34 resultados para Rural Areas
em Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe (CEPAL)
Incluye Bibliografía
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Incluye bibliografía
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
In this, the sixth in the series of documents entitled “Outlook for Agriculture and Rural Development in the Americas,” the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) analyze the trends in, and outlook for, the macroeconomic and sectoral contexts, agriculture, rural well-being, and policies and the institutional framework in the sector. The document presents proposals for policies needed to enable the region’s agriculture to regain its former buoyancy and to enhance the development of rural areas. It also includes recommendations designed to mitigate the impact of the economic slowdown in agriculture, spur higher agricultural productivity in the region, foster the integrated management of natural resources, and facilitate the successful incorporation of family farmers, young people, and rural women into agricultural value chains.
Como se señala en esta nueva edición de Coyuntura Laboral en América Latina y el Caribe, publicación semestral elaborada en forma conjunta por la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) y la Oficina para el Cono Sur de América Latina de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), la debilidad de la generación de empleo se manifiesta en la tercera caída anual consecutiva de la tasa de ocupación, que se redujo 0,4 puntos porcentuales en 2015, lo que implica una reducción del número de perceptores de ingresos laborales por hogar. El descenso correspondiente de los ingresos ha desempeñado un papel muy significativo en el aumento estimado de la pobreza durante 2015. En la segunda sección de este informe, se analiza la evolución del empleo en las áreas rurales de los países de la región entre 2005 y 2014, en un esfuerzo por comprender si las mejoras que se observan para los mercados laborales en su conjunto entre ambos años también se registraron en el ámbito rural y si se redujeron las brechas respecto a las zonas urbanas. Los datos presentados en esa sección se obtuvieron mediante un procesamiento especial de las encuestas de hogares de los países.
This new edition of Employment situation in Latin America and the Caribbean, a twice-yearly report prepared jointly by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Office for the Southern Cone of Latin America of the International Labour Organization (ILO), discusses how weak job creation led to the third consecutive annual decline in the employment rate, which fell by 0.4 percentage points in 2015, indicating a reduction in the number of labour income earners per household. The ensuing drop in household income has played a large part in the increase estimated in the poverty rate for 2015. The second section of this report examines employment trends in rural areas of the countries of the region between 2005 and 2014, seeing to establish whether the improvements seen in the labour markets overall in that period also occurred in rural areas, and whether the gaps compared with urban areas decreased. The data presented in that section were generated from special processing of data from national household surveys.