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em Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe (CEPAL)
This manual contains information on the dataset compiled from the Survey of Living Conditions and Household Budgets (SLC/HBS) conducted in Saint Lucia by the Kairi Consultants Limited and National Assessment Team between 2005 and 2006. The SLC/HBS is a sample survey which generates data on households and individuals in the country. This manual was developed by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) – Subregional Headquarters in the Caribbean as a supplementary document for the Caribbean Household Surveys Database (CHSD). It is sectioned out into two main parts- section one provides brief description of the survey and section two contains a concise data dictionary of variables generated from the survey as well as additional variables created by ECLAC. In addition, for ease of reference, an index of all variables in the database is included at the end of the document.
This manual documents some of the material related to the Survey of Living Conditions and Household Budgets (SLC/HBS) conducted in Saint Lucia by the Kairi Consultants Limited and National Assessment Team between 2005 and 2006. The SLC/HBS is a sample survey which generates data on households and individuals in the country. The main objectives of this survey were (i) to collect information from households on their expenditure patterns, income and other characteristics and; (ii) to revise the 'average shopping basket' used in constructing the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the country, and the relative weights of the items in the basket. The survey also provided valuable data for an assessment of the impact of socio-economic policies on the living conditions of the resident population in Saint Lucia. Further, data on households gathered in the survey also provide valuable inputs for the compilation of the country's National Accounts statistics relating to the household sector. This manual was developed by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) – Subregional Headquarters in the Caribbean as a supplementary document for the Caribbean Household Surveys Database (CHSD). The main components of this manual include survey methodology and the questionnaires used for data collection. The latter are included in the annex at the end of the document. All information contained therein was provided by the Statistics Department in Saint Lucia. The ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean is pleased to acknowledge the Saint Lucia Statistics Department for graciously consenting to the use of their surveys and metadata under the project Improving Caribbean Household Surveys. Due recognition must also be given to the Statistics and Economics Projection Division at ECLAC (Santiago) who provided guidance in the standardization of the datasets and the creation of the Caribbean Household Surveys Databank.
This study is a measure of the impact of the yachting sector in Saint Lucia specific to the terms of reference as presented by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). This study is part of the project: Development of a Subregional Marinebased Tourism Strategy, co-funded by the Government of the Netherlands, which is aimed at the development of sustainable yachting in the Eastern Caribbean and focuses on the island arc from the British Virgin Islands in the north to Trinidad and Tobago in the south. This study was compiled based on information gathered through interviews, reviewing of existing data and current findings and observations in areas where data was not presented. This study reviews specifically the yachting sector, or pleasure boat industry, which can be defined as a complex set of activities that are required to sustain boating and cruising in Saint Lucia. These activities are emphasized by yachting tourists, who are visitors to the island, staying for more than 24 hours on their vessels. A comp
Includes bibliography
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean embarked on a project "Development of a Subregional Marine-based Tourism Strategy" in 2001. The project, co-funded by the Government of the Netherlands, is aimed at the development of sustainable yachting tourism in the Eastern Caribbean and focuses on the island arc from the British Virgin Islands in the north to Trinidad and Tobago in the south. The project includes the conduct of national studies in the British Virgin Islands, St. Maarten, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada and Trinidad and Tobago. In all countries the national studies were preceded by consultations with the private and public sector and, following completion of the national reports, the findings were similarly discussed through a private and public sector consultation. On 26 March 2003, as part of the project's activities, a national consultation on yachting in Grenada was convened by the Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Culture, Social Security, Gender and Family Affairs in collaboration with the Marine and Yachting Association of Grenada (MAYAG); and ECLAC. One of the objectives of the consultation was to review the report "Grenada, Carriacou and Petit Martinique: The Yachting Sector" that was prepared by the ECLAC Subregional Headquarters of the Caribbean and co-sponsored by the Government of the Netherlands. A second objective included the provision of a forum for a private sector-government discussion on yachting and the pleasure boat industry and its contribution to Grenada. The final objective was the identification of ways and means to increase the contribution of yachting as a viable component of the tourism industry in Grenada.