28 resultados para Op-ed pages
em Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe (CEPAL)
Special Issue:Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and theCaribbean 2001 Regional Panorama Op-ed: The Third Economic Crisis in Less Than a Decade (Jose Antonio Ocampo, Executive Secretary of ECLAC). The External Sector The After-Effects of 11 September Macroeconomic Policy and Reforms Succession of Crises Domestic Performance Statistical Appendix Recent Titles Calendar
Regional Perspective Op-ed of ECLAC Executive Secretary, José Antonio Ocampo Over Half of Latin America's Children and Adolescents Are Poor Recommendations for Building Equity Achievements and Challenges in the Fight Against Poverty Social Expenditure in Latin America Rose 50% During the 1990s Inequity Holds Steady in the Region Families: Diagnosis and Public Policies Statistical appendix Recent titles and calendar of events
Social Cohesion: Inclusion and a Sense of Belonging in Latin America and the Caribbean Fiscal Policy in Boom Times Op-ed by ECLAC's Executive Secretary, José Luis Machinea: For Latin America and the Caribbean, a Time of Opportunities and Threats Highlights: eLAC2007 Regional Action Plan: New Regional Group Works for an Inclusive Information Society. By Marta Maurás, Secretary of the Commission, ECLAC Indicators Corporate Governance, Social Responsibility and Business Strategies in Latin America Recent titles Calendar of events
Social Panorama Of Latin America 2001-2002 High Student Drop-Out Rates in Latin America Poverty Increased in Lost Half-Decade. Op-ed by José Antonio Ocampo, ECLAC's Executive Secretary Highlights: International Migration, Vulnerability and Human Rights Indicators Supply of Skilled Labour Doesn't Meet Current Needs Recent titles and calendar of events
Special Issue: Preliminay Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean, 2003 Regional Overview Op-ed by José Luis Machinea, ECLAC's Executive Secretary. Reflections on the Improved Scenario Expected for This Year The External Sector Latin America and the Caribbean: Trade Negotiations Macroeconomic Policy Internal Performance Statistical Appendix Recent Titles Calendar of Events
ECLAC Proposes for Latin America and the Caribbean a Social Protection Covenant Shaping the Future of Social Protection. Op-ed by ECLAC's Executive Secretary, José Luis Machinea Reform Agenda in Health Pension System Reforms Should Expand Coverage Resolutions approved during ECLAC's Thirty-first Session Social Programmes Help to Offset the Region's Poverty but Still Face Major Challenges Human Rights and Development to the Centre of Debate on Migration Challenges and Opportunities for Migration Governance Prospects for Growth Statistical Appendix Recent Titles Calendar
Foreign Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean Increased in 2006 Investment and Corporate Strategies of Korea and Portugal in Latin America and the Caribbean Op ed by ECLAC's Executive Secretary, José Luis Machinea: The Challenge of Attracting Quality Foreign Direct Investment Highlights.Towards the 10th Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean Indicators The Risks and Opportunities of Bioenergy Recent titles Calendar of events
Foreign Direct Investment Flows to Latin America Plunged by One-Third in 2002 More of an Opportunity than a Limitation Op-ed by Ricardo Ffrench-Davis: Economic Reforms to Grow with Equity Highlights: New Options to Attract Foreign Investment Indicators The Competitiveness of Agrifoods in Central America and the Caribbean Recent Titles Calendar
Latin America and the Caribbean's Trade Rises for the Second Year Running China Seeking to Strengthen Economic Ties with Latin American Countries Op-ed by José Luis Machinea: A New Phase in Regional Integration Highlights by Ricardo Ffrench-Davis: Financial Crises in Emerging Economies: Not Just Bad Luck nor Pure Contagion Indicators It's Time to Reduce the Bias Against Public Investment Recent Titles Calendar
Latin American and Caribbean Economies Register 5% Growth in 2007, with Projections of 4.6% for 2008. Strengthening the Region's Economic Ties with Asian Countries Op-ed by ECLAC Executive Secretary, José Luis Machinea. Region Should Foster Improved Participation in the Global Trade in Modern Services. Highlights. From eLAC2007 to eLAC2010: the Progress in Latin American and Caribbean Information Societies. Indicators Children and Adolescents. Most Lack Access to Drinking Water and Sanitation. Recent titles. Calendar of events
Poverty in Latin America Continues to Decrease for the Third Consecutive Year Community Response to Domestic Violence Wins Social Innovation Competition Our Region Can Achieve More. Op-ed by ECLAC's Executive Secretary, José Luis Machinea Highlights. Fernando Fajnzylber: A Vision of Renewal for Latin American Development. By Ernesto Ottone, Acting Deputy Executive Secretary of ECLAC Indicators Indigenous People of Latin America: New Obligations for 21st Century Democracies Recent titles Calendar of events
ECLAC Forecasts 5% Growth in 2006 for Latin America and the Caribbean Changing Role of the Family in Social Protection Op-ed by ECLAC's Executive Secretary, José Luis Machinea. Latin America and the High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development Highlights. On the Difference between Resources Generated within the Region and the Resources Available to its Residents Indicators Science, Innovation and Competitiveness: Experiences from Australia and New Zealand Recent titles Calendar of events
Region is on Track to Fulfil the Millennium Development Goal of Reducing Extreme Poverty by Half. ECLAC Calls for More Pro-Active Policies to Reduce Inequality in Educational Systems. Three Considerations on Fighting Poverty and Indigence in Latin America. Op-ed by ECLAC's Executive Secretary, José Luis Machinea. Highlights. At the Tipping Point, by Ban Ki-moon, United Nations' Secretary-General. Indicators Against Gender Violence and for More Active Participation of Women in Peacekeeping Operations. Recent titles. Calendar of events
Ambitious goals to develop information societies by 2010 Recession in the United States could reduce remittances to Latin America ECLAC at 60: Contributions to the development of Latin America and the Caribbean and the challenges ahead. Op-ed by ECLAC's Executive Secretary, José Luis Machinea Highlights. Budgeting in Latin America and the Caribbean. By Ricardo Martner The Fair goes to the plaza: "Experiences in social innovation," Porto Alegre 2007 Recent publications Calendar of events
International Trade from the Region Continues to Grow in 2006-2007 China and India: New Opportunities for Latin American Exports Op-ed by ECLAC's Executive Secretary, José Luis Machinea: ECLAC Urges Deepening of Regional Integration Highlights. Five Ways to Improve Poverty Programmes from a Social Capital Approach Indicators Women and Employment: Reform of the Health Sector in Argentina Recent Titles Calendar