21 resultados para Industrial sectors

em Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe (CEPAL)


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Much has been said about possible symptoms of Dutch disease in Colombia in the wake of a marked upsurge in commodity prices and the significant real appreciation of the national currency. This paper examines whether the real effective exchange rate had an impact on industry during the period 2000-2010. Specifically, it evaluates the effect of the appreciation of the real exchange rate on the value added of 63 industrial sectors in Colombia using the Arellano and Bond (1991) generalized method of moments (gmm) estimator. Overall, our results confirm a negative relationship between real exchange rate appreciation and industry. The analysis showed that real exchange rate appreciation had a significant impact on the value added of 21 sectors: a negative effect for 18 sectors and a positive effect for 3 sectors.


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Aspects of recent developments in the Latin American and Caribbean labour markets / Jürgen Weller .-- The earnings share of total income in Latin America, 1990-2010 / Martín Abeles, Verónica Amarante and Daniel Vega .-- Latin America: Total factor productivity and its components / Jair Andrade Araujo, Débora Gaspar Feitosa and Almir Bittencourt da Silva .-- Financial constraints on economic development: Theory and policy for developing countries / Jennifer Hermann .-- The impact of China’s incursion into the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on intra-industry trade / Jorge Alberto López A., Óscar Rodil M. and Saúl Valdez G. .-- Work, family and public policy changes in Latin America: Equity, maternalism and co-responsibility / Merike Blofield and Juliana Martínez F. .-- A first approach to the impact of the real exchange rate on industrial sectors in Colombia / Lya Paola Sierra and Karina Manrique L. .-- Global integration, disarticulation and competitiveness in Mexico’s electromechanical sector: A structural analysis / Raúl Vázquez López .-- Technological capacity-building in unstable settings: Manufacturing firms in Argentina and Brazil / Anabel Marín, Lilia Stubrin and María Amelia Gibbons .-- Index of political instability in Brazil, 1889-2009 / Jaime Jordan Costantini and Mauricio Vaz Lobo Bittencourt


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The current energy systems within Curaçao depend primarily on high cost, imported fossil fuels, and typically constitute power sectors that are characterized by small, inefficient generation plants which result in high energy prices. As a consequence of its dependence on external fuel supplies, Curaçao is extremely vulnerable to international oil price shocks, which can impact on economic planning and foreign direct investment within their industrial sectors. The ability of the successive governments to source capital for economic stimulation and social investment is therefore significantly challenging. Additionally, there is over-dependence on two of the most climate-sensitive economic sectors, namely the tourism and fisheries sectors, but the vulnerabilities of the country to the effects of climate change make adaptation difficult and costly. It is within this context that this report focuses on identification of the fiscal and regulatory barriers to implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in Curaçao with a view of making recommendations for removal of these barriers. Consultations with key Government officials, the private sector as well as civil society were conducted to obtain information and data on the energy sector in the country. Desktop research was also conducted to supplement the information gathered from the consultations. The major result of the assessment is that Curaçao is at an early stage in the definition of its energy sector. Despite some infrastructural legacies of the pre-independence era, as well as a number of recent developments including the modernization and expansion of its windfarms and completion of a modern Electricity Policy, there are still a number of important institutional and policy gaps within the energy sector in Curaçao. The most significant deficiency is the absence of a ministry or Government agency with portfolio responsibility for the energy sector as a whole; this has: limited the degree to which the activities of energy sector stakeholders are coordinated and retarded the development and implementation of a comprehensive national energy policy. The absence of an energy policy, which provides the framework for energy planning, increases investor risk. Also, the lack of political continuity that has emanated from the frequent changes in Government administrations is a concern among stakeholders and has served to reduce investor confidence in particular, and market confidence in general.


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This study econometrically analyses the projected impact of climate change on the water sector of nine Caribbean countries to 2100: Aruba, Barbados, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Montserrat, Jamaica, Netherlands Antilles, Saint Lucia, and Trinidad and Tobago. Overall, all countries, with the exception of Trinidad and Tobago, are expected to suffer aggregate losses as result of climate change in the early periods ca. 2020 under one or more scenarios. Over time, some countries experience declining negative impacts, as in the case of Guyana under the B2 scenario. Some countries, such as the Dominican Republic, is projected to suffer increasing losses under the B2 scenario and, for others, the impacts do not follow a defined trend. The A2 scenario offers the best outcome for all countries, except Jamaica (where BAU is most desirable), Montserrat (which performs most poorly under the A2 scenario), and the Netherlands Antilles, which does best under the B2 case. Overall, relative to 2006, the total demand for water in the Caribbean is expected to fall by 2030 by 11.3% to approximately 12,967 million cubic meters. This is due to the expected fall in agricultural water demand by approximately 36% in that period. However, by 2050, total water demand for the Caribbean will again exceed the 2006 level by approximately 4% to 14,896.33 106 m3. By 2100, water demand will increase almost fivefold to approximately 69,233.69 106 m3. Climate change is expected to affect all countries in the Caribbean. In some cases, there will be positive impacts that may continue to increase over time and, in other cases, the impact will be negative and worsen over time. Overall, the agricultural sector is expected to suffer the worst losses over any scenario, whilst growth in the industrial sectors is expected to be significant and contribute the most to increasing water demand over time.


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