16 resultados para Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center

em Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe (CEPAL)


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Includes bibliography


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Analiza el rol del sector agricola en el desarrollo economico de la region, con especial referencia a Trinidad y Tabago, y presenta una serie de consideraciones en favor de la asignacion de recursos y de la integracion de la investigacion agricola en los programas de desarrollo nacional.


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Presenta una serie de consideraciones acerca de la importancia de la investigacion agricola como fuente de crecimiento del sector y de la necesidad de colaboracion entre las agencias de investigacion nacionales y regionales, asi como los criterios recomendados para hacer efectiva dicha colaboracion.


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Resume las discusiones principales, los logros y las recomendaciones del taller sobre politica y administracion de la investigacion agricola en el Caribe. Incluye los informes de los grupos de trabajo sobre productos basicos especificos y otros temas especializados.


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Includes bibliography


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Introduction There is a renewed call for a new approach to development with emphasis on community empowerment or participation, with the belief that more sustainable activities will be undertaken in those communities. Much of that call, however, is coming not from within the communities, but primarily from advocates of change who may have little to do with those communities. What then will the new approach bring apart from a change in who are the decision-makers? And how do we ensure that the change that is called for will, in fact, bring added benefits to the communities themselves? To be sure, there are some successful stories of a community approach to problem solving. However, there are also many more stories of project failures. Serious analytical work, therefore, needs to be done to determine the factors that promote a successful community-based approach; when this approach should be used; and the methodology that should be employed. In an attempt to determine these factors, a brief analysis will be made of some of the governing structures in the subregion and their possible impact on the proposed new approach. Some of the earlier efforts at stakeholder and community approach to projects will also be examined as well as the new development strategy that is prompting the call for this new paradigm. The new paradigm focuses to a large extent on decision-making and community empowerment. With few exceptions, it is short on the promotion of tangible activities that are based on the resource inventory of the communities. This is not surprising, since, as noted before, the advocates of community empowerment may have very little connection with the communities and, in most cases, are unfamiliar with the resource base. Hence, a theoretical case is made, suggesting more style than substance. Another obvious shortcoming of this new paradigm is its continued over- dependence on assistance from the outside to build communities. Externally funded projects, seminars and meetings outside of the communities and foreign technical assistance continue to dominate these projects. While, of course, all communities have basic common needs such as water, health, education and electricity, there is sufficient diversity within communities to allow for tailoring of activities and programmes such that their differences become assets. It is in that context, that agro-tourism activities, standards, agricultural diversification, food and nutrition and priority setting have been chosen as aspects and activities for promoting community development, drawing on the various strengths of communities, rural or urban.


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Las tasas de urbanizacion de America Latina son las mas altas del mundo y los problemas generados por ellas seguiran influyendo en el desarrollo politico, economico y social de la region en los anos futuros. Las necesidades de formacion de profesionales y de investigacion en el campo del desarrollo urbano son tan enormes y los esfuerzos desplegados tan escasos, que se requiere un enfoque enteramente nuevo de parte de las agencias interamericanas. En este sentido, se propone la formacion de un Consejo de Asuntos Urbanos de las organizaciones interamericanas destinado a: a).orientar y financiar los esfuerzos y prestar asesoria en problemas de urbanizacion; b).establecer, en el largo plazo, centros de estudios urbanos y de planificacion nacionales y/o regionales; c).asesorar a las universidades a traves de grants, becas y bolsas viajeras e incrementar el numero actual de becas en desarrollo urbano; d).patrocinar la elaboracion de materiales para la formacion de urbanistas.