13 resultados para Propensity
em Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe (CEPAL)
Incluye Bibliografía
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Incluye bibliografía.
El objetivo es evaluar los efectos del programa Bolsa Família (PBF) en los gastos de las familias beneficiarias en: alimentos, frutas, carnes y pescados, aves y huevos, verduras, cereales y oleaginosas, harinas y pastas, tubérculos y raíces, azúcar, productos de panadería, bebidas alcohólicas, educación, higiene, salud y materiales escolares. En la estimación se utilizaron microdatos de la Encuesta de Presupuestos Familiares del Brasil 2008-2009. La metodología para calcular el efecto medio del tratamiento en los tratados fue el emparejamiento por puntaje de propensión (propensity score matching). Los resultados fueron estadísticamente significativos respecto de los gastos en: i) alimentos; ii) aves y huevos; iii) legumbres y verduras; iv) cereales, leguminosas y oleaginosas; v) harinas, féculas y pastas; vi) tubérculos y raíces; vii) azúcares y derivados, y viii) artículos escolares. Se observa que las familias beneficiarias aumentaron la adquisición de bienes prioritarios y de materiales escolares, que suponen una inversión en educación.
Includes bibliography.
Includes bibliography.
In 2009 Argentina implemented the Universal Child Allowance for Social Protection (AUH), a cash transfer programme for households with children. Coverage provided by the contributory family allowance programme was extended to parents who are unemployed or who work in the informal sector (domestic workers, for example). This paper uses the difference-in-difference estimator and propensity score matching techniques to evaluate the short-term effects of the auh on adult labour participation and income generation. The results suggest that, during its first year of operation, no significant disincentives to work were generated by the programme, given that it did not discourage adults from working or lead to a reduction in the number of hours worked. These findings are highly relevant in the Latin American context where these kinds of cash transfers have become an important component of social protection systems.
A literatura sobre os determinantes do desempenho exportador das firmas industriais é ampla e bem diversificada, tanto na metodologia como nos resultados encontrados Para o caso dos países em desenvolvimento, em particular, a identificação destes determinantes não é tão convergente no sentido de que as relações de causalidade não são claras no que toca à sua direção e à relevância de determinada relação para um país específico. As relações comumente testadas no nível da firma industrial para estes países são as entre exportações e origem do capital (em particular, firmas estrangeiras), inovação e exportações, tamanho, produtividade e exportações, intensidade tecnológica setorial e exportações, eficiência de escala e exportações, indicadores de desempenho, custos fixos, freqüência das exportações e desempenho exportador. Os trabalhos mais recentes no Brasil têm focalizado mais o papel da eficiência de escala como determinante das exportações e o impacto das empresas transnacionais sobre o comércio exterior. Um passo metodológico à frente foi o uso das técnicas de Propensity Score Matching (PSM) para identificar as firmas potencialmente exportadoras, ou seja, firmas não exportadoras que possuem características produtivas e tecnológicas semelhantes a firmas exportadoras, o que contribui para trazer novas luzes à formulação de uma política industrial e tecnológica para o comércio exterior, pois vai além das proposições de reforçar as firmas exportadoras já existentes, ampliando o foco das políticas para exportadores potenciais. O objetivo aqui é trazer uma dimensão espacial do potencial exportador das firmas industriais brasileiras, através da análise das seguintes questões: (1) existe ou não um padrão locacional das firmas industriais que possuem probabilidade de exportar, isto é, das firmas com algum potencial exportador, seja este realizado ou não?; (2) existem determinantes espaciais das firmas com potencial exportador?; (3) existem determinantes espaciais específicos para as firmas com potencial exportador não realizado?
This paper contributes to the empirical literature that evaluates the effects of public financial support to innovation on innovation expenditures, innovation itself and productivity in developing countries. Propensity score matching techniques and data from Innovation Surveys are used to analyse the impacts of public financial support to innovation on Uruguayan firms. The results indicate that there is no crowding-out effect of private innovation investment by public funds and that public financial support in Uruguay seems to increase private innovation expenditures. Financial support also appears to induce increased research and development expenditures and innovative sales, with these effects being greatest for service firms. Public funds do not, however, significantly stimulate private expenditures by firms that would have carried out innovation activities even in the absence of financial support.
Innovation and internationalization in services are key drivers of structural transformation, productivity growth and overall economic performance in Latin America. The services sector accounts for two thirds of the region’s GDP and provides over 60% of its employment. These shares are higher than in other developing regions, but still lower than in countries with higher levels of per capita income. The spread of information and communication technologies in Latin America over the past three decades has vastly enhanced both the tradability of services and the sector’s propensity to innovate. Long considered unrelated processes, both internationalization and innovation are today widely recognized as key and complementary sources of firm-level competitiveness and human capital enhancement. The advent of many novel types of business and consumer services is furthermore a key factor in the rising insertion of Latin American firms in regional and global value chains and transnational production networks, which are now the predominant form of organization of international production and trade. This volume explores three different levels of interaction between internationalization and innovation in the services sector in Latin America. Part I analyses the role of services in manufacturing and other sectors’ global value chains from a theoretical perspective, drawing on the experiences of Brazil and Mexico. Part II reviews innovation and internationalization policies and their effects on the performance of the services sector. Part III presents a series of case studies on innovation and internationalization linkages in Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica and Mexico. The book concludes that, in order for Latin American countries and firms to upgrade into services value chains, public and private initiatives must generate a host of regional public goods —enhanced investment climates, supply of skills, greater access to finance, improved protection of intellectual property, better value appropriation, enhanced efforts at standardization and quality certification— to strengthen the links between innovation and internationalization.
El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en determinar cuál es el “premio”, en términos de rendimiento educativo, de los estudiantes beneficiados con el Programa Conectar Igualdad con respecto a aquellos que no participaron en él. Con este fin, se emplea la técnica de emparejamiento o método de psm (propensity score matching). Se describen los antecedentes del Programa, así como el marco teórico con que se definen los factores explicativos del rendimiento educativo y que posiblemente inciden en la probabilidad de participar en el Programa. La población bajo estudio son los estudiantes de 15 años de la Argentina. Se emplean datos del Programa Internacional de Evaluación de Estudiantes (PISA) correspondientes al año 2012. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el rendimiento educativo promedio derivadas de la participación en el Programa Conectar Igualdad.