, the market and families as social institutions built on the foundation of policies, laws, and customs and habits which, together, establish the conditions for renewing or perpetuating gender and social hierarchies.


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Incluye Bibliografía.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes Bibliography


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Presentación .-- I. Antecedentes generales .-- II. Marcos para la implementación de la agenda regional en población y desarrollo .-- III. Operacionalización de las medidas prioritarias del Consenso de Montevideo sobre Población y Desarrollo: A. Integración plena de la población y su dinámica en el desarrollo sostenible con igualdad de género y respeto de los derechos humanos. B. Derechos, necesidades, responsabilidades y demandas de niños, niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes. C. Envejecimiento, protección social y desafíos socioeconómicos. D. Acceso universal a los servicios de salud sexual y salud reproductiva. E. Igualdad de género. F. La migración internacional y la protección de los derechos humanos de todas las personas migrantes. G. Desigualdad territorial, movilidad espacial y vulnerabilidad. H. Pueblos indígenas: interculturalidad y derechos. I. Afrodescendientes: derechos y combate al racismo y la discriminación racial.


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Introduction .-- I. Background .-- II. Frameworks for implementing the regional agenda on population and development .-- III. Making operational the priority measures of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development: A. Full integration of population dynamics into sustainable development with gender equality and respect for human rights. B. Rights, needs, responsibilities and the demands of girls, boys, adolescents and youth. C. Ageing, social protection and socioeconomic challenges. D. Universal access to sexual and reproductive health services. E. Gender equality. F. International migration and protection of the human rights of all migrants. G. Territorial inequality, spatial mobility and vulnerability. H. Indigenous peoples: interculturalism and rights. I. Afro-descendants: rights and combating racial discrimination.


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Este documento constituye la contribución de la Mesa Directiva de la Conferencia Regional sobre Población y Desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe a la Segunda Reunión de la Conferencia Regional, que se realizará en la Ciudad de México, del 6 al 9 de octubre de 2015. Es un instrumento técnico, en que se proporcionan a los países de la región orientaciones específicas para la implementación de las medidas prioritarias del Consenso de Montevideo sobre Población y Desarrollo y se ofrecen insumos relevantes para el monitoreo de dicha implementación, tanto a escala nacional como regional.


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This document is the contribution of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean to the second session of the Regional Conference, to be held in Mexico City, on 6-9 October 2015. It is a technical tool intended to provide the countries of the region with specific guidelines for implementing the priority measures set forth in the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development, and offers relevant inputs for monitoring that implementation at the national and regional levels.