15 resultados para QQV-65 questionnaire
em Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe (CEPAL)
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Distribución del ingreso, pobreza y gasto social en América Latina / José Antonio Ocampo. -- Gasto militar y el desarrollo en América Latina / Eugenio Lahera y Marcelo Ortúzar. -- Crecimiento, justicia distributiva y poiítica social / Andrés Solimano. -- Equidad, inversión extranjera y competitividad internacional / Adolfo Figueroa. -- Tensiones en ei ajuste estructural en América Latina: asignación vs. distribución / Daniel M. Schydlowsky. -- Competitividad y regulaciones laborales / Luis Beccaria y Pedro Galín. -- Familias latinoamericanas: convergencias y divergencias de modelos y políticas / Irma Arriagada. -- Los acuerdos de libre comercio y el trabajo de las mujeres: el caso de Chile / Alicia Frohmann y Pilar Romaguera. -- Evolución macroeconómica del Paraguay 1989-1997: burbuja de consumo y crisis financier / Stéphane Straub. -- Estrategias de las empresas mexicanas en sus procesos de internacionalización / Alejandra Salas-Porras. -- La regulación de la prestación privada de servicios de agua potable y alcantarillado / Terence R. Lee y Andrei S. Jouravlev. -- Promoción de la calidad para mejorar la competitividad / Hessel Schuurman.
Income distribution, poverty and social expenditure in Latin America / José Antonio Ocampo. -- Military expenditure and development in Latin America / Eugenio Lahera and Marcelo Ortúzar. -- Growth, distributive justice and social policy / Andrés Solimano. -- Equity, foreign investment and international competitiveness / Adolfo Figueroa. -- Tensions in Latin American structural adjustment: allocation versus distribution / Daniel M. Schydlowsky. -- Competitiveness and labour regulations / Luis Beccaria and Pedro Galin. -- Latin American families: convergences and divergences in models and policies / Irma Arriagada. -- Free trade agreements and female labour: the Chilean situation / Alicia Frohmann and Pilar Romaguera. -- Macroeconomic trends in Paraguay from 1989 to 1997: consumption bubble and financial crisis / Stephane Straub. -- The strategies pursued by Mexican firms in their efforts to become global players / Alejandra Salas-Porras. -- Regulating the private provision of drinking water and sanitation services / Terence R, Lee and Andrei S. Jouravlev. -- Quality management promotion to improve competitiveness / Hessel Schuurman.
This manual documents some of the material related to the Survey of Living Conditions and Household Budgets (SLC/HBS) conducted in Saint Lucia by the Kairi Consultants Limited and National Assessment Team between 2005 and 2006. The SLC/HBS is a sample survey which generates data on households and individuals in the country. The main objectives of this survey were (i) to collect information from households on their expenditure patterns, income and other characteristics and; (ii) to revise the 'average shopping basket' used in constructing the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the country, and the relative weights of the items in the basket. The survey also provided valuable data for an assessment of the impact of socio-economic policies on the living conditions of the resident population in Saint Lucia. Further, data on households gathered in the survey also provide valuable inputs for the compilation of the country's National Accounts statistics relating to the household sector. This manual was developed by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) – Subregional Headquarters in the Caribbean as a supplementary document for the Caribbean Household Surveys Database (CHSD). The main components of this manual include survey methodology and the questionnaires used for data collection. The latter are included in the annex at the end of the document. All information contained therein was provided by the Statistics Department in Saint Lucia. The ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean is pleased to acknowledge the Saint Lucia Statistics Department for graciously consenting to the use of their surveys and metadata under the project Improving Caribbean Household Surveys. Due recognition must also be given to the Statistics and Economics Projection Division at ECLAC (Santiago) who provided guidance in the standardization of the datasets and the creation of the Caribbean Household Surveys Databank.
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